posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to:
I 'm not so sure about the flyoff happening over there, they probably visited to test them against some stuff as you said.
As to not sharing pictures of them... the B-21 will be revealed sooner or later anyway. This shouldnt be an issue at all.
There is a case to be made for other stuff to be kept secret if caught in the wild, but i dont think its an easy descision to make.
In general i think its unbecoming for a democratic society that its citizens have far less of an idea what they are paying taxes for, than potential
If you think congressional oversight works on the majority of black programs your are kidding yourself. The chairman and ranking member of a
subcommittee approving stuff is not oversight. 'National Security' is an excellent cover to hide waste, corruption and worse.
Doesn't mean there shouldnt be stuff kept secret of course, but essentially nothing coming out of the black for decades at this point is not
justifiable either when the taxpayer is ask to invest untold billions every single year.