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Majority Of White Americans Say They Face Discrimination

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posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Butterfinger
I remember race relations were a hell of a lot better 8 years ago before something happened...

They would tell you it was just because you were ignoring the issue and living in obliviousness I suspect.

I do know that everything sure is so much better now that everyone thinks everyone else hates them.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: MRuss

they glare at you - really??

i'm blonde and blue-eyed and I've lived all over the country (grew up in Atlanta) and i've never once lived somewhere where people glared at me on daily basis. AND, I've never once in my life heard someone complain about such things. LOL

i'm calling bullcrap on your whole post. good god!

edit on 27-10-2017 by knoxie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

OK, so if inheritances are dropping in the modern era, and African-American are only recently in a position where they could receive inheritances, maybe we ought to start looking at why no one, blacks or whites are receiving inheritances.

Could it be the idea that so many have that inheritances are bad and ought to be taxed away by the government for redistribution to the "more deserving?"

It seems that once African-Americans were in a position to start receiving their inheritances, the government had decided it was a bad idea for anyone to get them. So they never had a chance, but not because whites are evil and racist but because government can't stand anything it can't control but has to tax wealth away if it can.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Grambler

Well that sorta thing doesn't just happen overnight therefore primarily I blame Obama and his husband and their closet 'whitey must pay' conduct.

Goddamit...I'm suffering from bronchitis right now, and that just made me chuckle, which sent me into about a minute-long coughing fit and left me with a headache.

But the laugh was appreciated

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Butterfinger

As long as you were the right race at least....

If you were a minority though.. not so much...

I always think it’s hilarious when people pretend as if the past was better than the present..

Crime has constantly dropped, life expectancies are at all time highs, the internet

But hey if you were white during segregation or slavery. That would have been better than being equal today.. I guess.. if your a crap human being..

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

There were some things about then that were better, even for blacks.

Or do you think a black kid growing up with a single mother who brings in a new baby daddy every few months, has multiple siblings with different fathers, lives in a crumbling, crime ridden section 8 housing project, goes to a crumbling, corrupt inner city school, has a dozen friends who are all being groomed by the local gang like he is has it a whole lot better than the kid who at least had both parents who were married and loved him but lived under segregated conditions?

Both had it rough and lived in bad places, but one had a whole family and the stability that provides to help him get through it.
edit on 27-10-2017 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:42 AM
I don't have time to read through all of the comments right now, but has anyone pointed out that, in this in this poll, the total amount of white respondents was 902 people? That means that the cited "Majority of White Americans" equates to the opinions of 496 people...out of an estimated 198-Million white people (non-Hispanic) in America. And that's just the people in the poll who "believed" that there was discrimination; a much smaller percentage of these 902 white people actually claim to have experienced directly in things like applying for jobs (19%), being considered for a promotion (13%), or applying to college (11%).

So, by all means, let's start demeaning all white people in America based on the belief of 496 of them in this poll, and belittle those who have actually experienced discrimination, even if they're white.

I'm white, and believe me, discrimination affects all colors of skin, even if not to the same degree or frequency. Anyone saying otherwise is absolutely ignorant to reality. But we all must admit that there are many variables that accompany this, and as is evident from the poll, income levels and education levels matter, along with locale and community of residence, etc.

But we also must remember that perceived reasons for discrimination may not always be the accurate reason: I may discriminate against someone who dresses and acts like a gang member, but it wouldn't be because of the color of their skin, even it that's how they perceive it. I might discriminate against someone who presents themselves in a less-than-professional way, even though they may perceive it as being based on their skin color.

Maybe those examples are a loosely used form of "discrimination," but it's true that intent matters, and subjective perception is not always correct. These few white people polled who actually experienced discrimination may not even have experienced it based on race, that's just their perception.

Regardless, these numbers in this poll mean absolutely nothing, as do the opinions of people who claim that white people cannot be discriminated against.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:43 AM
Kids studying English at Yale no longer have to take Shakespeare and Chaucer.

A year and a half after a petition circulated calling for Yale to “decolonize the English department,” the first students are enrolled in a new course created by the department to increase the breadth of the curriculum and combat claims of departmental racism.

What’s more, new requirements are in place to ensure a more “diversified” slate of courses.

Previous requirements for the major included two courses in “Major English Poets,” including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton and Eliot, among others. But that two-course series petitioners had deemed actively harmful due to its focus on white male poets. The series is no longer a graduation requirement for Yale’s English majors.

Studying actual English poets is harmful because it's racist.

studying white authors ‘actively harms’ students
118 503 Share66 14

English majors no longer required to take class focused on Chaucer, Shakespeare

A year and a half after a petition circulated calling for Yale to “decolonize the English department,” the first students are enrolled in a new course created by the department to increase the breadth of the curriculum and combat claims of departmental racism.

