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Central Banks Have Gone Rogue, Putting Us All at Risk

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posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 02:02 PM
I'm using the title of the article I'm going to reference and cite.

I think the material and background contained in the article will resonate with many on this site however some of the solutions suggested (and they vary) might be less resonant.

The author and online publisher of this article may incite some to knee-jerk reactions prior to reading the comprehensive and balanced article.

The subject matter is tough but important, it is international rather then national, it is an area of concern to most political persuasions except 'the elite' however defined.

A few quotes from the piece:

....the largest single players in global equity markets are now thought to be central banks themselves. An estimated 30 to 40 central banks are invested in the stock market, either directly or through their investment vehicles (sovereign wealth funds).

Markets, including the US stock market, are thus literally being rigged by foreign central banks.

Their US and global holdings are so large that their withdrawal from the market could trigger another global recession. That means when and how the economy will collapse is now in the hands of central bankers.

The key to their success, said Quigley, was that they would control and manipulate the money system of a nation while letting it appear to be controlled by the government. The economic and political systems of nations would be controlled not by citizens but by bankers, for the benefit of bankers. The goal was to establish an independent (privately owned or controlled) central bank in every country. Today, that goal has largely been achieved.

Now a couple of potential solutions:

…proposed solution to this dangerous situation is to bypass both the central banks and the big international banks and decentralize power by creating and supporting local not-for-profit public banks. 


Abolishing the central banks is one possibility, but if they were recaptured as public utilities, they could serve some useful purposes.

There are quoted sources in this article ranging from Zero Hedge to The NY Times, work from 1966 to 2016.

The article is written by Ellen Brown and appears at Common Dreams

Personally, I think the local public banking is a good starting point that will help local economies and eventually ‘trickle up’ to larger institutions.

The 'regulation' horse has left the barn'; in the US certainly, other countries more or less so.

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 02:09 PM
An interesting aside, from a comment on the OP article:

A popular song from 1969:

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Central Banks never went rouge. They started rogue and continue to be rouge.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.”  — Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time. 

Buy bitcoin.

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: FyreByrd

Buy bitcoin.

The latest bubble to burst.
edit on 15-9-2018 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 03:32 PM
I'll have to read the book first, doesn't look like a gate map from Lockheed.

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

You are not wrong. But that was by design. Who do you think cause that bubble and subsequent crash? The banks were behind it. Banks and hedge funds.

They did it to discredit crypto for the time being. But also and more importantly so - they did it as a means to enter the market. You had better believe the banks have infilitrated the crypto market by now. Majorly.

They have done this because they know the crypto market will be THE market in inevitable future.

Now, this sucks for the average person. Nobody smart is buying bitcoin at 20k last year or even at 6k now. But myself and others were telling people to buy all the way back in 2012 so... Yeah.

But it is not too late. Wait for it to come back to pre insanity levels. Like 1250-1650 max range to be honest. After another stall out period (should be at least a year or two but could be more or less I am not going to pretend to speculate that).

Anyways, after another dry spell. It will go for a third run up. Likely followed by mass implmentation. I would bet money on it. Big money. And am doing so.

The underlying technologies principles being developed are here to stay and it will catch on eventually. Yes just like the internet.

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 04:31 PM
Actually this is a 150 year old problem....

I battle the central bank moves outta London daily

Honest Abe said bankers were his worst headache....worse than the war

The global fundamentals are shot to sheet....and we are goin down.

That's why my predictive model is waiting for the equity market to's over due for this cycle...

Ya outta see the currency market act out of control..... they're giving away pips and before that was unheard. Of

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Thats a joke,in 1934 we were sold out to corporations,who were owned by banks,who sell real estate,they lend you money to use their property,banks own the US,and most of the world,they are also on supreme court

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 10:43 AM
This is why I support cryptocurrency and a decentralized economy!

posted on Sep, 24 2018 @ 04:46 PM
I have to differ from your OP

starting 1 October 2018 the Fed will be 'selling' their 'off balance sheet' holdings of the greater portion of the FAANG Stocks floating out there in the NYSE & the NASDAQ... to the tune of $50 Billion per month - or- $600 Billion per Year

the Shares were bought to create the Market Bubble to achieve the Wealth Effect among the sheeple

the QT = Quantitative Tightening will result in 1/4 point interest rates increases, for about 4-5 times in 2019
=After the December 2018 QT treasury interest increase...

the Financial Markets watchdog group along with the PPT plunge-protection-team will be working hard to not deflate the stock market bubble that has been upped to 26,700+ recently

the Fed will have strong headwinds from the Trump Administration as the Donald guides the USA through the Bankruptcy Issues he is very skilled at.... together with Trump putting the US Treasury as the lead dog in the Financial Dog-sled-race as the Federal Reserve gets demoted to a mere $4Trillion dollar white-Elephant...

doing away with NAFTA, TPP, other NWO trade agreements...the Trumpster has insured that the USD has another 10 or more years of relevancy as a Trade Dollar while new Nation-2-Nation Trade deals are fashioned using the individual countries resurrected currencies instead of funny-money like EUros or SDRs that the NWO favored...

