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Mocking mental health..the last straw

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posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 12:16 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Your financial services guy sounds like a dhead. In this day and age , where so much awareness is being brought to the forefront about mental health issues, there is absolutely no excuse for this type of talk. I see it on occasion on ATS as well.

I can understand why bipolar people have a harder time getting insurance, but to mock and make fun of them, adds insult to injury.

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

THere is no excuse for people that mock others that have had mental health issues. I remember reading your other threads.

Tape him covertly. It may be needed in future.

Start applying for other jobs, its easier to get a job whilst employed then when you are jobless

Good luck and stay strong.

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 01:22 PM
Some people lack compassion and empathy. I bet if they had a family member or friend that had a mental health issue, they would think differently. It shouldn't come to that though, common sense should tell them what an arse they are for behaving in such a manner as they have. Hugs!

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
So when this jerk off started mocking people with mental health issues, someone just like me, something SNAPPED inside. I don't like the word trigger because I feel it's used all too much for the smallest things but I guess you could say I was TRIGGERED by this. I am still bothered by it. I look at him and want to puke. I want to puke that everyone was laughing and finding humor in something they couldn't possibly understand. How is it funny? It is NOT! This is what is wrong with society! People finding humor in something so terrible and believe me being trapped in your mind is not fun!

It's not no, but if that is the way you are you need to find ways and means of coping with it that don't jeopardise your ability to support your family. Getting wound up by petty minded bull# is not going to help you, so until you find another job you need to find a way to deal with it. People see what they want to see, you're not responsible for that, they are. You're only responsible for you and your. All I can suggest is that you try your best to maintain your professionalism and make it clear by your non-participation in those jokes that you are not "playing" that game. And next time, look around the room, I bet you're not the only one who is uncomfortable, even if they're not brave enough to show it. We can all fall in with the crowd sometimes, just to feel as though we belong, or because we don't want to stick out, and sometimes we all need a little shove. So try shoving a little, most people have someone close to them with mental health issues, and some people are just scared of those that do. Show them there is nothing to be scared of. It's not all that much fun to begin with, but it gets better once you get an eye for those you can trust.

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 05:09 PM
I feel your pain and it sucks that people like this exist in our world. The way I see it, is those people are stuck in here as a reminder to me of who I am NOT. I just lost my job a few days ago because the vehicle broke down, with no way yet to fix it. So things are looking pretty dim right now. I don't have any serious mental illnesses that I know of, other than anxiety and depression sometimes. I did the cutting thing awhile back during the darkest of times, and now I feel dumb and embarrassed to go out in a short sleeve shirt because of the scares on my arm. I always try to wear long sleeve which I can't in summer.

I could go on for hours but just try to think positive. It seems in the end, it usually always works out, although not always as planned. The Universe will take care of you, if you trust it.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 12:56 AM
I believe a lot of that stems from ignorance and fear- of which the person does not know they have. May you find comfort in more compassionate people as soon as you can. Don't let them get to you. For some t's a process of them finally learning about these things themselves to become a better person. At the time not even sure if it' worth trying to educate some of them, but there may be at least one that you can get through to if wanting to put the effort forth.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: CosmicAwakening

I cut myself when I was younger. If you look very carefully you can still see the scars on my arms almost 30 years later. Most people don't look very carefully though. I wouldn't say I am ashamed of them, I'm certainly not proud of them though, but they are still a part of me, and they are evidence, for my own understanding, of what I was and how I overcame that. I still mess up, I'm only human, things go wrong, I go wrong, I no longer feel the need to punish myself for that, and I have more effective, kinder, coping mechanism. We all need something, sometimes, to get us through the night, that something doesn't need to be self-destructive. Or so I have found, it seems you have too.

For the OP, it might be of little or no help, but keeping your diet high in anti-inflammatory foods could assist you in managing your mental health issues, as may Milk Thistle if you have any estrogen related issues (ie if there is any correlation between when you ovulate and when you experience symptoms).

All the best to both of you.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
So we have weekly meetings at my job which are painful to sit through. Imagine being forced to listen to Trump for an hour every single week, that's how I look at it.

So this week the financial services guy, who I equate to a sleazy car salesman, was talking about who is our target audience and who isn't. Now he could have done it with tact but nobody here has that. Well he started laughing and mocking people with mental health, bi polar then cracking jokes about people who cut and hang them selves. I was APPALLED and on the verge of tears and ready to walk the F out. As someone who has battled mental health my ENTIRE LIFE it is people like him that make it hard for people like me to ask for help, discuss anything we may be feeling or even get proper care! Last year I was in a very bad place. I was out of work struggling to find a job. I had worked for a big bank where my manager had gotten a hold of my medical records that were for HR for disability on my bi polar. Well he used that against me all the time, mocked me and would write me up over any thing he could. Example, he changed my hours knowing I was getting a second job because I was only part time at the bank at this time. Well when he did that i was in tears, TEARS. I couldn't take the second job so I was stressed about how I would afford to move out of my mom's home with my son. What did this arsehole do? He wrote me up months later when he left for this incident saying I was insubordinate! I was crying that is it!! I hate him and wish horrible things on him daily. He made my life miserable at the bank, MISERABLE! Anyway after I left and because of what they did to me I was extremely depressed. I even had a nice (not really) overnight stay in the psych ward. I was lucky enough to have just received my taxes so I paid my bills up for 5 months so I could look for work and not be homeless. At the time i left the bank I had just moved into my own place about 6 months prior......well while I was out of work I had no money, I was being stalked and harassed by my ex bf's mother and sister (it was BAD) and my ex husband was a part of it and was also harassing me. I was in a bad place. I had never felt so helpless or low in my life... I started cutting, something i had never done, nor am I proud of it. It was a rough time from say February-July of 2017, a time I would like to forget. Oh and did i mention I had no insurance so seeking help was a complete joke.

So when this jerk off started mocking people with mental health issues, someone just like me, something SNAPPED inside. I don't like the word trigger because I feel it's used all too much for the smallest things but I guess you could say I was TRIGGERED by this. I am still bothered by it. I look at him and want to puke. I want to puke that everyone was laughing and finding humor in something they couldn't possibly understand. How is it funny? It is NOT! This is what is wrong with society! People finding humor in something so terrible and believe me being trapped in your mind is not fun!

Dearest... This No Rant! You Are Not Ranting...

The Safest Game To Play Is Not One You Learn From Another, But The One You Learn To Play Yourself.

Fill Your Life With As Much As You Can. Chores, Errands, Work, Studies, Etc... And Then You'll Learn To Smile Again. Soon!

I am Mentally Depraved... But My Dishes Are Always Clean.

Anyone can know these things I say. He is looking to Bank on something just like you. But unlike you, he is not honest. He is Depraved. And never ever going to fulfill anything quite like you did and can.

All hopes remain in chores, errands, general inspections, and so few but many more things. Not too many tho. They are just enough to have a day properly used. Also... The mind itself rewards itself. Just look and listen. Its there.

I, personally, like to Bank on truth. And she is there always trying to Bank on an ear.

edit on 21-9-2018 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

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