What’s more, new requirements are in place to ensure a more “diversified” slate of courses.

Previous requirements for the major included two courses in “Major English Poets,” including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton and Eliot, among others. But that two-course series petitioners had deemed actively harmful due to its focus on white male poets. The series is no longer a graduation requirement for Yale’s English majors.

The petition, a Google document which has since been made private, critiqued the perceived whiteness of the English department requirements: “A year spent around a seminar table where the literary contributions of women, people of color, and queer folk are absent actively harms all students, regardless of their identity.”

English is too white. Nevermind that the folks who started the language and pioneered it's literary use were ... white folks ... it's too white to study those folks.

This crap is why whites are starting to feel discriminated against.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Or.. government policies and cultural pressure dictates overt discrimination against whites. Like when I had engineering slots to fill but was told I could only interview minorities and/or females. Now I'll be called a racist or lectured on how Affirmative Action is a price the pigment challenged amongst us must pay for the sins of the pale that came before them.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

You act like those poets are now banned from the school entirely. They simply took them off the required list, students are still more than welcome to read them and do reports on them.

Is this kind of thing the new SJW movement, just the conservative version? Seems like it. Snowflake much?

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: ketsuko

You act like those poets are now banned from the school entirely. They simply took them off the required list, students are still more than welcome to read them and do reports on them.

Is this kind of thing the new SJW movement, just the conservative version? Seems like it. Snowflake much?

It's the reason why they were taken off the required list. They made English too white. If the discussion is about white people saying they feel discriminated against, I submit this kind of crap is why. We cannot have classes requiring the old English poets who were pioneers in English literature because some kids feel it makes English *too white" and *harms them* in some way.

That would be like saying we can't study the concept of zero or algebra because they are *too Arabic* and harm kids who aren't Middle Eastern in some way.

If you find the concept of studying English so abhorrent because you find it is so heavily linked to white people where the language originated, then perhaps you should not be studying the literature produced by the people using the language because part of the study is tied up in understanding the origins of the language itself (OMG, studying white folks who made it) and studying the history of how they started using it to write which does include the early works which were written my ... *gasp* ... white dudes named Chaucer and Shakespeare and I'm not sure if we know the name of the of poet who put together the saga of Beowulf but he was white.

This is absurd. It's not like they aren't given plenty of opportunities in the curriculum to them study how the language was disseminated and used by other peoples to produce works and how those people of different cultures used it to shape their own narratives of their own peoples and places.

But to study English literature, you study the whole to get the entire picture for a broad survey.

Then, when you are looking to go into your post-grad work, you can concentrate more on how the people in Africa use English to produce literature or Hispanics peoples have used it, etc.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:02 AM
Discrimination goes both ways. The funny thing is the good responsible conservative people are the ones who suffer the most from discrimination. It is the pushy ones causing all the trouble, they do not care about the good white people being bashed, they use the turmoil to try to increase their numbers. All of the bashing of whites is increasing those supporting the racists in America. That is how it works. It is going to tear apart our country.

I am not going to complain about a cop using reasonable force and measures to detain a criminal, no matter what color they are. If someone has a gun and is shooting at someone or appears they may shoot, I see no problem in them being shot. If a person has a knife and is trying to stab people, I would hope the police would shoot that person no matter what color they are. We cannot have these loose cannons continue their terrorism, no matter what color they are or what country they come from. I do agree the police should try to talk the person with a weapon out of using it if it is reasonably possible, but I also feel sometimes that is not possible. A black person with a weapon threatening violence has no more rights than a white person with a weapon.

Discrimination works both ways, nobody should be killing others or spreading terror, no matter what color or nationality they are. I feel that the police forces should be able to use nationality from a terrorist area to pinpoint possible terrorists too, also records of recent trips to areas training terrorists. That has nothing to do with racism or picking on someone, it is something that can be used to possibly identify threats. It should be analyzed appropriately and not be abused. Some people want there to be no control on this and blame our law enforcement when things go wrong. If a black person is part of a gang, that is something to be considered, if that person does nothing wrong, then it is not a problem. White people have gangs and drug rings too, it is not only blacks. But in black neighborhoods there will be more black drug dealers and more black gangs. In white neighborhoods there will be more white drug dealers. Discrimination does not apply to me saying this, common sense rules.

Some may think what I am saying is racist, yes, I discriminate against criminals and deceivers who con other people. I am not against people selling drugs to responsible people who use them for recreation, I form no judgement on these people. I am against anyone selling drugs to kids though, I do discriminate against that. No matter what color they are.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:11 AM
Here's the deal: everyone is discriminated against. We all discriminate against others. Most of it has to do with projecting our own biases based in our personal history.

