a reply to:
But thats the thing, isn't it.
We have not been attacking AQ or any of their assets, because that is the wrong way to look at it. We have been bombing agents of our own
governments, people paid and trained by our governments intelligence services, to perform a role which has a noticeable effect on how easy our nations
people are to control, through fear of attack by our very own proxy agents. Its very important that no one ever make a comment on the terror
situation, without referencing that point, because anything less than the whole truth is equal to a lie. There is no such thing as a terror group
which does not come under the blanket of "Funded, supported and bought to your door by the interference, meddling and backstabbing of the US
government and its friends world wide".
Also, its worth pointing out that it is ONLY the interference in the normal lives of Afghan citizens, by proxy armies bought and paid for by the
west, or worse, air strikes, invasion and occupation by western forces, which made the poppy worth planting at all. What little they had before
invasion was reduced to rubble and ashes, and they needed to make a quick buck. But heres the local Big Beard, telling the towns folk "I know a guy
who says, if you grow this stuff instead of food, he will see you right faster than you would be able to get right on your own". Little do the
townsfolk know, that the guy in question works for the same government that destroyed their food crops and their homes and their livelihoods during
the invasion, and that working for him will make them slaves of the very state which murdered their way of life.
Those bad actors you are talking about... without them, there would be no operation, the drug peddling game in Afghanistan would end, probably inside
a decade, and without further action on the ground or from the sky. Its only the situation as it stands, which keeps that trade going. Many farmers
would rather be growing food, after all, because there is less of that about at the moment, than there is heaping piles of opium.
And your comment about Pablo Escobar...
Again, without CIA support, the man would never have become the almost legendary figure that he was or remains today, and if that support had been
cut out from under him, he would have dwindled on the vine like over ripened tomatoes do. But NOOOOO, we have to have a multi-million dollar operation
against him and the cartel (all of which was designed to hide his actual affiliation with the intelligence community). The CIA invented narco-terror.
They are not the solution to it.
And as for neo-cons... Its neo-conservatism which CAUSED this crap in the first place! There are few things which better define a neo-conservative
attitude, than working under a sworn oath to uphold a given set of principles, such as those under which an intelligence agent might be sworn to do,
and considering it acceptable to dishonour your own name and that of your nation, by engaging in amoral behaviour with global scale consequences.
Handing the infrastructure so carefully fostered, to people OUTSIDE the realms occupied by these utter scumbags, would be a VICTORY, in that respect
at least, because it would say to any profiteering bastard out there "Look... you tried to build a shadow empire, and what did it get you? All your
territory and infrastructure abandoned to whomever is closest to it, and a bullet in the head for your good self... do you feel smart now, Mr
Intelligence Man?"
Again, this comes down to initiation... The instigators are not locals, they are Americans. The instigators are not present in Afghanistan, but in
America. Without the instigators, there would be none of the terror we have seen over the last umpteen decades, nor would their be the scale of drug
operations running in Afghanistan that we are seeing now. All of this issues from sources without the nation, so bombing infrastructure and burning
poppy plants will not achieve ANYTHING.
The ONLY thing that MUST happen, is the executive level destruction of the support network by which these terror groups and drug cartels operate.
That is the ONLY factor which dictates whether the drug operations continue ad infinitum or not. There are no locally owned, locally organised,
unaffiliated groups in Afghanistan, untouched by the hand of the intelligence agencies, who have the man power and the financials necessary to take
over an operation of any scale, so all that needs to happen, is for the money and the protected supply routes to dry up, both of which are delivered
at the hands of only one entity, that being the machinations of those who have co-opted agency resources to line their own pockets and to commit
psychological, Orwellian operations against the people of the free world.
There is only one origin, therefore there must be only one target. Take the right target, and the whole thing will fall apart as if a controlled
explosion had occurred, with only the cost of a few agency personnel who needed to be offed anyway.