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The Godly and The Godless

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posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 12:04 PM
This post is categorizing people based on if they believe in a Creator of the Universe or if they believe in cosmic chaos, or life on earth coming together based NOT on a Creator.

I have done a lot of studies in psychology, particular in the way people act and the differences between people of faith and of non-belief in God. One thing I would like to say is that people who do not believe are usually very intelligent people. They have thought much and pondered the idea of spirituality and because of their own lack of evidence they have chose to view the world without faith. They have, and rightly so, come to conclusions that they should believe only in what they know. Usually these people are methodical people. They are rational people, they think a lot and have reason behind the things they act and they things they think. A lot of people without faith believe big in the idea of righteousness, which is also a very big agenda for those who have faith.

Now one of the problems in the world which make the people without faith truly believe that they are right over the faithful, is that religious people in society are wrong. There are too many people who believe in God, but are useless because they don't believe in being good people. So many people without faith see that some religious people put faith in their beliefs which are the product of myth. So instead of believing in lies they judge the degree of integrity they have based on the righteousness they demonstrate through their thoughts and actions. This will lead the person without faith to perceive they are right, because they are indeed right over many people who are religious.

But, if you look closely, the people without faith do not belief much in a subconscious. Or if they do believe in that, they do place a high precedence on the way our subconscious acts with our conscious and the effect this interaction has with reality. This kind of person believes that through being rational the truth will prove to exist. When the person of faith, if they have educated themselves past all of the falsehood prevalent in the world, believes that all truth resides in the subconscious and most of the time our ego, or conscious, is in dispute with the truth, or our subconsciousness. That is where a "jinx" comes to play - our conscious mind makes an affirmation that goes against our subconscious and the results are shown immediately in karma.

This is where the main point is in my post. I believe there is a lot that makes an unfaithful person believe they are right - the rational context that everything they go by and think in life is based on knowledge. Well the way that I see things, is this fine line between arrogance and confidence. The more that the ego thinks he or she knows, the more that it will be proved how little he or she knows. But this context of mind, leads people to commit actions that are defined within their frame of mind, and they act in these contexts unconsciously as a byproduct of the way they see the spiritual realm in this physical planet.

My words are like a mathematical equation. When a person lives by this context they will unconsciously become a type of person who perceives through their ego, and negative feelings like envy and greed and all kind of negative things can enter through them because they have not taken caution to the true spiritual law. It has been shown to me, that the more I am selfless, the more that I act through my subconscious and do not allow my ego to act, the more it makes this person of no faith act with their ego.

Basically it causes a breakdown of the true motivation and the true essence behind the spirit of this person - and everything that will manifest in reality - will be a stepping block in the hope of causing your downfall. If you have peace, they will do something to rid the atmosphere of peace. If you attest that you are right in a belief, they will deny your idea immediately and argue with it. If you "want" or desire something, they will do anything in their power to make sure you do not get it, as if they are thriving on witnessing your misery. The truth is that if you do not believe in God, or if you believe in God they way the world teaches you to believe, the power driving your energy and your thoughts and your words, every day, will be the serpent, or the opposite of God. Because God is hidden, and the only way to make God not hidden is to follow the Will and Law of God. When a person either resists the Law of the universe or, they arrogantly claim that they are submitting to the will of the universe when they are just practicing worldly traditions made by worldly men, in reality they are living a false lie and their actions will re resonate with their false spiritual state which cause a direct contradiction with what a person wants. Because the Will of God GIVES, so the opposite of God TAKES AWAY.

This is a rant post because year after year I have seen this, but I haven't understood it until later. I have seen people do things that I do not like, or do not want, as a direct attempt to cause a reaction from me. And this is the very insides and outs about why people do that to others. Spirituality is Hidden. Things happen in this world that are unknown because the reasons behind them are Hidden. But that does not mean they have to be hidden.

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 12:47 PM
Don't let other people, regardless of who they are push your buttons. If you do this this, then it turns a "Them" problem into a "You" problem, thereby relieving them of the responsibility to deal with THEIR problems. As far as you not liking what others do...same concept. It's your values you levy on their actions, of which they typically are unaware of, or don't even care. Why should they, it's a YOU problem! The Sun shines on the Just and the Unjust and we all breathe the same Air. Your focus determines your reality, for good or bad, the choices and consequences are yours and yours alone. We come into this world alone and thereby depart, and the only things you take with you are the memories, so make them good ones....or not.

a reply to: MatterIsLight

edit on 26-8-2018 by SecretsoftheBlueApples because: Classified Nunya

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: MatterIsLight

There is a third kind that you are missing.

There are people who have not found solid evidence for the existence of a Creator but feel that such a being is very possible, and who live their lives with kindness, compassion and love for their fellow man. This third sort admit that they do not KNOW for a fact that there IS or IS NOT a God/Goddess, but they hope that there is!

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: MatterIsLight

I don’t understand what you mean when you say that people who have no faith that gods exist do not Believe in a subconscious?

