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The LIBERAL MEDIA is More Damaging to the USA Than Russian Bots-Spies-Hackers Combined.

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posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: RomeByFire

I get double points whenever I get all the trigger words in one post.

They get redeemed for better parking spots at the market.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 09:23 AM
I agree one hundred percent with the Thread title. I think that the liberal media is playing right into the hands of Putin. We need to crush this kind of misinterpretted crap that is being spread to try to influence people's beliefs by both extreme liberal and extreme conservative groups. It will tear our country apart.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy Ya know DB, I love reading your posts. They always bring a smile to my face. Generally what you say is completely against what I believe but I still like reading them. It’s like some newspaper with all the hype and dismay one could want.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Hype and dismay (funny enough) was the name of my band in college.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy Well you make it awesome sir. Tip of the hat to ya!

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 11:13 AM
The term "liberal" media is used to gaslight the people. There is no such thing. Not being alt-right does not a liberal make. At best, the media is moderately conservative. It's owned by the richest of the rich. Get real. How liberal is that group?

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Why did you leave out fox news and talk radio? They are all just as bad. Nothing but propaganda from any main stream news source.

But to leave out one whole side, shows that you're brainwashed.

It's not rocket science to see that MSNBC skews everything to appease a liberal base...and not even liberal base....but establishment democrat base...and Fox News skews everything to an establishment republican base, not a truly conservative or libertarian base. If you only call out one side, it shows you don't really know what's going on.

That's how they brainwash you. By only telling you one side of the truth over and over again until you start to believe it.
edit on 10-3-2018 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Well, so it's the media's fault all of the corruption surrounds the man? Russia, affairs, wife beaters, etc....not only that, his ridiculous twitter rants....he brings chaos on himself!!!!!

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

Only stupid to a libtard,he only does positive things,you deadbeats who live off welfare see your future erroding,better get some work clothes and get to work,Obama days are over with

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
IMO, the Trump Administration/U.S. Govt should "be tough" on the liberal media, like they are with North Korea, Russia, China, and other countries who attempt to harm America in some way.

The MSM is GOING to come down.

Skip to the 10 min. point...

Just one part of Taylor's prophecy about Trump has yet to fully become a reality. "It says the news media would be captivated by him, and they would even begin to agree with him," Taylor told Griffith. "That's the only line in the prophecy that hasn't come to pass yet, so we have to ask ourselves, what's fixing to happen to make the mainstream media to begin to agree with him?" Griffith followed up asking what is "fixing to happen?"

"God's going to clean out the news media," Taylor said. "God is looking for His people right now, His millionaires and billionaires basically to come in and start investing in these places and buying them out; taking over. God is going to rebuild them and restore them because there is no spirit of truth in them right now - and that's what God is going to restore."

Man Who Predicted Trump Win 7 Years Ago: Mainstream Media Will Change Their Tune About Him

The Spirit of God says, "The news media, the news media, you have become a stench unto my nostrils, there is no spirit of truth in you. I the Lord God will clean out the news media and bring back truth. The sign will be given when news outlets will go down, bankrupt, and I the Lord God will rebuild them using my righteous people to restore them. I am calling on my Army, those who are chosen to be journalists, investors, to get ready to take your place as I tear down and rebuild my news media."

God Will Remove The Fake News (Transcript)
God Will Remove The Fake News - YouTube (@ 10:20 min.)

Taylor says nearly everything God told him is coming to pass. However, there is one major exception: His prophecy said, “Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I gift to him and they will even begin to agree with him.” CBN News recently asked Taylor what he thought was about to happen to make the mainstream media begin to agree with Trump.

Trump ‘prophet’ makes bold prediction about media

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Oldtimer2

Just remember, constantly using trigger phases and continually repeating the same false claims ad nauseum... doesn't necessarily make it so.

When Trump says stupid things, he's bound to be called out on it... which as it happens, is over 90% of the time he opens he's big fat gob.

edit on 10-3-2018 by Subaeruginosa because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Mach2
yes rascism was greatly diminished till obama became president and he himself started fanning its embers.
i remember him sticking his nose into what happened with the shooting of travon martin the police didn't charge george zimmerman because they determined it was justified but obama put so much pressure it forced da to file charges and then it snowballed to ferguson and more.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 02:59 PM
they are only reporting what he gives them, hes been filmed saying if his daughter wasnt his daughter hed bang her (what father thinks like that), that he likes grabbing womens genitals, he only likes 10s. he supports racists, he mocks other leaders like a child (even if they are bad, act like a leader), he pretends to be christian to get votes, he even said he would become a republican to become president as they are all stupid. he buys women off hes cheated on his wife with.
the list goes on, they wouldnt be able to report any of this if it wasnt for him doing or saying it

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: kerrichin

Only whats on tape is proven.

Same with all accusations against you.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 03:09 PM
Well, this needs some consideration. I can't stand liberals and I frankly can't find anything good to say about Trump either.

I think we're all too busy arguing over which side who is on than focusing on the real problem. And the real problem is this. The reason Trump was elected was because people were tired of the Bushes the Clintons and Obama. Trump was perceived as something different. But he's not. And he never was.

