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What do you think? (NASA/balloons with bacteria/solar eclipse

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posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 10:57 PM
I haven't seen anything posted on this yet, so I figured I would give it a shot.
My apologies If it's already being discussed

I dont know how legitimate the source is but according to....

NASA along with Montana State University, sent up like 100 weather balloons With bacteria attached to most of them, Up into the stratosphere during the solar eclipse. Because the eclipse changes the atmosphere up there! Its all pretty weird but the article dose make you think! thought it would be a pretty good one to debate. Let me know what ya think.

What secondary event happened Monday, August 21, 2017 during the nationwide solar eclipse that swept through America?

Resilient bacterial spores were planted on balloons for an experiment that was launched the same day!

Should we be concerned? Looks like this rabbit hole goes deep, so jump in!

NASA and Montana State University are to send huge quantities of deadly of bacteria into the stratosphere during the eclipse on Monday.  But don’t worry – according to those working on the project, it is all being done in the interests of ‘science.’”

“The balloons will also carry cameras to capture videos of cloud formations during the solar eclipse. Some of the balloons will also have weather stations called radiosondes attached to them so that researchers can identify how earth’s atmosphere changes during an eclipse.”

At this point in time, Secure Arkansas has found that very little is actually known about what could happen if the bacteria arrives in space. (The bacterial balloons are supposed to land back on earth). We do know that, according to Parag Vaishampayan, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, these bacteria are incredibly resilient. He said they “form shields of spores that allow them to survive even when conditions turn deadly. It takes around 140 hours at 257 degrees Fahrenheit to kill 90 percent of these bacteria…” 

Here is a link to the full article to NASA balloons

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:03 PM
Btw I think other articles have been done on this also.... that was just one source.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

"Huge quantities"? They were small cards with a bit of bacteria on them.

Out of the total fleet of roughly 75 balloons, over 30 of them will carry small samples of an extremely resilient strain of bacteria called Paenibacillus xerothermodurans over 80,000 feet above Earth. The P. xerothermodurans samples will be attached to thin, aluminum “coupons” and attached to the outside of the balloons. According to the researchers, Earth’s stratosphere is similar to the surface atmosphere on Mars, so they’ll be able to get some idea of how bacteria might behave there.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Not my words lol... idk
But that part didn't really matter to me because we dont really know the answer as to how much bacteria they really sent up but yeah still interesting none the less

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

A weather balloon can only carry so much. Even though bacteria is small, it has to be carried on something, and with camera and instruments, that reduces the amount that can be carried.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

And besides who cares how much it was it was a bacteria that could potentially be dangerous and mutates very fast and is very resilient and we dont know what this experiment was "really" for

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:26 PM
What I thought was interesting and forgot to add but is in the article is that they supposedly sent up these balloons with bacteria from 20 different locations along the path of the eclipse where millions of people flocked to view the eclipse

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: DustybudzZ
What I thought was interesting and forgot to add but is in the article is that they supposedly sent up these balloons with bacteria from 20 different locations along the path of the eclipse where millions of people flocked to view the eclipse

The eclipse wouldn't make any difference on bacterial growth, an eclipse is simply a shadow over a large area.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: Vector99

Well there saying up in the stratosphere the atmosphere dose change during the solar eclipse

But I am no biotech so I have no clue what that could do to the bacteria Lol

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:45 PM

I think perhaps this is along your storyline.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

Who are they?

the atmosphere dose change during the solar eclipse

It wouldn't change anymore than typical night time changes.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

Here is the thing...

What are the logistical requirements for NASA to be trying to do something sinister by sending the bacteria up???

Is there an easier way to get the same result with less expensive and/or risk????

For example:

If the US gov perpetrated 911 to provide a justification for war in Iraq?

Wouldn't blowing up a handful of daycares at the same time in various states. That was perpetrated by islamus terrorists, be all the justification they needed?!?!?!

Example 2:

If global warming is a hoax to steal tax dollars, wouldn't it be cheaper and require way less people to just print up a couple extra billion???

If the illuminati runs the world enough to buy off the media, government and scientists. Couldn't they get access to a printing press?!??

That's what I ask myself when I hear a conspiracy..

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Vector99

If your going to quote me please say the whole thing

Well there saying up in the stratosphere the atmosphere dose change during the solar eclipse

And I was referring to NASA as "they"

The balloons are being sent up by teams of high school and college students from across the US as part of the Eclipse Ballooning Project, led by Angela Des Jardins of Montana State University. When Jim Green, the director of planetary science at NASA, first heard that over 50 balloons were being flown to the stratosphere to live stream the eclipse, he couldn’t believe his ears. “I said, oh my god, that’s like being on Mars!” Green tells The Verge. NASA couldn’t pass on the opportunity.

The upper part of the Earth’s stratosphere — just above the ozone layer — is very much like the surface of Mars: it’s about minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit, with very rarified air, and it’s hammered by the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. During the eclipse, conditions will get even more Mars-like: the temperatures will go down even further, and the Moon will buffer some of those ultraviolet rays to better resemble the radiation on the Red Planet. “It’s really quite an outstanding astrobiology and planetary protection experiment,” Green says.

