I can say that I have been robbed at gunpoint many times before I was 18. Each robbery or fight was not a big thing in my life really, only a story
that I have I think of, and stay out of the way of areas that you might encounter that kind of stuff..
When I was 18 my last robbery was when I worked at a small chain of convenience stores, at closing time 3 'guys' came in and 1 had a pistol and pulled
it on me, then without any warning he shot my manager who stood (doing nothing) about 5 feet away. 2 of the 'guys' tried to make me open the safe, the
other dragged the manager into the back leaving a long blood trail. Meanwhile the 2 that were on me made me lay flat on the floor and try and open
the safe, which had a KEY...
The key wouldn't work so 1 kept pistol whipping me each time I would look up at him, (I'm stupid, I always look at who I am speaking too) although he
had pantyhose over his head. He told me that I had 10 seconds to open it or he was gong to shoot me, which I had no doubt he wouldn't just for fun.
Right at about the time that I thought I was a real goner 2 guys (customers) came in and the robbers made them lay down too. That bought me some time
and literally saved my life, more than likely. They robbed each of us of our wallets and watches, then it got kind of quiet.
There is a LOT more to this story, but during the entire time I was as calm as I could be, I have no idea as to why, but I was, the 2 guys that were
laying beside me weren't.
It all turned out better than I thought it would, but it scarred me until this day, 47 years later each time I walk into ANY place that is small like
a convenience store I am ULTRA aware, I trust NO ONE!
If this is what you meant, by asking how we felt and dealt with the aftermath this is how I dealt with it.
I have a funny story that happened to me once years later that was embarrassingly funny.
Anyway, if you were robbed and no actual violence happened I am pretty sure that in time you will get over it. Normally, I would say anyway.
For me, I would say that I have a form of PTSD, of course I had no idea what they called it then, but now after self-diagnosing myself I am 'pretty
sure' that I do.
Hopefully this helps!