a reply to:
Thing is, in totally different ways, I have been in similar situations, in terms of people failing to appreciate what I do for them.
My friends, whom I love dearly, are very fond of doing these two things, that really annoy me.
First, they fail to understand that if they want me around at a function or a meet up, they need to tell me a few days in advance, so that I can
budget for it, or organise cover at work if its during working hours.
Second, they have this strange habit of forgetting that I live at least 45 minutes from them by foot, and that it often takes about as long on a bus
due to traffic problems. When they call me or text me ten minutes before they would like me to show up, then, when I arrive later than everyone else,
give me a gentle ribbing for being so tardy, it makes me flip.
But, the reason they seem to think I can teleport, is that when they think about me, and the things they know I have done, like turning up at their
door despite the force 9 blizzard blowing through town, or biblical amounts of torrential rain, this gives them the impression that I am some sort of
wizard, unfazed by the trifling matter of limitations placed upon one by physics or finance. They don't think about me in the same way as they think
of themselves, because they know THEIR limitations, and they know that I don't find myself limited by the same things to the same degree, they simply
forget that I have ANY limitations.
Of course, I do have limitations. I cannot just decide to go for a drink, I have to plan for it. I cannot just decide to be anywhere in the borough
in ten minutes, I have to catch a bus, or hitch a lift, or have time to walk the distance required, before being due to arrive. From my perspective,
knowing my limitations as well as I do, it is easy to understand that I need time to do these things. But from theirs, I am just that wizard, that guy
who lights cigarettes and cooking fires with a magnifying glass, who walks between raindrops, the fellow who marches into pounding blizzards, and
doesn't give a damn in the slightest, because nothing stands between him and a beer, not chaos, not weather, not road closures, nothing.
Its only the fact that I know thats how their subconscious minds refer to me, that allows me to not be so pissed off when people wonder why I am not
around as often as other people, or why I always rock up a little after, or in an effort to not be late, before everyone else. They don't understand
that it takes an awful lot of physical effort, to be the kind of friend I am, that what isn't that big of a deal for friends who are closer
geographically, is a significant physical or logistical exertion for me, because I live further away and have limited means. Thats why, when they rag
on me for not being able to come out to a gig (because they didn't give me time to budget for it), or arriving late to an event, I know that what they
are really saying is "But dude, you are a wizard. You don't have such petty, mortal concerns as transit time and physical stamina drain!".
I take their confusion as a compliment now, because its better for them, for me, for everyone, than trying to argue the point. And to be fair, its a
damned sight better for things to be this way, than for my friends to feel that they can't invite me to things, because the insane things I have to do
to get and do them, are such a big deal for me. I would rather be invited, and have to decline, than to hear from people less.