posted on May, 6 2018 @ 05:48 PM
Hi Dawn, welcome aboard
yes it's a madhouse here, you will be liked, disliked, admired, shunned, all at once haha.
I was a visitor here for years before i joined, i met good freinds here, end fearsome enemies, i fought capaigns here, i loved some members, hated
others, but hey family is family, you cannot choose your relatives, you can only respect them, as a dear departed freind and ATS member 1WorldWatcher
often said: "With great respect".
I have crossed (s)words with so many of you over the years, and i still see the 'pro' and 'anti' PWM/free energy camps out there, so sometimes i crawl
out of the the woodwork and stir thngs up a little
...if you like ufo's and especially how they work and how we got this tech you should read my
Fluxliner thread, the last thread i posted here, heck it could be my last one period, but i would rather die knowing that the info is out there, and
oh, one more thing, Phage, yes he knows his stuff and i love his logic, but please dont become a sychophant, it would mire you in the 'conventional'
science and you will miss the 'real' science. Lockheed Martin have a portable fusion reactor for the next fighter jet, it will have at least a 2 Mw
capacity and is smaller than a washing machine, I know because i know the man who designed it.
Well goodnight peeps, i am off on vacation soon, Dawn, enjoy the site