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The greatest conspiracy the world has faced is the way of life.

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posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: RAY1990

That a damn good post...

the only change I would make however is at the very end I would change the word jesus to cannibalism. Only because I am a realist...

If thou refers to the sacrament which involves drinking a small cup of wine or water and eating a small piece of bread. Then ye do error if think this is cannibalism, for behold I shall reveal unto ye by the spirit of truth the reason for such as the sacrament. It is symbolic of the Son of God giving up his life 'body' for sake of mankind salvation, it is symbolic of his blood being spilled that others may live. For Yehoshua the Christ the Son of the Eternal Father took upon him the cup of all sin that through his own body and efforts all may be saved. And when a person takes part in that sacrament it is a act of faith and by doing so that act of the Son of God his atonement then is applied to that soul who believes upon it, and it is asif they were crucified with him and their debt paid of sin.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: gr8skott
Spoken like a dirt poor fellow.

a reply to: spiritoftruth111

I tell you many who are dirt poor shall enter the kingdom of Heaven before those who are filthy rich.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: spiritoftruth111

If you are proposing a higher state of existence for humans than this pot of personal misery we now wallow within, then you are correct. Everything that we hold dear is some aspect of the normal greed that animals have as a survival tool. Except we humans have exalted it to extremes for no rational reason except that obtaining the physical is easier then the mental.

The higher state of existence as known by mankind as Heaven is entered through repenting of the things of the lower state of existence and placing their faith in the Savior and his promise of a better world to come, it is necessary to have hope, charity and faith. Despair will only lead to the pit and is what the Devil desires, for one who is hopeless is easy to control.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: spiritoftruth111

The nature of reality
Is pure subjective fantasy
Space and time and here and now
Are only in your mind

Why should I follow Jesus? Would he follow me?

Reality is still under rules, even if the mind is involved in interacting within the reality, what matters is the choices people make.

He would not follow you for you are lost, he would however come find you and bring you to safety.

Today I watched a video, it was on Facebook. Within this little cartoon was a child seeing the world and not liking it, everyone had their nose in their phones, a woman was about to jump from a building and hundreds just stood and recorded. Someone was getting beat up and they recorded. It was reflective of a side of our reality I've come to loath.

You loath the world because deep down in your conscience your spirit senses something is wrong. But have hope in people also and pray for those lost, give not up on life or others that is what the draconian empire desires.

But we are just human, a species of animal. We adapt so quick and forget what the past once was, like money. Money isn't evil, it's just a commodity. An overly complex entity that's filtered through every aspect of most people's reality. People were trading commodities before money and human greed has always been associated with trading.

Human greed goes way back, it's instinctive. Ever since there was more than one group of people it's been instinctive to capitalise on trade, acquire resources and make boundaries whether through marriage, borders, race, class etc etc.

Money as a concept is evil, those denying it is not are still attached to it and have not taken of the dark shades to see reality clearly yet. Money can be used for good but it does not change it original intended creation, as a concept it is not of higher kingdoms and was created in lower kingdoms. Human greed is a choice and a condition, a condition of spirit that occurs through manipulation of a persons perspective of reality.

If the choice between 4 sandwiches and two starving families with 2 children comes to the crunch most people would like to believe the children will get the food and the parents will do without. The reality rarely ever goes like that. What usually happens?

Again money is just a commodity, when that money can't find me food, water or a safe space to sleep. Chances are I'll resort to my basic human instinct and survive, one way or the other.

Following Jesus is all good, he taught many fundamental truths about humanity, the thing that separates us from the beasts but if everyone isn't following him and practicing the humanity he taught, what tends to happen when things go bad?

All choices have consequences whether positive or negative. Christ showed many choices to make that bring greatest positive outcomes. Each will be known by their fruits, a time soon comes things do go bad and many will be tested what type of heart they have.

The pacifists are the first to die, martyrs they may make but reproduce no more they won't!

You see, EVERY single one of your ancestors survived. They got to the point of reproduction so here you are, in our history their maybe portions we simply forgot, spots where humans were truly humanitarian. They were probably slaughtered when times got hard and times have been hard in the past, chances are these are not our ancestors.

I mean honestly, if god designed us to take care of this savage garden yet our destiny is a more pious one and separate from the reality we found ourselves in, what's one to do?

