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The Further Adventures of Stephen Hawking and His First Trip Through a Black Hole

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posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 10:41 PM
We are pleased to announce the successful ascension of Stephen Hawking, the late great Human physicist and theoretician.

He has successfully discarded his old Human body and is now in the 'transitional state' of pure mind.

We of Boorg Industries Intergalactic have offered Stephen a choice of a fully functional, and latest state of the art Boorg 'Advanced Humanoid Android' so he can enjoy his hew life as an intergalactic traveler with his new Boorg friends - Of course we will offer him the option to remain in the pure state of Mind.

Hawking is very excited to be here - And has expressed his desire to thank all of the Humans who aided him while he was in the compromised biological state - And has expressed his desire to return to Earth in his new Humanoid Android form - Of course he will look like Stephen Hawking before his disease. And of course he will not be able to return until Humans accept the existence of alien species, such as us at Boorg Intergalactic - Alien disclosure is up to you Human, not your government.

- AlienView, Agent
Boorg Industries Intergalactic

"“If I had to choose a superhero to be, I would pick Superman. He’s everything that I’m not.”
- Stephen Hawking

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
- Stephen Hawking


Universal Space Alien Peoples Association

posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 11:17 PM
"Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge. His scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics".........

Quoate source:

Many Worlds Theory? - He believed it - How about you Human? - Tired of this World? - We can show you a better one!


posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 11:40 PM
Stephen Hawkin-WHTEVR was a #sucker,

# Him!

Let's move on.

posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 11:59 PM
Where's his rocket powered wheel chair? Or maybe a 'UFO' platform it sits on, and floats / propels via. Like Dr Wily from Megaman.

To really stoke the ordeal give it a fusion reactor power plant, that he fuels with beer.

And lazer beams that shoot from his helmet.

And a word he can say over and over, like Timmy from South Park. A cool word, like TIMMY.

posted on Mar, 22 2018 @ 01:27 PM
R.I.P. Mr. Hawking.

And that was a nice tribute AlienView, I really liked the boorg angle!

~ meathead
edit on 22-3-2018 by Mike Stivic because: somethings are worth it some are not...sometimes I confuse the two...

posted on Mar, 22 2018 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Mike Stivic

R.I.P. Mr. Hawking.

And that was a nice tribute AlienView, I really liked the boorg angle!

~ meathead

Thanks! - Still trying to wirte sci-fi that's a cut above.

Remember my frinedly 'Boorg' is not the evil 'Borg' from Star Trek, - I'm still waiting for Star Trek, currently showing
as Star Trek Discovery to write an episode on a change in the old Borg from other Star Trek series, that evolves to the
point where they can be delt and bargained with - After all if you want to believe in an intelligent AI species thats'
evil, why not believe in one that is good?

In the later part of his life Hawking was communicating almost excusively by computers and aritificial intelligence
- Much of it is probably recorded - So if you believe 'hard AI' in the future can become conscious - Why not believe
in the resurrection of Stephen Hawking
- He is a Mind that does not die easily as we've seen.

See here on ATS:

I Am Science Fiction
edit on 22-3-2018 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

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