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Freemasonry: A Secret Society or a Society with Secrets?

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posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason

There was once an army sent to a far away desert long ago, this army became lost in that desert and one wonders did they end up following there own track's tired, thirst and delirious each man thinking the track's had been made by the men in front and never even realizing that they were following there own trail until in a huge circle, they had conquered Egypt and set out to conquer even more territory but even the mighty Greeks were no match for the Sahara.

There tale is a fair analogy for reciprocal argument's, they lead most often no where and each party can become more and more lost, one also wonders if perhaps native guides led those men deliberately to there demise and left them once they had taken deep enough into the desert and had them lost - always with the promise of just a little further - enough so that they knew they could not then return.

Had they known were they where and were to go they were perhaps only a day to four day's from the nearest water but of course they did not know where they were, such is also the fate of all that follow trail's of breadcrumb's lain out by a predator and the easiest prey among them are perhaps those that deny that the predator even exists.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: gottaknow

I wrote:

I wasn't aware that he [William Cooper] was a drunk until just now

You replied:

He was not a drunk. That's a popular attempt to debunk a great man

Then you posted a video of Cooper defending himself against the allegation. At T-4:20, Cooper points out that even if it were the case that he was a drunk it wouldn't automatically discredit the information he provides.

I agree with that, and I'm certain KSigMason would agree, too. Furthermore, I believe KSigMason had his own reason(s) for bringing that up about Bill. Perhaps he will return to explain.

I do know with a very high degree of probability, however, that Bill's views were wrong on Freemasonry. Would you care to show me otherwise?

your leaders are because it's seemingly quite different than what you think

Like Bill's own defense of his character, I will state that Freemasonry isn't about the quality of the characters of its leaders, it's about the form and content the principles and tenets of Freemasonry.

For example, Freemasonry recommends the following to its members. In my book of 'The Work' there is what we call 'Charge to the E.A.' [Entered Apprentice]. It is a charge that we all take very seriously, some less so than others, some more so. It is a Masonic recommendation left behind by our ancestors, and it is up to us individually to accept and apply it to our own lives, or not. It says:

"As a [Mason], I would first recommend to your most serious contemplation the [Volume of the Sacred Law, i.e., whatever sacred book you believe in], charging you to consider it the unerring standard of truth and justice, and to regulate your actions by the divine precepts which it contains. Therein you will be taught the important duty you owe to God, to your neighbour, and to yourself."

It then expands on how to fulfill that duty; and, in my own experience, the attempt to put this recommendation into practice tends towards making good men better men.

Are there bad men (leaders or otherwise) in my organization? It's possible but I, personally, have never met one. Even so, if that were the case, Freemasonry is not about following leaders (good or otherwise); it's about making the sincere attempt to put into practice its moral recommendations which in my estimation are indisputably valuable as well as compatible with the highest of moral systems - if not itself the highest system of all.

If you have the basic understanding, the red pill so to speak, to know what's going on in this world, then PLEASE gather your brothers and start fighting against this giant oligarchy of evil.

We're not averse to "fighting" but, if we do fight, we fight fairly and within the laws of the lands we live in. We are charged also with the following:

"As a citizen of the world, I am next to enjoin you to be exemplary in the discharging of your civil duties by never proposing or at all countenancing any act that may have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; by paying due obedience to the laws of the country which may for a time become the place of your residence or afford you its protection, ever remembering that as a [Mason] you are expected to live and act in such a manner as to fulfill the duties of a good citizen and thereby set an example for others to emulate."

No Mason anywhere is above the law of his country - no matter where he finds himself in this, as you call it, "giant oligarchy of evil".

might have to turn against those at the highest

Possibly, if it turned out that way. If those at the highest levels, as you put it, were exposed as "evil", they would quickly (if Masons) find themselves expelled from the Fraternity. Futhermore, if such "evil" corrupt individuals were discovered to exist and found to operate the levers of power; then, as good citizens, some of us Masons - maybe most of us; but, certainly I would "fight" them - at the polls and within the lawful political processes of our respective countries - certainly within the law of our respective lands, and most certainly through the democratic process here in my part of the world.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I really liked this. The mighty Q definitely came to mind at this part:

one also wonders if perhaps native guides led those men deliberately to there demise and left them once they had taken deep enough into the desert and had them lost - always with the promise of just a little further - enough so that they knew they could not then return

You are familiar with Q, yes?

