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I am a terriorist according to this. You might be too...

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posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 12:56 PM
I posted this in the NWO section, because I believe that the war on terrorism is a tool that the NWO is using to advance their worldly agenda.
Here are F.B.I documents that "define" a terriorist.
Hopefuly it is not a re-post.
According to this, I am a terriorist. I am a christian and a defender of the U.S. constitution against the federal gov't and the U.N. Especially the U.N.

I can't believe that this "pamphlet" was handed out to law enforcement officers by the F.B.I. This is totaly anti-american. This is nazi-like crap that pisses me off. Under the catagory of "single issue terriorsts" states that a lone individual is terriorist. God help us. Is this document not nazi/facist like crap? Am I wrong? I don't agree with groups like the KKK, Black separatists and some others on the document, but I don't define them as terrioists. If they brake the law, then procecute them under the laws they brake. According to this document, and section 802 of the patriot act, , anyone christian, lone individual, or anyone that brakes any misdeormeanor, or any felony law can be procecuted under the patriot act as a terriorist. It is not likely that it will happen, but the point is that it can happen. I want my liberties and freedom back.
Anyway, my point to the post is to provide this link for people to view the pamphlet passed out to law enfrocement officers in Phoenix. It wan't intended to be seen by "civilians". The law enforcement officers are "civilians", they are not military. Ooops. Rambling on.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 01:01 PM
It doesn't take that to tell you if you are a terrorist. Just ask yourself right now. Do you believe you government will take you away and even kill you for the thoughts you have in your head? If you answer yes then you are a terrorist. Even if you never say a word or do anything your whole life you are a terrorist. You are not the same and must be eliminated. They could call you guerilla, terrorist, rebel, insurgent, mentally ill - they are all the same label. Be happy to be a terrorist and resit the NWO

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 04:27 PM
I guess Im a terrorist too!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 04:39 PM
I Just Read The Pamphlet

Every type of group described by the FBI pamphlet has committed a violent terrorist act of some kind.

The profiles are reasonably accurate, and those types of groups do operate within the United States and are indeed credible threats that must be managed.

Every once in a while there's an incident, but they tend to be rare.

When it comes to terrorist activity, it's better to investigate false threats than to ignore real ones.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:16 PM
Majic to post honestly as you have stated, for me to think you condone this pamphlet sends chills up my back.

There was a Captain who led his army in a way that the very gates of Hell shook before him. He was honorable, trustworthy, loyal and did not delight in the shedding of blood. Yet he fought, he fought “In memory of our God, our religion, our freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children”

I hope in the next life you meet him. Take your communism somewhere else.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Majic
I Just Read The Pamphlet

Every type of group described by the FBI pamphlet has committed a violent terrorist act of some kind.

The profiles are reasonably accurate, and those types of groups do operate within the United States and are indeed credible threats that must be managed.

Every once in a while there's an incident, but they tend to be rare.

When it comes to terrorist activity, it's better to investigate false threats than to ignore real ones.

Crimes that might of been commited by any one of these groups didn't all qualify to be terrorism by nature. It is only now since we have the glorioius patriot act I and II that the crimes that they commit can be prosicuted as terriorist activity. Any crime, such as an individual J-walking, is now a terriorist act if homeland security or the F.B.I. wants to persue it that way. You sound like you approve of this activity by our gov't. Why should any agency have the right to investigate whomever they want? And your saying that ""defenders" of US constitution against federal government and the UN" must be managed? In what way? If that is true, then agencies should be all over the president because he takes an oath to defend the constitution of the United States during his swearing in ceremony. Under "single issue terriorists" the "lone individual" is anyone.......ANYONE! Don't you see what they snuck into this pamphlet. ANYONE IS A TERRORIST! Or mabey you are the type that have to see the long term affects of the patriot act to grasp what it has done to the U.S. constitution. The war on terrorism is also a war on the Constitution of the United States.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Majic
I Just Read The Pamphlet

Every type of group described by the FBI pamphlet has committed a violent terrorist act of some kind.

The profiles are reasonably accurate, and those types of groups do operate within the United States and are indeed credible threats that must be managed.

Every once in a while there's an incident, but they tend to be rare.

When it comes to terrorist activity, it's better to investigate false threats than to ignore real ones.

You are making a good point here.
The FBI has to monitor all potential threats to the United States even if groups are non-voilent.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 08:42 AM
dang, at 14 i had no idea that i could be a terrorist.... its really sad what this terrorism thing has come to....

