posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:46 AM
Win7 Ultimate
Z77A-GD65 (MS-7751) Motherboard
i7 2600k @3.40Ghz CPU
GTX 970
16GB Corsair DDR3 1600 Ram
SSD for OS and Games, several TB on different external harddiscs
Logitech G105 keyboard
Logitech G203 Prodigy gaming mouse(i like it simple and i am left handed xD)
Logitech 4.1 system(because of the extreme bass xD)
Logitech Vengeance 2000 7.1 wireless Headset
Asus VS247 Monitor
NZXT alu case
But the most important thing, for me is the surrounding. I try to imitate "nature, forest, jungle" around my monitor and on my desc. Painted my wall
green, a "wall" from the garden made from bamboo in front of it(right behind me monitor and desc). Then i was able to hang flowerpots on that
bamboowall, where i could put green plants in. But it´s still under construction, need more of these special flwoerpots and waaay more plants. I want
to have a feeling of being in the forest, if i play survival games(had an Arma3 Exile server a while ago, for example).
Sorry, i am not a photographer, so i don´t have a camera. And i am wearing a tinfoil hat all the time, so i don´t use spyPhones, just simple mobile
phones with bad cameras, otherwise i would have posted a picture.