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: gottaknow
You dismiss my correction as semantics, but what I said was accurate.

The use of symbols doesn't equate to a cult.

The leaders of Freemasonry are Freemasons, men, elected by their fellow Brothers. As a leader of Freemasonry, I know what we are.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Now this I can identify with. There really 'is' only 'now' - metaphysically/philosophically speaking.

Now is what is seen and now is what is seeing now - it is not metaphysical or philosophical - it is what IS.

edit on 18-7-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Right now I'm just trying to recall the context in which you made your comment...back then.

You wrote:

Now is what is seen and now is what is seeing now

So, let me figure this out. Correct me if I'm wrong.

There is that which observes; that which is observed; and the observation itself, i.e., observer, observed, observation.
edit on 19-7-2018 by CanadianMason because: I'm a broomhead?

P.s. Congrats! You mangaged to derail this thread. lol
edit on 19-7-2018 by CanadianMason because: because why?

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Not as much the only Q I know being a Trekkie whom likes to wear Cornish pasty's on my head and drink Ribena (the Klingon head butting greeting can get messy) is from Star Trek the next generation but I shall look it up, ahh just a quick lookup on the net are you referring to the Bob Dylan song.

Better version by the Hollies

More of a 80's and non house 90's music fan myself.

edit on 19-7-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

LOL! Awesome.

Not Bob Dylan, lol... Q as in Qanon.

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason
The basis of all secret societies including illuminati, skull and bones, freemasons is the secrets of the kundalini yoga even if members know it or not. kundalini yoga which is history's most jealously guarded secret because it is the path to enlightenment, interior illumination, path to immortality and most important to the survival of our species. It also explains all psychic ability achieved with the human mind. It is what every religion has in common and the true goal of spiritual baptism. The viewer has the chance to learn more in mere moments then what anybody could ever learn in a lifetime of study even doubting their own sanity. one good shaman is worth more then the entire untied states military budget. And if somebody has one of these awakenings here in the west you are labeled bi polar and kicked back out the door with a life full of synthetic medication. Doctors are not required to even know about the kundalini to obtain a degree and its a very serious subject. Its all a big secret within religions, secret societies, and the medical community to keep people in the dark. If they can keep something about you this important and make money doing it they will trust me. What you want is good hygiene for bliss, such as living in organic structures for one, good grounding (bare feet, minimal clothing), proper hydration, fasting, ect. Monks dont live for over 110 years in steel buildings within smog filled cities eating mcdonalds everyday, think about it. They train and live in stone temples that are built on magnetic lines of the earth that create the perfect capacitance to allow implosion within our DNA. We create culture when we grow up and start learning how to have bliss experiences exactly what our DNA is programmed to do. What the bottom line is, we all contain a special mechanism that has the ability to control reality in omnipotent fantasy the pineal gland or third eye crown chakra. Whatever the preliminaries, the moment of deep awakening in fuller awareness, whether that of the christian covert or the kundalini initiate, entails an abrupt shift in worldview and sense of self. This is the time of "unselfing", the swallowing up of the limited sense of identity in the larger awareness of an absolute that knows no limits. We realize that this ineffable source, this indefinable reality that has so swiftly torn down all defenses and poured into our very selves, is, in fact, all that is, for we are mere indiscernible atoms in this immeasurable process, and we are humbled by this knowledge. For some, this is not welcome information, they resist giving up the ego's claim to selfhood. For others this is the time to revel in the new sense of beauty, of Oneness, of the splendor of all that makes up our perceived reality. We are in very literal sense reborn, made new and we emerge from our encounter wearing new garments in which to greet the world.

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: JakeM84

The basis of all secret societies including [...] freemasons is the secrets of [...] kundalini yoga [...] history's most jealously guarded secret....

It seems like you know a lot about this type of yoga. I guess we've failed in our duty to guard it. The secret is out!

Try again.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 12:37 AM
All secret societies EVEN THOUGH THEIR MAJORITY MEMBERSHIPS ARE UNAWARE have been keeping the SAME SECRET for so long it isn't a secret anymore.3 more years and we can make new secrets and new secret societies all over again.

