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Canada: Social Democrats Demand Handgun Bans, Feds “Open to All Options”

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posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 12:38 AM
To our friends up north, get ready. It appears there is a good chance that restrictions and bans are coming your way.

Much like their U.S. counterparts, Canada’s gun control advocates are using tragedy to advance their pre-existing civilian disarmament agenda. Last week, following a shooting in Toronto’s Greektown neighborhood in which two died and 13 were wounded, the Toronto City Council voted in support of a federal ban on all handguns and semiautomatic firearms, and a requirement that gun owners store their firearms at repositories rather than at home. This week brought further anti-gun activism as the third largest party in Canada’s House of Commons called for urban handgun bans and Liberal Party Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his government’s intent to consider a wide array of gun controls.

In April, Canada’s Liberal government announced Bill C-71. The legislation would further restrict possession of some semiautomatic firearms, require more onerous background checks, and create a backdoor gun registry.

Despite the Liberal Party’s promises to restrict guns, Canada’s New Democratic Party (Social Democrats) is demanding more.

The latest moves from Trudeau’s government were met with opposition from the Conservative Party. In a statement, Conservative Shadow Minister for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Pierre Paul-Hus explained, “We know that whenever the Liberals attempt to curb crime with new gun laws, they always end up targeting law-abiding firearms owners instead of gang members and other criminals who use guns to commit violence.” Paul-Hus went on to add, “t’s lazy government to ask all Canadians to follow new laws, while the real work is in targeting and going after criminals. That means strengthening penalties for gun crime and keeping known gang members behind bars, two areas where the Liberals have failed.”

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Something like 3% of Canadians own handguns legally. They likely won't be missed.
We all ready have incredibly strict gun controls, this just sounds like hype to talk down the Liberals and NDP.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:15 AM
Maybe the US can round up all our illegals and send them to Canada as a gesture of peace and tranquility in the streets. They won't be able to get guns so don't worry. I've never heard of anyone getting hurt or killed without a firearm being involved.
edit on 4-8-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Maybe the US can round up all our illegals and send them to Canada as a gesture of peace and tranquility in the streets. They won't be able to get guns so don't worry. I've never heard of anyone getting hurt or killed without a firearm being involved.

Hardcore criminals who come to your country illegally along with the good ones would not like it here. Only in America can a criminal find success and riches and easy access to weapons.

Your stupid gun laws allow these scum to illegally transport weapons to our country but thanks to our gun laws, they are not running rampant in our streets.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

What part of our giant country will you send them to? Toronto? They can't afford it. Vancouver? They can't afford it. Winnipeg? It's only warm enough for gang violence 2 months of the year.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: damonster

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Maybe the US can round up all our illegals and send them to Canada as a gesture of peace and tranquility in the streets. They won't be able to get guns so don't worry. I've never heard of anyone getting hurt or killed without a firearm being involved.

Hardcore criminals who come to your country illegally along with the good ones would not like it here. Only in America can a criminal find success and riches and easy access to weapons.

It sounds like Canada could make honest citizens out of them and give them lots of government handouts and free healthcare. What's the problem?

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: BrianFlanders

What part of our giant country will you send them to? Toronto? They can't afford it. Vancouver? They can't afford it. Winnipeg? It's only warm enough for gang violence 2 months of the year.

That's OK. They can't afford anything here either. I have been told by many Canadians that Americans should be more welcoming and generous. Whenever the issue of "free healthcare" comes up, someone will invariably point out that the US is the only developed country that doesn't have it. Well, in that case, we need to send some of our people somewhere that does. Canada is close and Canadians love to butt in, apparently. So put your money where your mouth is.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Good riddance...

We don't need hand guns in Canada.... Period

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

How are Canadians butting in on a thread about Canada? 😂

You made the random statement about sending illegal immigrants here. Illegal immigrants don't want to come here because it's not as easy to establish a life in Canada for even the most well intentioned of border crossers; it's likely even harder for the criminal subset considering they would have to fight for a spot just to do the crimes.

As for the free healthcare aspect...the US is also giving free healthcare to immigrants, the difference is, when they discover them as illegal immigrants, they don't either set them up with supports to successfully integrate and contribute or deport them... they just... disappear back to wherever the illegal immigrants go.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: Atsbhct

this is murka and the internet. common sense is optional.

good for Canada
post WWII, developed countries which have banned guns, historically have nothing to prove to the murkans
. as we will remain #1 in a stat stat which we invented. mass shooting , or mass school shooting.

civilized countries with a ban are doing just fine. fact.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 02:14 AM
"It appears there is a good chance that restrictions and bans are coming your way."