I don’t see how anybody could deny that humans have a subconscious. Or even the belief or disbelief of a God has anything to do with the subconscious.

Unless you’re talking about something that’s not the subconscious.

Or are you trying to say that people who don’t believe in God’s don’t have a conscience? In which case I would say that is completely ridiculous

Anyways, your use of a dichotomy proves that you lack sufficient understanding about the vast variability of peoples thoughts and beliefs.

edit on 26-8-2018 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-8-2018 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: MatterIsLight

People who think they know don't know. People who think they don't know do know.

You only hate and criticize in other people what you do not like about our own character. You only praise in other people what you think you lack in your own character. You are what you don't talk about what you think you are.

edit on 26-8-2018 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: MatterIsLight

The subconscious the bread, while the conscious is the butter that covers it. Or like what one member used to say all the time, "it's the tip of the ice berg".

And yet the lord work in mysterious ways, where it easier for a camel to go to heaven then a rich man, and yet loves those who help themselves to his....herrrsss...riches.

Judge not less ye be judge in plain context is no different then karma being a...just her self.

edit on 26-8-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: MatterIsLight

Are you figuring you've got it all nicely wrapped-up nicely, with a bow on top?
Is it a good feeling?
Enjoy it while it lasts.

So what does a person without a subconscious look, smell, sound, act like?

You write about others trying to provoke you, but are you not trying to provoke some kind of a reaction in others, merely by posting what you did?

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 11:09 PM
edit on 26-8-2018 by Nothin because: Text didn't print right.

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: MatterIsLight
And yet the lord work in mysterious ways, where it easier for a camel to go to heaven then a rich man, and yet loves those who help themselves to his....herrrsss...riches...

And it's easier for a chicken to cross the t's, than for the farmer to pickle it's eggs before they're hatched!

A believer and a non-believer were sitting in a bar. One said: "I believe I'll have another beer".
They both laughed.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: MatterIsLight
This post is categorizing people based on if they believe in a Creator of the Universe or if they believe in cosmic chaos, or life on earth coming together based NOT on a Creator.

I have done a lot of studies in psychology, particular in the way people act and the differences between people of faith and of non-belief in God. One thing I would like to say is that people who do not believe are usually very intelligent people.

Not neccesarily.

A global study found that Jews, Christians, religiously unaffiliated persons, and Buddhists have, on average, higher levels of education than the global average.

They have thought much and pondered the idea of spirituality and because of their own lack of evidence they have chose to view the world without faith.

There is significant circumstantial evidence for a deity. Rationality would have to leave it 'on the board' as a possibility until there was a strong enough counter argument with a greater evidentiary support (and an absence of evidence, claimed by atheists, is no evidence at all. The atheist case doesn't even have circumstantial evidence and at this stage is the weakest argument).

They have, and rightly so, come to conclusions that they should believe only in what they know. Usually these people are methodical people. They are rational people, they think a lot and have reason behind the things they act and they things they think.

Psychological studies have evidenced that emotional issues, rather than rational reasons, are a primary reason for choosing atheism. The New Psychology of Atheism - Psychology Today

A lot of people without faith believe big in the idea of righteousness, which is also a very big agenda for those who have faith.

Now one of the problems in the world which make the people without faith truly believe that they are right over the faithful, is that religious people in society are wrong. There are too many people who believe in God, but are useless because they don't believe in being good people. So many people without faith see that some religious people put faith in their beliefs which are the product of myth. So instead of believing in lies they judge the degree of integrity they have based on the righteousness they demonstrate through their thoughts and actions. This will lead the person without faith to perceive they are right, because they are indeed right over many people who are religious.

Most religious use codified and fairly absolute laws, which have stood the test of time in society and are the basis for existing secular law. Atheist systems have the problem of value relativism which erodes legal definitions and ultimately leads to unfair and unbalanced laws.

Christianity actually proposes a shift from legalism to one of personal responsibility, guided by love:

And one of them, a lawyer, asked Jesus a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” — Matthew 22:35-40.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” - John 13:34-35.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: MatterIsLight

The subconscious the bread, while the conscious is the butter that covers it. Or like what one member used to say all the time, "it's the tip of the ice berg".

And yet the lord work in mysterious ways, where it easier for a camel to go to heaven then a rich man,

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." - Matthew 19:24

and yet loves those who help themselves to his....herrrsss...riches.

That isn't Biblical at all. God helps those who help themselves From Wikipedia. It is actually contrary to scripture.

Judge not less ye be judge in plain context is no different then karma being a...just her self.

It is a little different. Karma is more general and doesn't necessarily apply to unexpressed attitude.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 06:40 AM
The spiritual realm referred to in your post, interpreted through your explanation is created by the subconsiousness and that the ego is the fuel feeding its fire. The rationale mind is the mask worn over the ego and therefore the rationale person is blind to their own subconsious which is creating the spirtual realm, so the man of faith believes the truth of god resides in the spirtual realm, so faith is the mask over the ego of the religous man that feeds the fire of his ego, being the second ego that looks into the spirtual realm and sees God. So God is just another wind mill on the horizon of perception.