Just as all religons stem from one source so do all secret societies.
edit on 22-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: one4all

What is the secret that Freemasonry has been keeping for so long that it is no longer a secret?

What is the "one source" from which Freemasonry stems?

What do you mean by "we can make new secrets and new secret societies" in three more years?

I would be very happy if you would explain. Thank you.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: one4all

What is the secret that Freemasonry has been keeping for so long that it is no longer a secret?

What is the "one source" from which Freemasonry stems?

What do you mean by "we can make new secrets and new secret societies" in three more years?

I would be very happy if you would explain. Thank you.

The Freemasons have been guarding the same knowledge all other groups have been guarding.The one source is the same source from which all religons have been catalysed.The secrets being guarded by those alive today will be irrelevant soon but in this process the catalyst or seed of the next set of knowledge keepers shall be cast off and set into the earth for fate to decree or to deny.

A secret is that which has been discluded.Knowledge which has been discluded.For something to be discluded it must at one time have been included.Removed or taken out.

I cannot explain fully because it is a would have to have intimate high level knowledge from deep within any of these groups or any Major Doctrinal groups to understand the secret even if I told you right would be a CONTENTIOUS ISSUE for us until YOU had enough data to form a full picture perspective and this could literally take several lifetimes depending entirely upon you and where you are now......for those in these groups in terms of membership it is a learning environment they want to be in that they do not understand is completely controlled and capped to them all.

It would take about 30 minutes to indoctrinate anyone to the basics....IF they have either the existing knowledge base to expedite things or IF they were completely open to new ideas and capable of implementing them in real time and changing their true perspectives in real time because learning is growing.
edit on 22-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: one4all

The Freemasons have been guarding the same knowledge all other groups have been guarding.

I have attained the highest degree offered by Freemasonry, and I can assure you that I am not charged with guarding anything of the sort you have suggested. Nor has any other Mason. I can't speak for "all other groups".

The one source is the same source from which all religons have been catalysed.

You did not tell me what that "one source" is that both Freemasonry and religion share. Freemasonry is not a religion, per se, but it does carry within it some religious overtones, as well as philosophical, scientific, mathematical and other overtones - if that helps you.

I'm not following you on any of the rest of what you said. Sorry.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: one4all

The Freemasons have been guarding the same knowledge all other groups have been guarding.

I have attained the highest degree offered by Freemasonry, and I can assure you that I am not charged with guarding anything of the sort you have suggested. Nor has any other Mason. I can't speak for "all other groups".

The one source is the same source from which all religons have been catalysed.

You did not tell me what that "one source" is that both Freemasonry and religion share. Freemasonry is not a religion, per se, but it does carry within it some religious overtones, as well as philosophical, scientific, mathematical and other overtones - if that helps you.

I'm not following you on any of the rest of what you said. Sorry.

OK...hope I can make this work.

Freemasons are keepers of knowledge...not majic....they have recognised the essence of nature which pervades all that exists....they have recognised and mapped patterns that nature produces...they have mapped symettry and syncronicity and attatched symbolism and sanctity to these parameters.This is wonderful...they can help each other find a path of least any area in life......all this is is a less bastardised version of what major Doctrines project....if you reverse extrapolate these doctrines AND all secret come to the singular source from which these ideologies nd their histrionics stem.Natural laws are the template from which all that humans create is mirrored.....our creations are replications of nature and natural processes expressed in longhand or lain out along a path of most resistance....we over-complicate natures processes and this is done intentionally....the highest levels of deeper than black technology are basic simple natural processes replicated by sentient beings...this is evidenced by the methodology behind their methods.We are like the image in the mirror hanging on our Creators wall....the way we see nature forces us to seek to replicate it instead of self-immolating and becoming one with there exists a natural firewall that prevents the masses from seeing nature and the proxy processes for what they truly and tangibly are....this natural firewall is EXPOUNDED UPON by many groups intending to control the masses.

Natures language is UNIVERSAL......Humanity exists on a UNIVERSAL level....our existance is not dependant on the survival of Earths population it could be wiped in an ELE and Greater Humanity would barely blink on a Universal level.

