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Which begs the question of who did they call upon prior to that . The Sons of God or the Watchers is a theme that makes them none human .Gen.6 : 1-4 is told in the longer version of Enoch 1 . Both Peter and Jude quote from it and its theme is in Pauls writings as well . We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers and beings . The dead Nephlim is what creates demons .
Genesis 4:26 - And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.
originally posted by: the2ofusr1
Which begs the question of who did they call upon prior to that . The Sons of God or the Watchers is a theme that makes them none human .Gen.6 : 1-4 is told in the longer version of Enoch 1 . Both Peter and Jude quote from it and its theme is in Pauls writings as well . We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers and beings . The dead Nephlim is what creates demons .
Different biblical writers quote from none canonical writings is just a fact of the bible . Enoch 1 is pre-new testament while 2 and 3 post date the first century . Older writings other then OT have similar stories to the watcher story of 1st Enoch so as a ME context it was shared much like the flood story . The Bible makes mention of other gods and compares the creator God to them . If they were not real then why make the comparison . The Tower of Babel incident turns the nations over to the sons of God and we see instances like in Daniel where the Angel dispatched to Daniel is hindered and he says that he has to go help out another after hes done with Daniel . There is a unseen realm motif running all through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation . Read Psalm 82 for context into the judgement against the sons of God for not doing what they should have been doing .
There's a reason why Enoch 1, 2 and 3 didn't make it into the biblical canon, although there may be some truth in them.
As to a link in Pauls writings dealing with Head Coverings he says because of nature and the angels . This reference only makes sense when we learn what nature (science of the day) taught . The hair was considered a sexual organ back then just as the earth being flat was . The angel reference in that probably hearkens back the sons of God seeing the daughters of men and the lust issue .
As the verse you quote states, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers and beings, all of which are capable of leading men astray, but doesn't claim to be able to reproduce with them. I think the remaining verses in Genesis 6 tells us what happened...
To understand better we have the original fall that was not good , then we have the watchers teaching man to be even worse then what they were because of the introduction into cutting of roots (drugs) and metals to make implements of war the tower of bable where we get the dividing of the nations who go to war against each other . The Cross is a reversal of all of that . A good place to look into is Mike Heisers Reversing Hermon
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. Over and over we see how God was upset with "men" and their wickedness. It doesn't say that it repented the Lord that he made deceiving angels or watchers for corrupting men in this particular case. Everything mentioned in verse 7 that would be destroyed were all earthly creations.
originally posted by: the2ofusr1
As to a link in Pauls writings dealing with Head Coverings he says because of nature and the angels . This reference only makes sense when we learn what nature (science of the day) taught . The hair was considered a sexual organ back then just as the earth being flat was . The angel reference in that probably hearkens back the sons of God seeing the daughters of men and the lust issue .
The Sodom and Gomorrah story is one of lusting after strange flesh these heavenly being seemed to take on when they went to talk to Lot . A example in nature is the offspring of a horse and a donkey is a Muel which cannot reproduce .It still holds true that after each kind but does put a limit to the extent of the unholy union which is what you find in Jude .
I never said they weren't real, I just don't believe they have reproduced with man. I do believe that it's very possible that these entities taught people magik and mysticism that they will be judged for later, but based on the way Genesis 1 was written, I don't believe that they were able to reproduce through others, as in humans. The fact that Genesis 1 tells us that each will reproduce after it's own kind, as restated in 1 Corinthians 15, is pretty clear. God may have instructed people not to intermingle, but it never suggests that they would have to watch out for deceiving entities that would try to intermingle with them physically. If the spiritual entities can't even reproduce among themselves, why should we ever believe they're capable of reproducing through another means or that God would even allow it to happen?
originally posted by: TruthJava
originally posted by: jedi_hamster
perhaps a little bit of a sidenote, but some my find it interesting. some my find it disturbing though. one of the dreams i had years ago.
God wanted blood. that's why he wasn't happy with Cain's offering. "do you love me, Cain?" "yes." "prove it!" - and that's how he ended up killing his own brother. it was his offering to God. a proof that he would do anything for him. wether God's response was a curse, or a gift... well, that's another story.
I know you stated it was just a dream, but I have to respectfully disagree with that idea. The bible clearly says that cain was jealous of his brother because God accepted the offering from Abel but not him (cain). Therefore he killed his own brother out of jealousy.
The surprise discovery was that for 300 million years, it was more common for species pairs to occur together—to aggregate on a landscape—than it was for them to segregate. Then the pattern flipped around 6,000 years ago in North America. Around the same time the human population was expanding and becoming dependent on agriculture, plant and animal communities shifted to a pattern dominated by segregation.
Lyons and her colleagues looked at nearly 360,000 pairs of organisms from 80 communities on different continents, but the best data available to them around the time period in question came predominantly from North America. Lyons expects the pattern shift will be evident around the globe if other researchers look for it.
“It’s striking that there’s a community structure that is changing in ways it hasn’t changed before and that appears to be associated with humans,” says Erle Ellis, a professor of geography and environmental systems at the University of Maryland and a member of the International Union of Geological Sciences Anthropocene Working Group. “I would say it’s one of the most interesting indicators I’ve ever seen of a shift in the biosphere associated with humans.”
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The name Canaan occurs commonly in the Hebrew Bible. In particular, the references in Genesis 10 and Numbers 34 define the "Land of Canaan" as extending from Lebanon southward to the "Brook of Egypt" and eastward to the Jordan River Valley.
The word Canaanites serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations—both settled and nomadic-pastoral groups—throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan.[1] Canaanite is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible.[2] In the Book of Joshua, Canaanites are included in a list of nations to exterminate,[3] and later described as a group which the Israelites had annihilated.[4]
Archaeological attestation of the name Canaan in Ancient Near Eastern sources relates almost exclusively to the period in which the region operated as a colony of the New Kingdom of Egypt (16th–11th centuries BC), with usage of the name almost disappearing following the Late Bronze Age collapse (c. 1206–1150 BC).[5] The references suggest that during this period the term was familiar to the region's neighbors on all sides, although scholars have disputed to what extent such references provide a coherent description of its location and boundaries, and regarding whether the inhabitants used the term to describe themselves.[6] The Amarna Letters and other cuneiform documents use Kinaḫḫu [Kinakh'khu], while other sources of the Egyptian New Kingdom mention numerous military campaigns conducted in Ka-na-na.[7]
originally posted by: the2ofusr1
a reply to: infolurker
He has two or 3 vids that helped me put the final nail in the question about King James version only . The conspiracy of The Masoretic Text is probably better understood in the context of Melchizedek and Jesus . The King Priest and not from the tribe of Levi .