posted on Nov, 3 2017 @ 01:11 PM
Sounds similar to something I saw a number of years ago - in Walsall, so not too far away.
I had been out observing Jupiter with my son. It was clear, though there may have been a very thin haze of high cloud because the seeing wasn't
brilliant. We stopped to watch a low-flying plane pass over the house on its way to Birmingham airport. The plane approached from roughly SW and as it
passed overhead turned to a more easterly track in the direction of the airport. As it disappeared over the house I saw three yellow/orange lights out
of the corner of my eye.
The lights were not sharp, they were dim, slightly fuzzy and a thin oval shape, with the centre brighter than the edges. The colour was similar to a
sodium streetlight. All three followed a parallel course from south to north. Two were close together, and the third further away and slightly behind.
They travelled very fast. From first observing them almost overhead to them disappearing (fading out in unison about 20 degrees above the horizon)
took only 3 to 4 seconds.