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Ghost or Something Else? Please Advise. (Personal Experience Yesterday)

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posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 01:19 PM
To begin, I'll start by saying that in the past, I've shared a few stories about a ghost I think haunts my house. Many here may remember the hand print I found on my (master) bathroom mirror after thoroughly cleaning it earlier that evening, and the footprint on the kitchen floor just outside of the door that leads to that same bathroom, both belonging to a child around 4 or 5 years old. I've also heard a little pitter patter from one end of my house to the other when just my youngest son and I were sitting down in my living room. Loud enough for him to question the noise. The sound started on one end of my house and ended at that same bathroom. The laundry room is also inside that bathroom and many times when I was single and sleeping on the couch, I'd hear my dryer door slam shut just as I'd begin to doze off. I've even heard my freezer door shut, and the freezer is right beside the bathroom as only a wall and small hallway separate my master bathroom and kitchen.

FF four years... My fiance has lived with me for three years and she's as skeptical as they come about everything from ghosts, to aliens, to Bigfoot. Doesn't doubt my stories of the child ghost, but takes them with a grain of salt. One morning, about six months ago, she was getting ready and heard someone walking around in the kitchen. She thought it was our cat playing with a toy and flopping around like he'd do. To her surprise, she walked through the bedroom to go make him stop but he was curled up by me on the bed. Her skepticism began to fade. So now the reason I made this thread, and the advice I seek...

Yesterday we came home and like always, she walks to the dresser to grab her treadmill clothes and looks in the mirror. A greasy looking swipe made an arched shape about a foot across. The arch was about 5" wide. When she grabbed a rag to wipe it, she smeared it and put the rag down until she came back with some windex. So she walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror as she walked past and noticed the same exact mark. Hmmm she says, that's strange. Then she goes to the full size body mirror beside the bedroom door and it has the greasy marking all over it like someone had wiped it with tire shine. When she pointed this out to me, she said I don't know about the other two, but I know damn well that wasn't on this mirror this morning because I would have noticed it. She is no longer skeptical about my stories after seeing these unexplained things with her own eyes. But my question here is what in the heck could that be if not a ghost? Nobody was there and neither of us noticed those marks before that.

Side note: The ghost I think is there isn't a frightening ghost, but there was one time where my ex's son had a friend in the driveway waiting for him and he called me and asked me if I'd tell his mom to stop peering at his friend through the living room window with an evil look on her face because she was freaking his friend out. I was the only one home and nowhere near a window though. That one sent chills down my spine.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 01:38 PM
It's probably a ghost trying to convince your girl friend that they exist.

If not a ghost, could be an ET leaving it's mark. Other than that, I have no idea.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 02:00 PM
Do you notice any unusual smells associated with this "ghost"?

Or other anomalous events in the house or outside?
edit on 27-7-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: olaru12

No, no weird smells. On other anomalous events, I can recall a few things... I can say that my kids, who are there every other weekend, have said they've seen shadows sometimes but I kinda have to take that with a grain of salt because they love watching scary movies and their minds could be playing tricks. My 15 year old said he's seen a shadow though, and he's not the type to tell me a story for #s and giggles... There have also been times when my Pekingese starts down the hall on the other end of the house (which is dark and vacant when my kids aren't there) and stops dead in her tracks with a low growl as she backs up slowly. I've had a friend over whose 18 month old was playing by himself in one of the three rooms on that end and while laughing hysterically, he suddenly began screaming "NO!" and crying which is what he would do when you took a toy away from him. I'm also a night owl and my fiance is an early nighter so she goes to bed at 9 and I go to bed around 1 am. Last night while I was loading the dishwasher, I thought I saw her standing there watching me out of the corner of my eye, but there was nothing there. Could have been my mind playing tricks...

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

I have seen a couple shadows myself. When I was about 16 I was sitting on the couch in my basement watching T.V. From the corner of my eye I saw a shadow run from the base of the stairs to behind the couch I was sitting on. I thought it was my little sister trying to sneak up and scare me, so I crouched into a ball in order to jump over the back of the couch and scare her instead.

I curl, crouch, jump, and just stand there in shock as there is no one or no thing there. I ran upstairs like my butt was on fire I was so scared. I was always conscious of that event afterwards but didn't let it deter me from hanging out down there. A year or so later while hanging out with friends with all the lights off after ingesting a chemical that comes on a tiny piece of paper, we all 3 saw a 3 dimensional shadow "man" walking around. It didn't frighten us but amazed instead.

Take it for what it is worth. I would tend to believe the kids may be telling the truth though. There may be "evidence" to explain these things and it seems the shadows may not always be purposely appearing in front of the kids. In fact it may be an actual "shadow" of an event that is taking place far away and far a "when" from the event the kids experienced and somewhat of a coincidence and luck that they witnessed it. If that makes sense.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

Research the previous owners of the house. Find out if they had a child who passed away in the house or on the premises. The reason I say this is because we had similar things happen when we bought our house. It turned out our house was built on an apple orchard and a little boy who once lived on the premises fell out of an apple tree and died.