I have tasted fresh Oil brought up from thousands of feet below the surface …I know how and why it is fresh not millions of years old …. I am holding a piece of petrified FLESH meat with sinews and fat et al in my front of me are more pieces of meat and flesh and also bones and machined granite type material ALL TAKEN BY ME PERSONALLY FROM THE SAME NOT SO ANCIENT REPOSITORY...I know how and why these things are in the states they are in and generically how old they are or rather how YOUNG they are... the neutral Dimension zones created artificially by some of the Craft we see flying around are a natural phenomenon which can be replicated in different technological ways some complicated and some simple ……. The Knights Templar hid their Treasures including the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail and their riches inside a Craft made of granite.....the same type of technology found inside the ship made of Granite found crashed on the Moon which Mona Lisa piloted....the same type of massive Granite Craft David Hamel tried to show us how to build to save ourselves from what your secret society knows is coming even if you yourself do not potentials of the Caudaceous coil and of crystal sciences and the true biological origins and compositions of nobel precious metals like gold and silver et al and their global locations ...….the reasons we can eat these metals safely.....the true nature of human health and the causes of illnesses....the potentials of resonance frequencies.....the unlocking of the chains put upon our Human DNA OR GEONOME.....the simplicity of it all as expressed in natural patterning....

What if I told you that at the highest levels of those who created the secret societies and groups we know of there are people who cannot be lied to.....people who can find truths and answers like most of us find our next breath... NATURALLY WITHOUT THOUGHT NOR CONVICTION..... what if I told you I was an Auto-didact Intuitive Empath.....and that I can even recognise the STYLES OF INFLUENCE IN TERMS OF THE AGE OR EPOCH THEY ORIGINATED FROM.....there are some really really old managers still around somehow and the patterning of their work evidences his clearly.

For some people there can be no secrets....because EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED...and truth always naturally follows the path of least resistance...truth equals purity...which equals water...which always runs true to the path of least resistance...reverse extrapolating knowledge to find the single source of all is a matter of learning how to become one with natures processes and to learn to recognise natures essence you are simply rowing your boat upstream on a river and every intersecting water course to your left and to your right are paths of most resistance to you as you seek source....were you to be seeking destination these influences would be lending themselves to support a path of least resistance …...when you are seeking destination it is difficult to see the confluences happening around the entry points of the influences to your left and to your right sides....because everything seems to be going with the flow these transition points do not jump out at you...however when you are seeking source and going against the flow you can easily see and feel the confluences happening where these offshoots join the main current of the can also follow any of these offshoots from great distances away from source and ALL will lead you to the main currents.....if you can put this together it takes more energy to lie than to tell the takes more energy to go against the flow or current....and the more energy you expend the further from source or destination you get......going upstream on a river does not give you a true picture of source...for every tributary is in itself a part of source....

All I am saying is that if you can see your world inside your head in a 3-d interactive manner and data is added to the construct in real time...then you can literally see when and where someone or some data source is veering off of the path of least can identify the patterns and pinpoint the departure points exactly....for example if you want to know what cancer is and how to prevent and cure it all you have to have is the internet and Google or another search can follow the research back to the 20s and 30s and even much much earlier and you can identify the departure points from the path of least resistance that evolving research was forced into and on to......then you can see who owned what influences which were involved in this manipulation....then you can also use the data hidden behind each departure point to forge the combonation needed to unlock the answers you wish to can follow power or money or knowledge or teaching styles or personal traits or anything you wish to take back to source or to destination.Alchemy is can do extreme things with primitive tools if you understand concept...its all about natures patterns and learning to work within them.

FYI...mathamatics is simply another the River.....designed exactly like spoken language and for the very same reasons....and my oh my if I had the time to take you into that realm and show you the lies and departure points embedded into todays study of these subjects to force everyone onto the path of most resistance seeing as you must already know math is a language you also easily see where current studies depart from truths and a nutshell because EVERYTHING FOLLOWS NATURES PATTERNS BY PROXY AND NATURE ALWAYS TAKES THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE IF NOTHING EXTERNAL INTERFERES....external can be defined as intelligent which can be defined as sentient....

The source of all is Sentience.
edit on 22-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: one4all

What is the secret that Freemasonry has been keeping for so long that it is no longer a secret?

What is the "one source" from which Freemasonry stems?

What do you mean by "we can make new secrets and new secret societies" in three more years?

