posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 10:02 PM
I think ultimately, the solution to avoiding social entrainment is something along the lines of Jungian shadow integration; but the integration
process must be catalyzed by some form of gnosis . I use the term gnosis vaguely as a representation for whatever form of
spirituality/metaphysical knowledge that resonates with you as an individual. For me, that gnosis is the Bible. Regardless, it is essential to
identify our personal stumbling blocks that hide within the shadows of our subconscious minds, and bring them into the light of conscious resolution,
with the power and momentum of gnosis-to-epignosis conversion--the process of converting knowledge to wisdom via day-to-day application.
This is beyond religion and socio-political idealism. Rather than regurgitating the processed content that is carefully propagated by the ideologues
of politics, philosophy, and religious leaders, it is much more useful to use discernment in parsing all knowledge. Apply that which stimulates
growth, and discard that which encourages stagnation to the point of social entrainment.
By further defining yourself as a stable individual, you are doing both yourself and society a service. It is easy to become disillusioned by the doom
and gloom of the media. Free speech, and freedom of press is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it facilitates the spread of knowledge, but on the
other hand, that knowledge can be used to establish hypnotic feed-back loops that have a tendency to entrain the masses...but we must not let these
adverse reactions polarize us.
If, "as above, so below", then as below, so above. Find equilibrium on the individual level, and perhaps when enough of us have
accomplished this goal, we can enjoy equilibrium as a society...however fleeting it may be.