Lol, no.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 02:17 AM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: BrianFlanders

How are Canadians butting in on a thread about Canada? 😂

They aren't. They're always butting in on threads about the US (Along with Australians and Brits and New Zealanders and assorted others) so I'm just returning the favor.

edit on 4-8-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: BrianFlanders

How are Canadians butting in on a thread about Canada? 😂

They aren't. They're always butting in on threads about the US (Along with Australians and Brits and New Zealanders and assorted others) so I'm just returning the favor.

Sounds like you want to export gun violence to Canada, well turns out they don't want it so good news you are free to keep it.
edit on 4-8-2018 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 03:40 AM
edit on 4-8-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 05:25 AM
Canada is a cesspool of Illuminatti and Global powermongers.....Canadians have had the legal right the FEDERALLY STATED legal right to posess and carry concealed handguns for DECADES....but the PROVINCES COLLUDDED TO ILLEGALLY remove this clear cut Charter Right and CREATING what they called Provincial Firearms officers who would then go over the applications on behalf of the Province and then OVER-POLICE and deny these federally stated and embedded rights and freedoms to those the Province chooses to deny these rights to.....a MADE-UP POSITION DIRECTLY INTENDED TO ABBROGATE FEDERAL RIGHTS AND Canada Civic By-Laws are illegally enacted in ALL MAJOR CONSITIUINCIES...ALL OF THEM...ILLEGALLY...and KNOWINGLY...and these communities count on their fiscal strength and deep pockets to prevent people from taking them to court and overturning their illegal By-Laws which they charge their Civic Police with would take a Federally empowered RCMP to ARREST and see through to conviction a Civic Police Officer who illegally enforces these machined fraudulent By-laws for it to stop forever.

This by-law scam has been around for many decades and it is TIME TO SHUT IT DOWN.

Its way bigger than just guns...the fake opiate crisis and the massive volumes of Insurance-denial and refusal to pay related activity...this is much much bigger in scope IMHO.........TPTB are bleeding money like mad and are getting ready to turn the apple cart upside down.....first they are removing the guns so people are helpless and
edit on 4-8-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: one4all

You're missing the point...

We don't need to carry guns in Canada... 99% of the population doesn't carry...

And those that do... do not, and will not ever use them against someone else in any circumstance...

Its called "attempted murder" here

Jail time regardless of the situation...

Even IF you shoot someone in your own house

Hand guns are NEVER necessary in Canada... For fun at a shooting range... sure

Other then that... I hope they ban them

One less problem

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: one4all

You're missing the point...

We don't need to carry guns in Canada... 99% of the population doesn't carry...

And those that do... do not, and will not ever use them against someone else in any circumstance...

Its called "attempted murder" here

Jail time regardless of the situation...

Even IF you shoot someone in your own house

Hand guns are NEVER necessary in Canada... For fun at a shooting range... sure

Other then that... I hope they ban them

One less problem

I am glad you have high hopes....and I am glad to hear you view....I had high hopes my Community in Canada would create and enforce a NO CELL PHONE USE WHILE DRIVING BY-LAW ….we asked them to...they agreed to expedite the process for us....BUT...when we got it it was called DISTRACTED DRIVING and it did not target only CELL PHONE USE WHILE DRIVING as fact to be accurate...when you enact a By-Law it enables Civic Enforcement people to ABBROGATE YOUR CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS when you breach said By-Laws....this means you can be arrested detained searched and all types of things can be done to you like you phone and Laptop can be entered and searched....amongst other things....these are SERIOUS infirngements and abbrogations of our Charter Rights and Freedoms ...VERY SERIOUS IN FACT THE MOST SERIOUS.

Anyone being stopped for distracted driving which encompasses EVERY MOVEMENT YOU MAKE IN YOUR CAR and allows arbitrary police stops and abrogation of Charter rights by proxy...and now in my Community they have nearly stopped policing normally and they have gone to Policing via Traffc Stop investigations no need for Warrant applications no need for legwork or normal process....just pull em over and ABBROGATE ALL OF THEIR CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS and hopefully you can dig up something else to bust them for something more need for norma poicing when you can break the law to make the law...…..add to this that our City hall doesn't listen to it constituants who asked for reduced speeds in front of shools in the loading zones and now we have 30k speed limits around ALL SIDES OF ALL SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS in our city which means there is now a massive volume of civic roadways that are open game for Police who wish to sit there in their cars and pick up people who break the intentionally unreasonably low speed limits so they may in an easier way POLICE BY TRAFFIC STOP and we see these Police sitting there in their cars everywhere at all times of the day looking for the easy traffic or by-law stop and NOT DOING NORMAL POLICE WORK.....every Pub or Licensed restauraunt has a Poice car sitting in a school zone somewhere near it looking for the easy job....a drunk driver or a drug dealer or old tickets or a Warrant for something else or whatever they can randomly hook onto.

