posted on May, 26 2018 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to:
I am a religious person, WAY more into the New Testament than the Old. I'm also a recover-ed/ing addict. And I've got almost no sympathy for the
addicted. They don't need sympathy--they need self awareness and self-discipline; neither of which come as a gift. They must be earned.
If I had a dollar for all of the wasted help and wasted second chances well-meaning people tried to give me, I'd retire early.
Our culture lives in fear of judgment. So we have "defined deviancy down", to use a now 60-year old catchphrase. Judgment is a culture's way of
telling our naifs that something is bad. Heavy penalties in a REAL prison would curb addiction in the US; you can bet your sweet bippy.
Coddling weakness is rewarding it. And weakness robs life of its value. Nietzsche was right on that score.