These are the weird things my wife and I experienced soon after we purchased our house...

-There was a small bedroom downstairs we converted to an office. Every time my wife and I would be in that room using our desktop computer, we would always feel as if someone was present and watching us. Her sister would also feel some uneasiness in that back room.

-We had a loft at the top of our stairs where a TV, sofa and my sons video game system was located. My son's bedroom was located down the end of the hallway past our bedroom. My 4 year-old son would sometimes wake up early in the morning run down the hallway past our bedroom and play his video games in the loft area. One morning my wife and I were lying in bed and we heard our son running down the hallway to play his video games. We both looked at each other laughed and said, he's up! So I got out of bed to check on him but he was not in the loft area. I walked to his room and noticed he was lying in bed with his eyes closed. I thought to myself, the little weasel is pretending he's sleeping. So I went back into our bedroom told my wife he's playing tricks and got back into bed. As soon as I got into bed I heard what I thought was him running down the hallway again. I quickly got up out of bed to catch him in the act, but to my surprise he was still lying in bed sleeping! I nudged him to see if he was wide awake, but to my surprise he was fast asleep and just rolled over and continued sleeping. My wife and I both heard the running footsteps and to say the least we were both kind of freaked out.

-The most disturbing event was when my wife was upstairs lying in bed and my son was downstairs with me watching TV. All of a sudden I heard my wife scream for me and I took off running upstairs thinking my wife was in excruciating physical pain from some kind of unforeseen health problem. When I got into the room she was standing by the side of the bed holding her head with a scared look on her face. I asked what's going on??? She than tells me she was lying in bed trying to take a nap when she felt a small hand tugging at the sheets. She said she thought it was my son pulling the sheets wanting to get into bed and lie down with her. She called out my son's name and said come into bed with mommy! When she looked down at the side of the bed nobody was there! She swore she felt a small hand brush up against her arm.

Here's what blew our minds...One day my wife told her story to a much older lady who lived across the street from us who had lived there prior to the previous owners of our house. She told my wife, you know your house and your neighbor's homes were built on an apple orchard. There was a little boy whose older brother lifted him up in an apple tree to pick some apples for him and the little boy ended up falling out of the tree and died. Of course my wife had an OMG moment.

When my wife's sister heard of the little boy who died on the premises, she suggested we try to talk to the little boy and tell him it's ok to move on into the light. My wife and her sister ended up doing exactly that while I was away at work. My wife told me they both said some prayers moved from room to room and told the little boy it was ok to move on. Believe it or not, since they did that, we never had anymore weird feelings of being watched or hearing running foot steps or other weird things occuring.

You may have a child spirit like we once had that just needs someone to tell them it's ok to move on. I know it sounds crazy, I wouldn't believe it myself if I didn't experience it myself, but it did actually happen to us. Now if plates started flying out of the kitchen cabinets or chairs started levitating, you can bet your last dollar we would have high tailed it out of our house and put it back up for sale, lol.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

Do the air sometimes feel "cold"? Did you feel their presence?
I've had experiences with shadow beings and I could feel their presence.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

Put up a camera. Film during the most active times. Use dry ice and water in the area so it is easier to detect movement and manipulation of the surrounding atmosphere.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 07:39 PM
Mirrors are sometimes considered 'portals' for beings. I don't mess with mirrors for that very reason. I have also heard that interdimensional beings (not necessarily ghosts) will pose as children.

I have had experiences with mirrors and I still get scared when I think of them. I'm not the only one, either.

I would sage the house. Start at the back rooms and work forward, burning the sage and letting unwanted guests know that they are no longer welcome and only light and love is allowed. When you're done with the room, put a line of salt on the windows and the door. Finish at the open door, urging the visitor to leave, and then 'sealing' it up with a line of salt at the front door.

I know it sounds crazy, but since I've moved to the southeast, there have been way too many visitors here. Creepy shadow figures. White animal figures zipping around in the woods. What looks like Cherokee walking quickly through the trees outside but have no feet. Poltergeist activity with things flying through the air and clocks being messed with. I could go on, but all I wanted to share is, mirror messages are creepy to me, and I would sage that thing out of your house ASAP.

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 07:49 PM
mmmm id be leary , many more malevolent entities will will work their way in pretending to be children in order to make you comfortable and gain a "foothold"

If youre noticing anything thats more "sinister" or less childlike and more menacing , you either have two dif entities or an imposter.......

