posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 06:39 AM
Good evening ATS,
Long time lurker first time poster.
Having watched the Hunt for The Skinwalker a few times now and having allowed some time for contemplation of the information contained therein, there
are a few things that leave me skeptical of any story line pushing the association between the ranch and strange happenings as something alien,
interdimensional or otherwise.
For example, I am sure many of you are aware of the hundreds of nuclear detonations in the US with many taking place in the Nevada area less than 600
miles away.
Aliens traveling vast distances to scoop chunks of dirt from farmer Joe's paddocks, animals taken stealthily with bloodless surgically precise wounds
as they are returned perhaps in the same way they were collected (using silent and invisible flying machines - perhaps a blimp type craft able to
project a blue sky on the side facing the ground - few hundred metres up in the air and you'd never see it).
Orbs and/or UFO's freely flying all over the place (it's a frickin' highway up there with ET ships gallivanting all around the country) in an air
space defended by the most powerful military in recorded history makes little sense to my pea brain. Are these vehicles types of drones? Perhaps super
advanced that make them very very fast - and they can be bright??? Maybe the whole plasma thing clearing the atmospheric molecules out of the way
helps them remain quiet????
However, a hidden hand in the background who may be concerned for the well being of a citizenry exposed to very dangerous fallout from all those tests
conducting regular sampling of the surroundings makes much more sense to me.
Of course a government could never come out and say "Um...we're really sorry...we set off hundreds of bombs that have poisoned the air you breath, the
water you drink and bath in, the ground you walk on and grow food in, the food chain i.e. cattle but we really didn't know any better at the time but
we do now, so that's why we stopped setting off bombs every day of the week"
Big Brother would spend all his time in court defending his ass against those making frivolous cases for all suffering they and their family may have
endured if exposed. Can't help but think there would be billions of dollars involved.
Anyways, it seems a little too convenient to hide behind or distract a population with stories of mysterious "others" from the seriousness associated
with a nations youthful innocence or one might say naivety about the consequences of testing nuclear weapons. Now this makes much more sense in my pea
sized brain.
While this in no way explains all of the stories discussed in Hunt For The Skinwalker, especially the experiences of "others" (the wolf, the sentient
smoke being, etc etc etc) - I'll ponder some more.
Having said all that I still think it was a great way to spend 2 hours and worth a watch by anyone interested in these subjects.
Take care