Who sleeps anymore 😵💫
My favorite color is becoming blue .. I think that’s fine …
It was green but like now blue blue hahaha !!
I’ll keep coming to this song
Robert Delong and k flay -favorite color is blue
edit on 16-8-2021 by CrazyBlueCat because: (no reason given)
The pandemia has been devastating for the music industry. For the live venues as well as the artists. Many artists have seemingly vanished. I have no
idea if they've disbanded or are even still alive. Some artists somehow manage to show that they're still around by producing new videos despite the
difficult situation. I've even seen live videos where they play on stage with no audience. Hats off to them, well done! When this is all over, I
wonder what venues and which artists have survived. Peps Persson in the video below passed away this summer.