So annoyed. I was ready, waiting. Yesterday was going to be *the* day. Nibiru was finally supposed to be plainly visible. No more hiding behind the
big, bad sun.
And did anyone actually see it?
I feel jilted.
So betrayed.
No big red winged planet out there floating around.
the damn moon blocked it's view. Plus, Niburu was turned sideways, and since it's flat as well, it would have been really hard to see in perfect
conditions, so there is that.
There's still an excellent chance of the Zombie Apocalypse going down soon. The way people walk around hypnotized by their phone screens all the time
convinces me we are already entering the beginning of the end! Muuuaaahahaha!!!
My wife and I wore identical black shirts and sweat pants, brand new black & white Nike Decades athletic shoes, and armband patches reading "Heaven's
Gate Away Team" leftover from our Hale-bopp days.
What a let down. No Niburu, no mothership, nothing.
Just kidding, we were naked.
edit on 22-8-2017 by abago71 because: added last line