The reality you occupy now is not the original design of God but a tainted overtaken one that is being used by the fallen Draconian empire to ensnare and trap souls through freewill. Saying this if a soul chooses the right choices the right path it allows for transcendence; to become a greater being than they started. What things come down to is choice a person is known by their fruits.

I can't do without many of these modern and older inventions such as money, trade, education. I can't go and plow someone else's field and enjoy the spoils, laws exist on living on other people's land, same for off the land, I need a licence to fish. Or I could become a criminal.

You see, I've dropped subtle hints that aspects of reality we are subject to are not to my taste, am I to abandon society and civilization as a whole? Because as far as I see it, yes I may not be able to live naturally as a human being due to laws I am however able to live, I have rights and protections made in law.

You can live in this world but be not of the world, set not your heart upon the things of the world, seek not happiness in things of the world but in righteousness, the kingdom of God is within you.

Without the world we've constructed we'd be living in a much more savage world, without laws we'd be lawless... I've seen the savagery of humans, we can often be animals first and humans second, especially when things get bad.

Don't get me wrong, humans are getting lost in reality, making a new one, we're out of touch and our senses are a bit dead. We've become members of bigger communities and we don't even know our own family half the time.

The things you've mentioned as evil have a force for good too, via modern communication I can learn about ills suffered elsewhere, use money to help improve things. 100 years ago I'd have had to travel to the location 1000 years ago I'd have never heard, 10,000 years ago I'd have not gave a damn.

It's human instinct to take care of the smaller group first, the modern world in essence is challenging that mindset, just like the struggle of my forefathers made laws that's come to pass, modern communication is building awareness and helping those who are less fortunate.

Ye are not wrong, I am not saying that all people who are educated misused their knowledge for their own gain as there is people who indeed do live righteously using it to help others, I am simply showing that a great majority of mankind has let their own achievements bring them also pride not humility. Mammon becomes a thing served once a person sets their heart upon it, one can not serve God and Mammon for the things of righteousness are not bound too Mammon itself.

due to this cut me off will continue in another post the reply...moment.
edit on 2-8-2017 by spiritoftruth111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:15 AM

Again why should I follow Jesus, would he follow me?

The modern world is challenging many things, whilst much evil does come from money or having our noses stuck in our phones, much good comes from it too, I've seen people practicing things Jesus would have preached, not for religious reasons but because they are human.

The evil is ours, we shouldn't pawn it off on inanimate objects, the desire is ours, and so is the lust and greed, when the nut cracks people choose survival not Jesus.

You have to decide for yourself do you want to follow Yehoshua the Christ, as mankind call him 'Jesus Christ'. What he represented is that what you truly want to live by and become, do you love good or evil, righteousness or unrighteousness? That question is something only a person can answer for themselves. All good ultimately comes from God mankind is still connected to God, while a person lives and has light they remain still subject to the spirit of God influence, when a choice comes up in mind and one part you is saying to do whats right and another what is wrong, the choice to do what is right, to do what is good comes from God through the conscience, the opposite side comes from the Devil in seeking to get people to make evil choices and do wrong. God works through peoples hearts the devil works through the mind, a person who heart has hardened is no longer listening to it and is subject to Devils influence in a greater way through their mind.

Remember that I did not say all use money for evil, as I am well aware money is used for good hence why it is overcome by charity, faith and having hope and giving hope to others as you help them. But the concept of money is not of the kingdom of Light and came from Darkness and will return to it, so in truth it is indeed evil and will one day be burned away by the Lord God Yehoshua the Christ.
edit on 2-8-2017 by spiritoftruth111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: spiritoftruth111

Money is not just a tool, mankind it is a creation from evil, in higher density reality's within the sphere of Light of Good, concepts such as money do not exist, it is a selfish concept that is based upon pride/greed and mankind being evil can not see beyond it.

the poster Revolution9 spelled it out a plain as day.

The negative perspective you have is not any universal truth you want the readers to believe.

Its your perceptive that stems from within you.

It dopes so by how you interpret the world around you.

Your negative perception is what makes you see such negativity, However, instead of changing your perspective you go to internet blog sites top proclaim some truth?

Those in Darkness comprehend not the Light, the very Light of Truth could speak to them and they would say you are darkness.


someone shines a light on your own negativity and what is your response?