Here is a link to another article on the

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Vector99

But who knows what to believed? right!
I mean this is NASA we are talking about LOL

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 06:18 AM
I believe there are other different energies/frequencies/vibrations being produced as a result of the eclipse, and TPTB know about it. And I think the purpose of some of the instrumentation sent up on the balloons is to try to detect any changes and what effect they might have, if any.

There are not just natural physical forces at work in this wonderful universe and on this planet, there are also super-natural non-physical forces and energies playing their part too, and all affects us and our individual and collective energies. Sun is conscious, Moon is conscious, Earth is conscious. We are conscious.

Universe is conscious.

We all know about the research and experiments carried out by govt agencies in the past: remote viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, and other psychic and strange supernatural abilities, so TPTB are very definitely aware of all this 'invisible' supernatural science and how powerful it is. They also know we all have these abilities, we just aren't taught how to develop them. I wonder why.

The new energies and frequencies coming are positive, our consciousness is evolving. TPTB have negative energy and low frequency/vibration and they need negativity in order to exist, hence all their manufactured events of vileness and unrest one after the other on this planet. It creates more negativity for them to exist in/on. And they've ramped up the vileness over the last few months in a frantic effort to counter the massive positive energies they knew were coming with the solar eclipse.

Sorry guys for banging on and i'm sure some of you think i'm some sort of lunatic on day release or summat, but there's more to know about life, mankind, consciousness, and our universe, than what we can physically see and touch, forces and energies that can be proved, measured, controlled, and written down in equations and reproduced and all that science stuff.

There's 'invisible' more powerful stuff going on.
edit on 30-8-2017 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: DustybudzZ
a reply to: Zaphod58

And besides who cares how much it was it was a bacteria that could potentially be dangerous and mutates very fast and is very resilient and we dont know what this experiment was "really" for

Ok, since this was all posted 13 hours ago, I would imagine you've had a chance to get past your hysteria laden response and engaged in some appropriate due diligence. Do you know what the bacterium was? How dangerous it actually could be and what the mutation rate is for this specific organism? Maybe why they chose that specific bacterium? Did you look into what the parameters of the experiment were or were you just overcome with "NASA is lying to us about everything so this must be a secret experiment to kill Americans" hysteria that you declined to actually, you know... look at the facts?

Here, I'll give you a hand! The bacterium being use is Paenibacillus xerothermodurans. It's not harmful to humans. Bees on the other hand, it has some lethal potentiality. Just not in the small quantities being used for the experiment or the way it's being attached to the balloons for later recovery.

The reason the used this bacterium is because it's been found attached to spacecraft after they had already been scrubbed down and after returning home. This demonstrates the potential for organisms originating on earth to survive and potentially reproduce on other stellar bodies thereby contaminating them as well as making any potential organic life on Mars for example, ambiguous in their origin.

The experiment will retrieve the bacterium and analyze the RNA sequences of the bacterium to see hownit responded you the conditions in the upper atmosphere under similar temperature and UV conditions known to exist on Mars. Hence the beneficial nature of the eclipse. It didn't alter the atmosphere itself or even that layer of the atmosphere. It temporarily lowered the temperature and mimics atmospheric density to something close to the same conditions known to exist on the surface of Mars. The Moon also momentarily blocked enough UV radiation from the sun to mimic the amount of UV on Mars surface because of its farther distance from the Sun.

And the analysis isn't being done by NASA. They funded it but the actual RNA sequencing will be done by Weill Cornell Medicine. A little googling and a couple of emails would lead you to the same results and conclusion I am presenting. Skepticism and questioning is fine and, dated i ssy, critical to the scientific method. But paranoia and fear because... NASA, that isn't critical thinking. Just my 2 cents.

For further information on what Weill Cornell Medicine will be doing-

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Well first. I dont see how anything I said could be interpreted as "hysteria" I was simply saying "we just dont know the truth"

I dont get hysterical over thing's like that just like to report and get some debating going

I said it could potentially be dangerous and was Manley referring to the bees which could in it self be a conspiracy

I didn't Wright the article...
I was just saying it makes you think. So if your coming here just to bash the words I say. I wont waste my time in defending evey little word i say

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

I question evetything.
I like to think I think outside the box.

And I dont just believe everything I read or hear.
Or just because someone thinks they have a higher IQ. Then the average person,
They can be wrong too.

Remember what topic your & technology
What is science?......

Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")[1][2]:58 is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Science is trail and error (experiments) and is
always changing and scientists are always learning

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 02:21 PM
"Hence" You just never know LOL

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: DustybudzZ
a reply to: peter vlar

I question evetything.
I like to think I think outside the box.

And I dont just believe everything I read or hear.

Yeah, but you are using a very questionable blog from "" as your source. Your opening post should have also openly questioned the dubious "dot connecting" and (what seems to be) misleading information in the" article you posted, rather than just posting it as a reference source and asking "what do the rest of you think?"

What I mean is, you are using "" to question what NASA is doing, but you seemed to have done nothing like that in questioning the "" information in the first place.

If you want to question everything, that's great. However, that means also questioning your sources.

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