a reply to:
You skipped a lot in my replies, which tells me, y'all can't actually engage in esoteric things. You are stuck in your own paradigm, yet accuse me of
I don’t skip explanations for any other reason than the shear volume of information. To read Hylozoics is one thing, to study it is another, to know
it and all its implications and applications, is a life’s work.
It teaches you how to think correctly, it does something to you which is a very spiritual experience. There is more to the Pythagorean mental system
than is apparent.
If you digest the knowledge and work up every detail. You can go away, free your mind and do other projects. Somewhere in your sub-conscience, the
knowledge itself evolves in your mind. (if you want a supernatural experience , do this!) Your clarity of who, and what your are, becomes obvious.
I have never experienced, enlightenment in the emotional sense, which is the eastern method. The powerful sense of intuition I feel in itself is
blissful. It didn’t need to satisfy my emotional feelings, it has to satisfy my intellectual credulity. It is frankly, quite mind blowing.
It challenges you every step of the way until you think deeply on it, you then realise, that it can’t be any other way. It puts EVERYTHING in
perspective and that is exactly what Meta knowledge, within a mental system, is designed to do.
This particular mental system was devised by Pythagorus and has been used for thousands of years by millions of people who study the Pythagorean
philosophy .
Until recently this knowledge was esoteric, it has now become exoteric, as this knowledge is freely available IF you know where to find it and what
you are looking for.
Some history of Hylozoism on Wiki, suggests evidence that Pythagorean Hylozoics is the essential authority of metaphysical explanation, being
voluminous, intuitive, logical and revealing explanation in minute detail.
Gnosticism was born from Alexandria, where Pythagorus taught and studied 500 yrs earlier, plenty of time for the Gnosticism to work up hylozoic
knowledge in their secret mystical schools. The record suggests that the Gnostics where influenced by the books of Paul and John, Esotericians claim
it was gnostics who authored large parts of the bible.
What has not been revealed, nor will be, is the knowledge of magic and explanation of its workings using know physics and undiscovered physics. Too
much power to be revealed. Atlantis, learned that lesson the hard way.
The story of Atlantis was ancient knowledge to Pythagorus, who was a causal being (last stages of mankind)
He studied in the great halls of Alexandria and spiritual centres throughout the ancient world. The knowledge was sacred and secret, and only
initiates where allowed to become illuminated.
The Chaldean and Jewish Kabbahla attempts to explain the same knowledge, but leaves much to the acolyte to concretise through intuition, which is how
it was intended.
The Kabbalha is also a mental framework where deductive reasoning affords the acolyte, the necessary reference points to mentally work up knowledge
for themselves in accordance to the law of self activation.
It is a law of life … we are here to imprint knowledge, physical and spiritual, onto our causal envelope to consolidate upon all, self worked up
knowledge acquired. A truism that can be drawn from a study of the law of self activation.
It is one thing to comprehend something and another to know. It is when we ‘know’ that we evolve.
Esoteric knowledge is more easily acquired if the knowledge has been worked up in previous lives. It remains with us as a latent memory that requires
reactivation, this is precisely how it manifests in Scientists, Doctors, Musicians, Philosophers, Artists,Savant’s etc, who have leanings and
that becomes intuition and natural talent.
Scientists intuitively, visualise evolution. so do all the rest of us, it is not a hard concept to grasp.
In answer to many of your rebuttals on the grounds of ignorance. It requires little intelligence to understand a concept that has been drilled into us
for a lifetime.
The details of scientific enquiry is not what a layman wants or needs, but it is obvious that a professional will soon blind by science any casual
We want conclusions, accurate conclusions, and it is some scientific conclusion that challenges my common sense, which I trust implicitly. I am not a
scientist but I am intelligent, as are many people who visit this forum who can’t understand your ‘reasoning’, not your science. I can’t see
how you go from A to C heading the direction you do.
Can evolution theory and ID co-exist? .. according to hylozoics, To some extent.
We examine evolution much like a monkey would examine a cell phone. He may marvel at it, he knows it exists, it vibrates but he doesn’t understand
it. Through experiment he may get it to light up.
Supposing there was no password he would discover a world of mystery. It is beyond him, so he eats another banana and life goes on.
He can learn if he is shown.
A human however with our more evolved minds (consciousness) will attempt to explain its mysteries as best he can, sans the knowledge of who created
the device*. He will dismantle it map out every component, attempt to understand the functions of resistors, capacitors, circuitry in minute detail
then stumble on the CPU, the brain of the device. it can be dissected but the instructions it contains will remain a secret.
You are examining the work of our ancestors who are now more evolved than we are. This is the relationship of comparative understanding achievable as
we are now. Our perspective is as limited as the monkey with the phone.
Henry T Laurency, is the author of The Philosophers Stone, the first of several truly inspiring pieces of literature that explains in vivid detail the
reality of life.
Nobody appears to know who he was, as he has sought no credit. His intellect is impressive as you would witness if you had the courage to examine his
Laurency, penned this knowledge at a cognitive, level that would be acceptable to a scientific mind.
In the spirit of Pythagorus’s aim to perpetuate the pythagorean principle which was to present a framework that all future science could built
This is NOT new age BS, this is the foundation for new age BS, which all display incomplete knowledge and ‘New Age’ tampering. If you where to
study hylozoics you will understand precisely where BS starts and reality ends.
The ancient knowledge filtered through many cultures, and attemted in as many various ways to describe the meaning of life, some much more complete
than others.
Examples would be the Kabbalah and Rosicruitonism and various secret societies.
Rosicrutionism, provided a modern interpretation of ancient knowledge with its own framework for understanding.
Addendum: Martin Cooper was the creator.
edit on 14-9-2017 by kennyb72 because: Addendum