I would be very happy if you would explain. Thank you.

Humanity on Earth is cyclically set back to stone-age environmental circumstances....when this happens most knowledge and learning and language et al are lost.....when people begin to group together again post-event they begin to record all of the crtitical conceptual and technological and educational data they can amass....they RECORD WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM...usually how and why they were kept out of the loop and were caught off-guard and how and why to prevent this from happening again...the keepers of this catalysing single mother-source of knowledge which is represented by the contributions of many rolled into one dialog....well their job is the most important of all....the most protected and insulated....these people posses the MOST POWER....and power corrupts and power is an investment of energy that goes against the flow of natures patterns...when these knowledge keepers began to HIDE this knowledge and SECRETE it within their small groups...well we know what they did right.....these were the sins of the fathers....and you see as soon as this first catalysing GROUP OF SURVIVORS grew big enough into each direction an off-shoot went and each of those off-shoots carried with it a small group of knowledge keepers or secret keepers...because every group still had a prime directive to support humanities survival at all costs.Each Group then had a sub-group actioning their own SINS OF THE FATHERS......

This knowledge belonged to the masses and should have been given in its entirity to the masses in totality....but it was not.....ALL OF THE SECRET SOCIETIES AND GROUPS AND RELIGONS ...well you heard me define it as the sins of the fathers....and now you know why the sins of the fathers never stop and continue to affect generation after generation.

It is time for all groups to share all of their knowledge openly...but they evidently nature has began to provide a path of least resistance and kids are being born on the autisim spectrum and can now divine truths easily and we go on the low level functioning births will decrease and the higher level functioning births will increase...this is nature finding her way...these children are Intuitive Empaths and when they are high functioning they cannot be lied to if they are provided with data acess unlimited.....then again maybe someone is supporting these births by actioning genetic abductions as we call a way to unlock ALL SECRETS TO THE MASSES......we already have litle Einsteins being born every day...soon we will have little John Dees and St.Germaines running around all over the place....nature always finds a way and now she is finding a way around the intentional genetic manipulations forced upon us all....and in this process all secrets shall become known.Secrets like what gold really is and where it really comes from and how and why it can be transmuted.Tis all natural processes at work no majic.Consider contain energy....what do you think diamonds really are...where their energy came from and how it was imprisoned or deposited into the diamond...remember tis all natural processes...simple simon.
edit on 22-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: one4all

Well, that was all very interesting but, admittedly, it was somewhat difficult for me to follow your train of thought (or, let's call it your 'flow' of thinking). I want to try to understand what you are saying. For that, I'm afraid I'll have to do some philosophy.

Freemasons are keepers of knowledge...not majic

Freemasonry is, on a certain level, a sort of repository for 'some' knowledge. It's much more complex than that and much wider in scope, but it's a fairly accurate way to look at this particular aspect of Freemasonry. No individual Mason can possibly learn everything Freemasonry has to offer him with regard to knowledge. It would likely take many lifetimes to do so. I wouldn't go so far as to say Freemasonry's repository of knowledge is unlimited; that would give it some sort of unwarranted 'god'-like status; but, it does goes deep - very deep, indeed. You are correct to say Freemasons are not keepers of "majic". That is true.

I don't know that it's quite accurate to describe us as "keepers of knowledge"; we have simply 'borrowed' some of that knowledge from others; acquired by the great minds of history; and, as an institution, we give it a special place; we pay it special attention and honour. That knowledge is not 'secret'; it's available to anyone who wants it. It can be acquired through the study of the seven liberal arts. In addition, we are encouraged to contemplate Masonic symbols peculiar to Freemasonry. These are open to personal interpretation. Even you can do it; our symbols are available to you everywhere for your own perusal. We are also taught moral lessons through the use of a particular system of initiation which uses allegory as a teaching tool. These allegories are also available now on the internet but, being exposed to them in a live Lodge setting is a much more effective way to learn their lessons; a much more powerful format, if you will.

they have recognised the essence of nature which pervades all that exists

That is simply not an accurate way of characterizing us. None of us would claim to know "the essence of nature which pervades all that exists". If I walked into the Lodge and proclaimed that to my Brethren they'd think I'd gone mad!

they have recognised and mapped patterns that nature produces

If you mean that we strive to understand natural geometric patterns, then sure but, we have not "mapped" those patterns ourselves. Nature produces those patterns, sure but, I believe it was Euclid who "mapped" some of them? Perhaps Pythagoras, too, and many others? Were these men Freemasons? There is zero evidence of that.