Think about it. The MSM made Donald Trump. They built this character from the ground up over the course of decades. But why? There was no reason for his stature in the media. Not at first, anyway. He seemed to just be there for no obvious reason.

Here's what I feel is an enlightening thought about Trump. One day sometime in the 90s I had just had my fill of the daily CNN chatter and turned off the TV and turned on some music and picked up a book instead. But before I started reading, I paused long enough to ask myself a very simple (but hard to answer) question. I thought to myself "Why do I know who Donald Trump is? Why is this man on TV at all? Why does CNN care about him?" Those questions remain unanswered to this day. There simply isn't an obvious explanation for why this (apparent) clown is POTUS in 2018. Unless we've all gone completely insane. And the only reason I can come up with as to why he is POTUS is that the (famously) liberal MSM spent decades building him up and mentioning him as often as possible everywhere they possibly could. By the time he was ready to run for president, there was no way you could be an American and not have ever heard his name. So he is president not because he was wealthy. But because everyone knew his name. Literally. That's the whole thing. Your president is president because people knew who he was when he decided he wanted to be president.

Nothing about any of this mess makes any damn sense and we have a soft public that's just going along with it like it totally makes sense. It does? How? It's like a really bad movie that gets popular because people are stupid. That is everyone who has a few minutes out of every day to let us all know they have an opinion. The people who aren't idiots are apparently not doing much talking. I'm not buying the Trump reality show. I think it's a sham. I think Trump is a sham. I think the media and the deeply-entrenched propaganda machine is/are playing us (not all of us but most of us) like a fiddle.

The internet caused them to briefly stumble and it took them a while to get their wits about them and come up with new strategies for controlling the masses through the new "media". The internet just might be the only thing they didn't plan for ahead of time. I think it genuinely surprised them. But they've caught up and they're very good at it now. They have succeeded in convincing most people that there are still two (or more) sides at the top of the power structure. I call BS.

edit on 10-3-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

The MSM was partisan and biased and bigoted waaaay before Trump.

They just don't even pretend to be non-partisan any more.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: BrianFlanders

The MSM was partisan and biased and bigoted waaaay before Trump.

This is true. I'm old enough to remember the first time I heard his name on TV. I don't think it was the first time his name had ever been on TV but by the time I heard it, everyone was talking about him for no real reason. Other than the fact that the MSM chose to talk about him. He wasn't the only wealthy person in the world and I'm sure he wasn't the only charismatic one who was willing and able to make a fool of himself.

My point is that his story (how he came out of nowhere and ascended to where he is now) is just not plausible. I believe there's more to it. This is a conspiracy forum and I'm going to toot my conspiracy horn. My conspiracy theory is Trump. He isn't who people think he is. He's part of the same old crowd that's been ruling us for at least the last 50 years.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

Fair enough.

I still like Trump because he pisses off so damn many people!


That kind of irritation, I just admire.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 03:41 PM
It's not just the media, a huge issue is platforms like Google, Youtube, Facebook and other related sites. Long story short, Google intentionally manipulates what its users see in search results in order to promote political ideology at the behest of the heads of the company. As I've said several times before, I once personally Googled something specific relating to Trump. Google wouldn't show me it - instead, all they showed were negative results about how Trump is evil or racist. Of course, when Google is pushed about this censorship, they'll say "We don't censor anything, all of the search results are available". Technically, that's true - it's just that they have specific algorithms in place to push the search results they don't like back to page 50 where nobody will ever see them. When 99% of the country tries to search for information about Trump or his presidency and instead all they see is "Trump is racist!", obviously this begins to sway opinion, as can be clearly seen.

Youtube pushes videos to do the same - promote ideas and ideology at the behest of those in charge. Youtube has the ability to expose millions of users around the world to any videos they want, by their clever use of the "recommended" section. When a company has the ability to suddenly expose millions and millions of people to propaganda, this can be an obvious problem. And Youtube has absolutely attempted it, at times with hilarious flagrancy, as was seen with their ridiculous "morethanarefugee" pro-migrant propaganda, which was an attempt to mislead viewers about the true nature of the migrant crisis.

Facebook is an entire other can of worms. They've literally been caught using their platform to conduct psychological experiments on the public, particularly by manipulating users' emotions. Why? Well, imagine if they bombard users with sad stories one day - family killed in car accident, puppy dies in fire... Trump does such-and-such. The user then associates those negative emotions with Trump. Likewise, they might bombard the user with pleasant images and stories another day - "check out these cute kittens!", "look at this funny baby!", "Hillary Clinton to appear at so-and-so place". Just as the negative emotions can be carried over, so can the positive ones. These psychological tricks can be used on a massive scale to attempt to control political leanings.

These all work together with the MSM as part of one giant mind-control apparatus designed to form public opinion to the whims of those in control.

posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: BrianFlanders

Fair enough.

I still like Trump because he pisses off so damn many people!


That kind of irritation, I just admire.

Using this logic, you should like the MSM too.

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