posted on Sep, 6 2017 @ 07:32 PM
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You are nearly correct I do see God in mathematics, I just don't see god in eclipses, these are signs if anything at all but no I don't necessarily
see God in the eclipses.
If God did not established, "I believe" for us in the measurements of night and day, and then placing the Sun, Moon and stars where they are, to carry
out that duty of that measurement we would never have learned to calculate height, depth and width, along with diameters, distances and so forth.
Today we have created Quantum mathematics and its forms of quantum Algebraic formulas and Quantum Physic formulations. The one thing that you and
everyone missed is the person who established it with the base we use for all our measurements in mathematics is the 24/7/365.2. From there he has
let man go, and what did they do, they worshiped man (the intellectual) more than the Creator of man who is blessed forever, Amen.
Sad revelation to say of these supposed intelligent people can't see God in all they have figured out, they have lost themselves in their self
revelation they forgot the God of Revelation and without what he did they would not be where they are today. But one day it all comes to an end for
each one, one by one we all drop off the face of the earth not to be remembered anymore.
They give a hypothesis of 6 million years the moon will move away from the earth, they get applause of men who can't even verify what they calculate
will be true or not. because they would be lucky enough to live to 70 let alone 6 millions years.
Simple math of the diameter of the moon, the simple calculation of the distance of the moon from the earth, the distance of the Sun from the Earth
that at a certain rotation of heliocentric or geocentric calculation (both could be right from the scientific models of which you probably never even
tried the models for yourself or you would say it is true as I say) will result in an eclipse. Nothing there to prove God if you believe in the big
bang theory of evolution but if you believe in God you remember he put the sun and moon where they are and he spread out the stars from the earth
(that is why the universe seems to be moving away from us and not toward us from some other center point) Which no mathematician has been able to
verify otherwise or is it that they are unwilling to say it is so.