If you know what I mean

edit on 27-8-2018 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

That camel still going to heaven if actually does manage that feat.

Didnt know that, but on a side note, karma can mean work in sanskrit.

True, I guess I was being to generic but karma can be symonous with God, or even believed that it was an act of God. I was more or less under the impression where it mean don't be one, because (s)he is one.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: chr0naut

That camel still going to heaven if actually does manage that feat.

Although there is no agreement about animals going to heaven, there is a comment in the midrash that “just as beasts are fated for death and do not merit life in the world to come, so too the wicked are fated for death and will not merit life in the world to come.”

In Genesis, God created man in His image, and therefore man is different from the animals, having a soul, a spirit and a body.

Other than that, there's nothing in the Bible that says if animals go to heaven, or not.

I personally think that there is a process that moves chemistry, up to biology, up to sentience, up to self-determination, up to consciousness, up to spirituality and so on up to heaven, and it's a process that all life can participate in... or, to opt out of (Not all religious people believe the same as me, though).

So essentially, the camel doesn't get to camel heaven, it has to mature 'beyond the animal' first.

Didnt know that, but on a side note, karma can mean work in sanskrit.

True, I guess I was being to generic but karma can be symonous with God, or even believed that it was an act of God. I was more or less under the impression where it mean don't be one, because (s)he is one.

Could you please re-state that last paragraph because I find what you said there, a bit confusing.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: AthlonSavage
The spiritual realm referred to in your post, interpreted through your explanation is created by the subconsiousness and that the ego is the fuel feeding its fire. The rationale mind is the mask worn over the ego and therefore the rationale person is blind to their own subconsious which is creating the spirtual realm, so the man of faith believes the truth of god resides in the spirtual realm, so faith is the mask over the ego of the religous man that feeds the fire of his ego, being the second ego that looks into the spirtual realm and sees God. So God is just another wind mill on the horizon of perception.

If you know what I mean

The concept is that humans have our body (our physical 'selves'), a soul (our personality which is like the program and operating system executing on the computer of our nervous system. This includes our ego, superego, id, consciousness and unconscious), and our spirit which is our non-physical existence (our 'ghost').

These three components are interconnected.

Our soul is 'running' using our physical body and when our body dies, our soul ceases to execute on that host.

However, we are linked to our spirit which encodes our soul onto a new spiritual substrate (a new 'host') and so we survive death by becoming a spirit body and our program or soul (which must be altered to work with the new 'hardware'), continues but in new form and with changed function. It is like switching over execution priority to a "live backup" of a virtual machine (in modern computer parlance). The same 'us' but hosted in a new body.

edit on 27/8/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Well if it actually does go through the eye of a needle, there should be one, still none the rich man.

Ok, your God isn't one, I'll spare myself his wrath like the jealous guy that he is.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

ok I got it the Bluescreen of death initiates the spirit recovery disc for soul to the windows. Then reboots us back to a new substrate..

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: AthlonSavage
a reply to: chr0naut

ok I got it the Bluescreen of death initiates the spirit recovery disc for soul to the windows. Then reboots us back to a new substrate..

It is more like there is a replicate VM, just waiting to be elected to primary.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Nothin
a reply to: MatterIsLight

Are you figuring you've got it all nicely wrapped-up nicely, with a bow on top?
Is it a good feeling?
Enjoy it while it lasts.

So what does a person without a subconscious look, smell, sound, act like?

You write about others trying to provoke you, but are you not trying to provoke some kind of a reaction in others, merely by posting what you did?


I smile to people. I give to people. I let people in front of me. I love people. I do not judge people. Every minute, of every day. I am truthful, righteous, loving, and nonjudgmental.

Yet people like you always judge me for someone that I am not. And I know why you do it. Because you are egotistical, blind, deceived, and delusional. And you didn't even use a quote, it was all just created in your lost mind based on what you perceived me to be.

Obviously you are going to interpret the shameful stupid little thoughts you perceive from my writing rather than believe my words. Just pitiful. It is so LAME how egotistical people are. They are wrong all of the time, and they always want to place themselves above you. They are full of pride so they always think they are right when they are misbehaving. It is such utter insane nonsense, and I have nothing to do with your delusional world of incorrect judgment and false accusations towards people, only because you are so misguided and have such a complete lack of understanding that the only way you can feel good about yourself is to fool yourself into believing that you are right, but in reality you are a coward.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 12:29 PM
I love times like this when it is proven how much human beings are really Against Me.

They won't admit it. Heck, they won't ever tell a bit of truth.

But in Truth, and in Reality - people are against me. Not because of what I say, not because of how I think, not because of how I dress or act. Before a person even sees me or knows about me. I am in opposition to them.

That is a carnal mind state of a beast. That is like a caveman. They have ZERO oneness with life. They are completely Lost.

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