But you see in my Community as well as others across the Country Police forces and Communities and Lawyers and Judges have COLLUDED to set up an illegal process where fraudulently embedded By-Laws are enacted which intentionally and knowingly breach Charter Rights and Freedoms which by proxy OVER-RULE ANY TYPE OF CIVIC BY-LAW.....until a Citizen can AFFORD to finance a long ardous prohibitively expensive legal battle which WILL OVERTURN said By-Law it stands.

You MUST understand that there is 100% MSM lock on Canada and unlike in the USA and other Countries there is NO PLACE TO VOICE YOR OPINION OR T BE HEARD....absolutely no place.

In Canada the people are not allowed to have an voice counter to the status quo.

Check how many Canadians have concealed carry handgun licenses in ALL OF CANADA....Province by Province....then post it beside the population numbers....then ask yourself again WHY WOULD THIS TOPIC EVEN COME UP.They will only be taking away a literal handful of guns....because they fraudulently prevented millions and millions of Canadians from possessing handguns why are they selling this to the people as if it is some type of solution....90% of the handguns used in crimes in Canada are imported...there ARE NO HANDGUNS IN CANADA FOR THIEVES TO STEAL TO USE IN CRIMES AND NO ONE CAN BUY THEM so what kind of a joke is this entire issue.

I will tell you why...because it is a fraud and a conspiracy an excusatory conspiracy....just like the fake opiate crisis where hundreds and hundreds have died from bootlegged fentanyl where millions and millions of pills are made then smuggled into canada directly from China and instead of being honest and transparent and targetting the source we get some BS story that grandmas opiates she takes for her arthritis are killing hundreds and hundreds of kids so we need to STOMP DOWN ON GRANNYS DOCTORS AND ON GRANNY AND MAKE SURE WE STEM THE TIDE OF THIS would have to be a dotard to believe that BS.....what we have is a MAJOR GLOBAL DRUG SMUGELLING CRISIS AND A FAILURE TO POLICE GLOBALLY CRISIS.....but we are told we have a homegrown opiate crisis and to fix it ourselves as if it had a domestic causality.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Akragon

Its better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it.

In many rural areas of Canada and rthat means MOST OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY owning guns is a requirement and a need...they are a usefull tool.

You dont decide what we need...and Federal Law in Canada already says you can buy own and concealed carry a handgun providing you Province doesnt set up a Kangaroo-Court By-Law or control mechanism from stopping people from excercising their Charter Rights and Freedoms.

If you intended to do harm to me and mine and I had acess to any type of weapon I would defend with would most people are trying to live in a utopian wonderland.

Under the correct circumstances you can use a firearm to defend yourself in or out of your just need to know Canadian Laws.

Guns handguns or otherwise are a tool not a threat...... you cannot control peoples minds ….this is a control effort not a safety issue....mass shootings are not because of guns they are because of sick minds a few chains and a few gas cans and you wouldn't need any guns to kill thousands of people...this issue is about people having the capacity to fight back against the police or Military if we choose to do so to battle the people who represent the Government if we need to and about removing this right we now have to be in that position of security.History and evidence show us that not all Governments do as the people ask and in those cases change has been needed and force from the people has always been required to engage such change.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: BrianFlanders

How are Canadians butting in on a thread about Canada? 😂

They aren't. They're always butting in on threads about the US (Along with Australians and Brits and New Zealanders and assorted others) so I'm just returning the favor.

See here's the difference Sparky. We know what we're talking about when discussing much of your politics. Many Americans also can discuss our politics well. You aren't one of them.

As to this piece it's not designed for Canadian consumption. It's a piece directed to Americans, those that know little of our nation. "Social democrats"? I haven't heard the NDP called that. There's a Social Credit party in BC. That's not what the article is talking about though.

I'd take the Mericans at face value here. As to Americans I'm willing to discuss our "problem" with gun control.

posted on Aug, 4 2018 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: BrianFlanders

How are Canadians butting in on a thread about Canada? 😂

They aren't. They're always butting in on threads about the US (Along with Australians and Brits and New Zealanders and assorted others) so I'm just returning the favor.

Sounds like you want to export gun violence to Canada, well turns out they don't want it so good news you are free to keep it.

Oh we've got it. The Detroit/Windsor "pipeline" of guns is active. And that puppy is a one way street. Our gun violence is pretty much gang related. It spills over into the population at times though.

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