posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 12:25 PM
Those who struggle with moldy bread:
What type of bread do you buy (processed, local) and how, where and in what do you store it?
Because I only once had moldy bread and that was after I used a bread-container to store it (Tupperware). Never used it again.
I store it wrapped in the thin paper it´s wrapped in at the bakery, in a kitchen drawer. I cut the amount I need with a cutting machine into slices
and the rest goes back into the paper and drawer. Fresh bread will only last you 2-3 days and then it should be consumed away anyways.
If you have to drive long ways to get to a bakery and need to buy more then freeze it. Or bake fresh bread, it´s actually cheaper and really not a
big thing.
If bread has time to get moldy, some of those factors played a role, two of them have to do with processed bread:
- moisture agent
- cool down time too short before packaged
- wrong storage
Think about changing to local bakery if you can and you will safe money or at least even out, even if the fresh bread is more expensive. You won´t
throw away bread because it get´s moldy, too. It will get hard at worst and then you can use it for other stuff (see this thread)