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by firestarter666
dang, at 14 i had no idea that i could be a terrorist.... its really sad what this terrorism thing has come to....

dont get too paranoid about it. Nothing will come about it. Your young, go out and enjoy your life.

but i dont take too seriously because i think its made my Christian fundermentalists, so its probably "spiced up" abit

[edit on 24-2-2005 by infinite]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:28 AM
terrorism sucks, where is superman

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Mr Alexander
terrorism sucks, where is superman

one man terrorist is
another man's freedom fighter

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:48 AM
If you read carefully, the pamplet does says "...when they engage in illegal activity'. That's the line that's drawn. So go ahead, believe what you will, but, you're limited by less radical means by which to influence and change the system.

Of course, this implies having to ensure that our rights, our abilities to monitor, police and affect change from within the system aren't compromised.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Jadette
If you read carefully, the pamplet does says "...when they engage in illegal activity'.

Meaning, your only a terrorist if you engage in anything illegal. That means, the majority of us are not terrorists.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by infinite

The FBI has to monitor all potential threats to the United States even if groups are non-voilent.

Like non-violent protesters which are protected under the first amendement?
Like non-violent christians who are protected under the first amendment?
Like lone individuals?
Isn't it strange how they included christians in the pamphlet and not muslims?
How does the F.B.I determine who is a potential threat? According to the pamphlet, any and all citizens of the U.S. are potential terrorists. Any lone individual can qualify as a potential terrorist if a law enfrocement officer were to use the pamphlet as it is written and were also familiar with sec. 802 of the patriot act. If I or anyone were to commit a crime, I can be procecuted as a terrorist. That's BS!

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:59 PM
I know its crap, but it goes on all the time.
it has gone on before terrorists laws were redone after Sept.11th. Its just a fact of life.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Mr Alexander
terrorism sucks, where is superman

Superman was a 'lone in individual' and probably an advocate for the "'defense' of the US constitution" and animal rights for that matter. Making him, according to the FBI handout, a terrorist.

But thats ok. Osama, Superman and I are having a state sponsored party for terrorists at my place and since we are all terrorists now you are all invited.

BYO Drinks & nibbles!

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 02:08 PM
I for one probably can be defined as a "terrorist" due to my support of removing the Queen of England, use to be heavily envolved in Communist groups, plus i use to piss about on the phone by mentioning "trigger words".


im not a terrorist, but you can see how anyone can be under these laws.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by infinite]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:49 AM
Is this real? I dont beleive this is real. If so it is made by a bunch of people who probably deserve to die by terrorism.

I dont understand how a "defender of the constitution" would put you in the suspicious category. Also anyone can start a militia if you want. Some states say you cant, but I think that is anti-constitutional.

I guess the rest of their classification is ok, except I thought Marxist was Socialism? I was thinking about joining or starting a Socialist party, but not the 'normal' idea of socialism. More like healthcare and education and a centralized job database with training and other "programs" available, sort of what the Military is. Would I be in the terrorist category? That does not give them any right for probable cause.

And do they really need to put "weapons of mass destruction" in there? I mean if someone was dealing with WMD's I think it would automatically cause the police to investigate them and they dont need a pamphlet to tell them that. I hope cops arent this dumb.

Also being a "lone individual" also puts you in the terrorist category. That nice ill be sure to always have a wife or roomate. Else I am a terrorist.

What a bunch of idiocy made by some dudes with the IQ's of "pigs". Because thats what they are.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:24 AM
It is well known in jurisprudence that "any law contrary to the Constitution is null and void."

In the case of broad definitions, and vague generalizations, not to mention habeus corpus and our longstanding revulsion about "cruel and unusual punishment," we may understand exactly who is violating the Supreme Law of the Land, which is not the Supreme Court, but the Constitution.

Court decisions are not the law, although they would have you believe it as a matter of precedents. That is what is known as "case law," not the substance of law but the shadow. All of this is common knowledge and within a basic understanding of common law. In fact the consideration of what is happening is a certain safety in numbers, and common law is how people behave consistently.

They may tell you this and that, but in the long run or even in the short run for the informed electorate, the Constitution itself is the final arbitor, not subject to temporary news hype and propaganda for its issuance.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Ritual
I guess the rest of their classification is ok, except I thought Marxist was Socialism? I was thinking about joining or starting a Socialist party, but not the 'normal' idea of socialism. More like healthcare and education and a centralized job database with training and other "programs" available, sort of what the Military is. Would I be in the terrorist category? That does not give them any right for probable cause.

im not sure if you will be put into the terrorist category,i dont think so to be honest.

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