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 07:59 PM
Sound a bit like the house where I grew up only that house had some serious bad feelings attached to whatever was in it. There wasn't a lot of overt activity. I saw a shadow person once. There were sometimes footsteps. The cats were reactive to it. They'd all be sleeping soundly and all three would wake and stare and bristle at the same time at the same location. Ours seemed to be centered around the stairs, and nothing was worse than the feeling it was behind you, watching.

posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: sputniksteve
a reply to: LSU0408

I have seen a couple shadows myself. When I was about 16 I was sitting on the couch in my basement watching T.V. From the corner of my eye I saw a shadow run from the base of the stairs to behind the couch I was sitting on. I thought it was my little sister trying to sneak up and scare me, so I crouched into a ball in order to jump over the back of the couch and scare her instead.

I curl, crouch, jump, and just stand there in shock as there is no one or no thing there. I ran upstairs like my butt was on fire I was so scared. I was always conscious of that event afterwards but didn't let it deter me from hanging out down there. A year or so later while hanging out with friends with all the lights off after ingesting a chemical that comes on a tiny piece of paper, we all 3 saw a 3 dimensional shadow "man" walking around. It didn't frighten us but amazed instead.

Take it for what it is worth. I would tend to believe the kids may be telling the truth though. There may be "evidence" to explain these things and it seems the shadows may not always be purposely appearing in front of the kids. In fact it may be an actual "shadow" of an event that is taking place far away and far a "when" from the event the kids experienced and somewhat of a coincidence and luck that they witnessed it. If that makes sense.

It makes sense... They just like the scary movies like The Conjuring, etc... Really if I think back to when I was 9 to 12, I can remember telling my mom things I'd see so if they're like I was at that age, they're not lying. Maybe throwing a little extra sugar on it, but not lying.

posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Thanks for the chill bumps... Minus the sheet tugging, that's exactly what I've experienced! I don't fear the ghost because I think it's a little child. I believe my dog sees her (just feel like it's a little girl) and growls because she knows nobody else is in the house, or supposed to be anyways. The house was there when I moved to that street with my parents in 1985 so it's been there a while. I haven't heard of anyone dying INSIDE the house, so my theory is that I'm possibly on an old Indian burial ground and have a little barefoot Indian child running around in there. There's even times when my 11 month old stands on my legs and leans against my chest while I'm reclined on the couch and looks behind me and starts laughing... I just say, "Awe, you see our little friend back there?"

posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: LSU0408

Do the air sometimes feel "cold"? Did you feel their presence?
I've had experiences with shadow beings and I could feel their presence.

No, I never feel the temp get colder. I haven't seen the shadow beings yet though, only my kids have seen it on the other end of the house where their rooms are.

posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: LSU0408

originally posted by: sputniksteve
a reply to: LSU0408

I have seen a couple shadows myself. When I was about 16 I was sitting on the couch in my basement watching T.V. From the corner of my eye I saw a shadow run from the base of the stairs to behind the couch I was sitting on. I thought it was my little sister trying to sneak up and scare me, so I crouched into a ball in order to jump over the back of the couch and scare her instead.

I curl, crouch, jump, and just stand there in shock as there is no one or no thing there. I ran upstairs like my butt was on fire I was so scared. I was always conscious of that event afterwards but didn't let it deter me from hanging out down there. A year or so later while hanging out with friends with all the lights off after ingesting a chemical that comes on a tiny piece of paper, we all 3 saw a 3 dimensional shadow "man" walking around. It didn't frighten us but amazed instead.

Take it for what it is worth. I would tend to believe the kids may be telling the truth though. There may be "evidence" to explain these things and it seems the shadows may not always be purposely appearing in front of the kids. In fact it may be an actual "shadow" of an event that is taking place far away and far a "when" from the event the kids experienced and somewhat of a coincidence and luck that they witnessed it. If that makes sense.

It makes sense... They just like the scary movies like The Conjuring, etc... Really if I think back to when I was 9 to 12, I can remember telling my mom things I'd see so if they're like I was at that age, they're not lying. Maybe throwing a little extra sugar on it, but not lying.

Precisely dude. We ALL have strange experiences in our lives, it's just a matter of how we treat them which dictates how we react to others. Even then though, it is so hard to take others at their word, which is just the Human Condition as far as I can tell.

It may be a fine line though with children, I don't know. I never told my parents of any of the things I saw as a child, and they certainly didn't encourage it. I however try and encourage my son to be honest and talk to me about this type of stuff. I am always conscious of breaking his trust in the future if I don't take something seriously now. Not that I feed into any unhealthy activities, but I don't check his imagination, ever really. I mean I know that stuff is there, I see it still today sometimes. Not shadows but things far far stranger. Who would I be to tell him what he experiences isn't real, you know?

Maybe I am doing it wrong, I really don't know.

posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

It doesn't sound like anything evil. It does sound to me like a child ghost much like we had. I think my wife's experience with the sheets just creeped her out too much. If it does get to a point where things start getting creepier in your home, look into having a medium come into your home to clarify it and possibly help get the little guy or girl to move on.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: LSU0408
Send it on. Ghosts tend to be fractured and get worse, not to mention they drain you.

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