What I speak is the truth those in the Light shall know the Light and truth, but those in darkness will not comprehend and will defend their own lies, they will deny their own conscience and seek to justify their own states of mind, remaining in their pride they will choose to learn the hard way, then regret the decision latter. They are as they who under pascals wager choose to wager God did not exist and yet God could even post online and who would really know.

remaining in their pride?

Do you actually read your own words?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:24 AM
Those who say they know will remain left to what they believe is truth, but until they realise they don't know they will remain in lies. The spirit that now speaks to you all is the Spirit of truth itself and what has been spoken is the truth, if you have light in you to see then blessings unto you, for only by listening to the light within can you see the Light.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: romilo
As they say, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
The whole 1 John 3 verse is very fitting and packed with truth!

Indeed much wisdom in that truth.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: spiritoftruth111

Excellent! S&F....

Light will know light.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: spiritoftruth111

originally posted by: gr8skott
Spoken like a dirt poor fellow.

a reply to: spiritoftruth111

I tell you many who are dirt poor shall enter the kingdom of Heaven before those who are filthy rich.


there are many more poor people than rich people.

rational thinking if one is to believe in a religious perspective of Heaven:

Does ones financial position really matter when getting to heaven or hell?

Money as a concept is evil, those denying it is not are still attached to it and have not taken of the dark shades to see reality clearly yet.

Money as a concept is evil?

Please do explain.

Money as a concept was created to help with trade, an easier way to trade good and services.

But please do explain how the concept of money is evil?

Actions can be evil but this is based on the perception of the observer and the reasoning behind the action.

Money can be used for good but it does not change it original intended creation, as a concept it is not of higher kingdoms and was created in lower kingdoms. Human greed is a choice and a condition, a condition of spirit that occurs through manipulation of a persons perspective of reality.

In higher kingdoms, do the angels and demons go to the supermarket to by groceries?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:07 AM
In lower kingdoms the system used is not money as you use it but it principle is the same basis of greed/pride, they use the trading of souls as a means of economy. Your soul is more precious to them than all the worlds wealth. Money is founded upon lower concepts of selfishness, for money represents a means of setting a limitation based on a agreed upon action. Meaning the limit is that without money something can not be done, and to get something done a action must be performed. Such limits create a form of slavery to the system to survive such is the ways of the underworld, they are setup the same souls seeking to survive and escape the torment will subject themselves to the will of their masters. Hence the very concept of money itself is founded upon principles of evil and is not good. In higher kingdoms no such economy system is required all things are shared and a common goal and understanding is reached, as such entity's of such spheres work with common goal in heart/spirit. This is why only those known to be capable to abide such a realm can transcend into such a realm, nothing unclean can ever enter the kingdom of Heaven, those who embrace sin embrace the devils creation and so become subject to him.

It is not the financial position we speak of it is the persons state of spirit and heart, those who are rich are accountable to the state of those who are poor, for while they have much many have too little and if they give not back in having too much the universe holds them to account, and the Devil gains power over them through the sin of greed/pride. Such is the way of the eternal laws, you reap as you sowed if you have too much in life you will have too little in death, the spirit of light will not remain and they will fall into darkness.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: Skywatcher2011
a reply to: spiritoftruth111

Very well written...S&F

Glad you think so...I had to quit about halfway through because the atrocious grammar made it impossible to follow thought. I did get the gist of trying to apply biblical threats to modern man when, in fact, biblical prophecy was directed at those living approximately 2,000 years ago.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 05:53 PM
Part of the worlds trap is the language itself, the limitation placed is also a form of pride, it is why many look to how something is structured rather than listen to what is being spoken. Grammar as mankind calls it is not necessary in higher reality's, as the means of communication is not even the same. Those who look at the structure are in darkness and miss the light of the message, well written is because the person understood the light to the foolish they look at the structure not what is being said in the message. Prophecy is referring to the entire cycle of time not only those from the past, indeed many prophecy's speak of this generation.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: spiritoftruth111
Part of the worlds trap is the language itself, the limitation placed is also a form of pride, it is why many look to how something is structured rather than listen to what is being spoken. Grammar as mankind calls it is not necessary in higher reality's, as the means of communication is not even the same. Those who look at the structure are in darkness and miss the light of the message, well written is because the person understood the light to the foolish they look at the structure not what is being said in the message. Prophecy is referring to the entire cycle of time not only those from the past, indeed many prophecy's speak of this generation.

Words fail me.

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