I do see a reset, I do see the Far East replacing the NYC-LONDON north atlantic financial Empire being broken up & cast into a dark Pit

the deep-state is crumbling... but the 'white hats' are not very 'saintly' either, just another type of neocon, so be astute

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 11:37 AM
follow up

heres an article I read which helped to influence my thoughts on the economy/ central banks & their role in manipulating the DJIA (stock markets equities)

… Federal Reserve Balance Sheet …

I have written at great length about the correlation between the Fed’s balance sheet and equities and I will not go into great detail here. Simply put, with each increase in the balance sheet over the past decade, stocks rallied in tandem. As the Fed cuts assets, stocks enter volatility. A divergence has occurred the past two months between the Fed balance sheet and stocks, but I believe this is temporary.
Corporate buybacks are at all-time highs in 2018, and it’s obvious that this is meant to offset the Fed’s waning support for the markets. As interest rates increase and the Trump tax cut dwindles, though, buybacks will die.
If we consider the possibility that the Fed’s assets also include stock shares as many suspect, then the Fed asset dumps would also INCREASE the number of existing shares on the market and sabotage corporate efforts to reduce shares through stock buybacks. I predict stocks will once again converge with the falling Fed balance sheet by the end of this year and that they will continue to drop precipitously through the last quarter of 2018 and the rest of 2019.

the article is about 5 minutes of your time & well worth gazing at

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 11:39 AM
using this thread as a springboard of sorts... -->>

good news bad news stuff

the good news for the persons on old-age or disability is that tomorrow Oct 11th 2018 will be the anticipated announcement of the Annual COLA for these payments to some 62 million of us 'people'

see this: from the mid-sept report by motley fool:

...this works out to a preliminary "guestimate" of 2.7% COLA for 2019.
Again, we're missing a month of data, but this looks to be the best COLA beneficiaries have received in seven years.
(for me that's +$30. each month)


most recent:


Now---> here's the Bad news....

the Fed with the QT = Quantatative Tightening, which amounts to $50 Billion per month starting October 2018 and continuing at that rate until the $4Trillion of Debt the Fed has on their Balance Sheet is recouped through sales of 'Paper- Stocks- Bonds- interest income'... (that's $600 Billion per year)

the rate hikes will continue.... here's a sneaky reason for the 'return-to-normal' interest rates... the poor folks getting a COLA will likely stash the money into their Savings Accounts/Checking Accounts both of which have a chance of 'paying interest on the balances being held'...……… the thing is that the public is being Lulled into a trap... as the Banks will snatch up all those multiple Trillions of extra monies paid in COLAS each month until the Bank officials take the long anticipated Banker Holiday and seize the hoarded cash in the saver accounts outright (which caused the increased Debt Growth that led to the money seizures by the Bankers !)

sounds like a twisted game plan huh....Well IT's very do-able & very likely to go down just like that.

enjoy the very possible 2.7% pay raise all youse SS/Medicare recipients starting January next year...
I plan to spend my raise as fast as it comes in, I won't let it build up over time

yay for oct 11th COLA Day

posted on Oct, 11 2018 @ 08:39 AM
October 11th COLA Announcement....good & not-so-good

COLA UP 2.8 %


Your Social Security check will get a 2.8% boost in 2019

# The Social Security Administration announced that that cost-of-living adjustment for 2019 will be 2.8 percent, which is in line with a recent estimate.

# The increase marks the biggest boost to benefits since 2012, when beneficiaries saw a 3.6 percent increase.

#This latest cost-of-living adjustment will not be enough to make up for the buying power Social Security benefits have lost since 2000, according to one policy …

also the lower paid social security persons (around $600 or less) will have their COLA all returned to the Treasury so as to pay for the increased monthly cost of their Medicare payments/hospital etc.

posted on Oct, 11 2018 @ 02:38 PM
October 11th COLA Announcement....good & not-so-good

COLA UP 2.8 %


Your Social Security check will get a 2.8% boost in 2019

# The Social Security Administration announced that that cost-of-living adjustment for 2019 will be 2.8 percent, which is in line with a recent estimate.

# The increase marks the biggest boost to benefits since 2012, when beneficiaries saw a 3.6 percent increase.

#This latest cost-of-living adjustment will not be enough to make up for the buying power Social Security benefits have lost since 2000, according to one policy …

also the lower paid social security persons (around $600 or less) will have their COLA all returned to the Treasury so as to pay for the increased monthly cost of their Medicare payments/hospital etc.

posted on Nov, 21 2018 @ 07:00 AM
The mods have decided that there have been too many threads concerning the FAANG stock price collapse so perhaps we need to revisit the original thread.

starting 1 October 2018 the Fed will be 'selling' their 'off balance sheet' holdings of the greater portion of the FAANG Stocks floating out there in the NYSE & the NASDAQ... to the tune of $50 Billion per month - or- $600 Billion per Year

Yesterday the FAANG stock losses were being reported by the MSM as totaling exactly a trillion dollars and the Dow Jones index closed down 2.21%.

Like a typical fool I weighed in that TPTB should continue tossing the pizza dough/stock price valuations to attract gamblers instead of sending the storm of the century to pay the gold bugs.

I apologize and want everybody to know that they should not be relying on anyone else's opinion as to where the markets are headed. The analysis is clearly out of our league here on ATS, public disclosure channels may not be allowed.

Enjoy whatever Thanksgiving bounce in stock prices we get, its going to be kind of an austere holiday season for many of us.

edit on 21-11-2018 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2018 @ 09:08 AM
It is absolutely insane to have a central bank that is operated privately and for profit. This essentially gives the robber barons total control over the economy.

We've seen how that plays out.

Central Banks should be a state owned interest, with responsibility purely dedicated to interest rates and economic regulation aimed at promoting competition over conspiratorial manipulation & monopolisation, as well as improving the economic wellbeing of society as a whole. As opposed to their current operation of funneling all the money from the poor into the hands of the rich. They should be under the supervision of the state with regular audits of their activities.

Unfortunately any world leader who tries to take this common sense approach to banking strangely seems to be deposed or assassinated shortly after.

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