Listen, I read all of the rest of your post and I truly wish I had the time to address all of what you say but, I simply don't at the moment. I'll have more time later on this evening. For now, have a wonderful Sunday!

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: one4all

I see you've just given me even more work to do this evening. I hope you'll return so we can continue this discussion. You're a very interesting and brilliant thinker!

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: JakeM84
That's your opinion to have. I'd say we are about finding enlightenment, but you are hung up on a single pathway.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 11:44 AM
The essence of nature which pervades all that exists is resonance frequency expressed as a language in the many ways humans are able to do this from spoken to written to numerical to is expressed as language.Language is intrinsic to process.

We are all ones....individuals......we need different forms of language to bring us together we need a common ground agreed upon status quo manifestation to to share as a group...….we require symbolism to differentiate ourselves … music language math physics sports culture opinions politics feeling and emotions everything is agreed upon and by proxy manifested.

Were we one we would strive to become two....were we many we would strive to be one....were we telepathic we could be both.....we were clearly designed to be both...however we are not....we have had to improvise we have had to jury-rig ways to replace our sense of one to replace our natural telepathy....speech and other forms of language were forced upon us fact we were tweaked genetically to accommodate our capacity for spoken language.We have been intentionally hobbled.Not only in our communication but in our longevity as well.However the simplistic nature of the Universe which is expressed as nature allows us to easily view the patterns within genetic research and learn where when and how these genetic tweeks were pattern recognition alone...the FoxP2 gene and the forkhead box Protein P2 and chromosome #7 are one of many points of departure in conventional genetic research which can be used as an anchor to begin pattern mapping. The genetic machinations behind the Liger are another nice anchor point.

When I was a kid in school a small kid I used to simply read all of my textbooks the first week of school and then not really utilise classtime I would simply take exams...and always nail them.....because …..No question can possibly ever be asked or written or formatted without some degree of prior knowledge which is intrinsic to the answer....this is my early exposure to natures patterns....whoever wrote the questions knew the answers so by proxy every single question contained a fraction of the answer and pattern recognition defines these fractions for you easily and quickly....I could NOT TAKE THE COURSE NOR READ THE TEXT BOOK and still sit down and divine the answers out of a test paper via pattern recognition.Wasnt fair that I could do this and Instructors hated it and I was punished for my approach and was accused of cheating and all sorts of dramatic things...I would bring completely non-related books to class and openly dive into them while also keeping pace with the ongoing classroom dynamics answering questions when asked and adding new ones they weren't asking as my nose was buried in a book about a completely different subject.
Then everything became like a Rubics Cube to was only a matter of time till I learned the main patterns and how to unravel or build them....speed was the issue .The only fair parallel I can think of off-hand is people who enjoy solving the Rubics Cube....once they have learned to recognise the patterns they can solve the puzzle with their eyes closed and at extremely high speeds and even with one in each hand .Memory imagination or visualisation hand-eye and symbolism and pattern recognition.You can apply these same techniques to the learning process to the thinking process.

Why build a granite ship.....what does granite facilitate....communication....language.....but what kind and by what language is exactly like another language....Art,Math,Music,English,ComputerCode,Symbolism.They all have commonalities which are expressed via natural patterning,once you learn one you know them all.Intuition and Empathy are top notch pattern recognition tools.If one could understand the language being projected from within a diamond what would one learn.Understanding how the energy which is by proxy a language or an expression was embedded into the diamond or manifested via the diamond is a good beginning to learning to read its story.

What do people think of the Tower of Babel could you possibly confuse mans language and fracture it from one into could you sequester them and impede their ability to communicate seamlessly with each other taking them from one main channel and forcing them to build new and many different channels.

It takes energy to keep a secret...more energy than to allow truth to be itself is a when people say follow the money,same concept same discover takes more energy to create a diamond than if the truth were realised or a specific natural pattern had been allowed to realise itself completely....a diamond is shall we say unfinished business.

edit on 22-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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