I was a rather portly fellow for quite a long time. Fat people are literally crapped on in society. Its something that is ok to openly make fun of, to a point its ingrained in our colloquial speech and casual cliches.

You can get into softer discriminations like fair skinned/red heads and field day at school not be appropriately accomodating to their skin health (yes, i've heard this one).

I tend to discriminate against very attractive people. This has mostly to do with their own histories, typically, of relying more on looks rather than merit. And I always run a meritocracy where I work. Its not intentional...its a bias developed through years of personal interactions. I also treat family more strictly in professional environments (and they are made aware of this in advance). But that is on purpose, to prevent perceptions of inequality/nepotism from emerging. Only 2 family have taken me up on employment, so it seems to deter pretty well.

So with all this said...the answer isn't to have black people march for more equality. Or white people to march for equality. Or women. Or men. Or any other pie that can be divided. The only answer is for humans to demand that they give equality to themselves. For us to decide that we will not discriminate. And (this is the hardest part) for us to unlearn our animal instincts, and rewire the way we think, so that we don't use past experience to create future expectation. This one will require a major shift, fundamentally, i neurology. Likely from something akin to a neural net, and a few generations to adapt.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I’m pretty sure that their is still almost no estate tax.. definitely isn’t one for less than millions. So that would be irrelevant concerning the topic.

The democrats have proposed taxing those more, but for now that is hypothetical.

I think it obviously has more to do with pay scales steadily dropping as unions have been killed off... we went from a system where organized labor was able to collectively negotiate. To a system where everyone is inherently replaceable and if you don’t like it. Find another job, you will just be replaced by some one younger and cheaper....

Add that in with a gluttons portion of shareholder mentality, where any company big enough to be publicly traded never has enough profits, because you need to make this quarters investors a profit..

Buisnesses can’t make make materials and most overhead less expensive, but you can almost always find someone who will work for a hair less labor.

So labor is constantly being cut..

The you have automation...

Ever since we sharpened the first stick it has taken less human beings to do the same work and we were always going to reach a point where human labor was more expensive than automation...

That is why the middle classes are dying..

In the past a male working an average full time job could support a family of four.. today it takes both parents working overtime.

We work more now for less money and the tax rate is at an all time low.. yet ceo profits have exponentially grown convienently as employee wages have dropped..

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

What happens when people are profiting from the discrimination, it is a minority of the population and it is institutional.

I don’t think slavery or segregation end just because black people decide they should be equal.....individually..

That sounds like some “in a perfect world” reasoning, any this ain’t a perfect world..

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Grambler

The question asked in this poll was very poorly constructed, in my opinion. On an individual, one-to-one basis, sure, discrimination against white people exists. I'm white, and I've been the target of it, both in an actual one-on-one interaction and also as a white customer in a black-owned business.

So yeah, that level of discrimination against whites does exist.

However, that level of discrimination is a minor annoyance, and not of much consequence.

The discrimination that is more important is the institutionalized, systemic discrimination that happens throughout society. How cops treat non-whites, how the court system treats them, how the education system treats them, how non-whites (and non-males) are treated on a daily basis by all levels of the culture.

And that kind of institutionalized, systemic discrimination does not, I believe, exist in relation to white people in the US at this point in history.

The poll-takers, or designers, needed to better craft their question.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

What happens when people are profiting from the discrimination, it is a minority of the population and it is institutional.

I don’t think slavery or segregation end just because black people decide they should be equal.....individually..

That sounds like some “in a perfect world” reasoning, any this ain’t a perfect world..

If that is what you took from my post, you completely missed it.

Its not black people that need to do anything. Its people. All of us. We all crap all over each other in subtle, and not subtle at all ways. Each and every day.

Its not discrimination against women. Or black people. Or illegals. Its discrimination, and its root in human psychology, that are the problem. IF we don't at least admit to, and try to work with, that...we are just lying to ourselves. And continuing a plan that will only lead to continued failure.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Grambler

It doesn't matter if you're white, black, brown, have big boobs or an awesome butt (me).

You're a female? Omg...

On topic: I feel bad for (white) Americans being discriminated against, or any other person of color. We shouldn't be reversing what Martin Luther King fought for his whole life. Does this mean his efforts were pointless and futile? I believe so. But there is hope that maybe one day, future generations finally move on, and resolve real global issues. Before the world runs out of resources.

I only want to see humans move materialistically and towards some type of spiritual way. At least half of the population should move on spiritually.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

I'm a guy.

With an awesome butt.

posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Lol wtf?

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