Yep, I'm pretty upset right now. Well, I wasn't that upset, but the more I think about it, the more upset I get. I find it somewhat humorous that I
am going to rant about a scenario involving a psychic. Out of all the things that piss people off, this really shouldn't be one of them...but it is.
It's not only the psychic, it's the whole scenario.
My mom died recently and I've worked through that as best I can. I've had some unexplained experiences in my life (thus being a member of ATS), so
I do understand the lure of trying to connect to the other side. But I don't understand people just accepting that someone is capable of connecting
to your loved ones better than you, the family member, can.
My sister did this. She went to a psychic yesterday to try to speak to my mom. For one thing, I find it really gross what she had to take with her.
Something of my moms, her hairbrush, is what she grabbed. Apparently it is better to have some hair still in it as well (puke). That would've put me
off the whole thing right there.
But no, my sister still went and she even invited me to go, but I declined after hearing that hair brush part. Who wants to travel around town with a
used hairbrush of someone who just died? Nty, I'll let you go it alone...not gonna get involved in such nonsense.
The next part is silly as well. The info this psychic supposedly was given after she connected with my mom. My sister told me what she said and it
really is a bunch of crap. She didn't say anything that was unique or special to my family. She actually just said stuff that happens after any death
in the family:
"Your dad needs to start giving away your moms things, it's time for him to move on." (really, it's been less than a month, I don't think so)
"He needs to keep his feet off the coffee table" (my dad has never put his feet on the coffee table in his life, nor does he sit by it)
"Revolving door needs to stop" (Um, yeah, it does...but that happens after every death in the family, so really no special sight for that one)
This next one really is funny. My mom apparently asked why my sister took her hair. Hello, you told her to you moron! That was what you suggested her
to bring to the reading. Which, why can't a pendant or something be used? Why do you need body parts? Do they not know how wrong it is to ask for
body parts?
These were just a few off the top of my head...and the rest are similar. Nothing of value was said. Nothing specific to my mom or my family. Anyhow,
the reason I'm upset is because my sister, because she is still emotional right now, believed everything that this lady told her. She bought it hook,
line, and sinker and...she is going back.
It makes me angry that these charlatans prey on people when they're in their most vulnerable states. The money she is spending? Well, that's not
near as bad as the emotional roller coaster my sister is on because of what was being shared, or her believing that my mom is still around. It is not
allowing my sister to move on.
Do I believe people have this ability? Yep, I do. But I think they are a rare find and probably won't be charging you $40/session to find out that
your dad is putting his feet on the coffee table (which, he isn't), and that your mom is upset about it (which, she wouldn't be).
I tried telling my sister it was all a ruse, but she is still wanting to believe. What more can I do? It is her time and money, not mine. And if she
thinks it is helpful (maybe some how it is , I don't know how though) maybe it shouldn't bother me that much. I guess I just hate seeing people,
especially my family members, get taken for a ride. And I'm upset that she is following so blindly.
I'm also upset with the "psychic". I get that some of these people are very open about their work being
only entertainment. But why not have
some ethics? Why not just tell someone that maybe its not the right time for their loved one to come back or refuse to do a reading? Not knowing how
mentally messed up the person you're reading is, you can't know for sure that what you say isn't going to cause more harm than good. Which to me
means they don't care about their clients well being, it's all about the cash.
Anyhow, just needed to get that one out. Thanks for listening and sorry about the rant...