posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 12:19 AM
originally posted by: Goyish
E turned into IS
I saw this ME months ago at YT and Reddit
But now I REALISE what it alludes to.
what does E turning into IS allude to?
here's what stands out to me with Tom Hanks' and Daniel Tiger's version both being like the original 'THE' neighborhood but Mr's Roger's original 800
episodes all being 'THIS' now:
- the 2019 movie is peculiarly titled THE neighborhood even though Rogers' theme song now is accepted as having THIS not THE
- Tom Hanks sings THE neighborhood which also conflicts with the 800 episodes lyrics that all have THIS now
- 800 is the approx # military bases US has all over the world
- those episodes aired 1968 thru 2001
- 1968 JFK assassinated after exposing US Military Industrial Complex
- 2001 WTC attacks on anniversary of Bush's NWO speech
- deny ignorance
ps: still stumped on what E turning to IS alludes to!