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How are western teenagers being radicalised?

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posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 05:57 PM
I'm baffled, perplexed? How can it be that radical ideologists can influence our teenagers across the globe without detection? How can outfits like Anonymous pull stunts like list thousands of radicals' twitter accounts and our authorities can't? How is it, in an age of ever encroaching breaches of our privacy rights, that predators can groom our young people and teenagers to drive a car across a pavement in their local town centre without detection and with impunity?

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: christina-66
I'm baffled, perplexed? How can it be that radical ideologists can influence our teenagers across the globe without detection? How can outfits like Anonymous pull stunts like list thousands of radicals' twitter accounts and our authorities can't? How is it, in an age of ever encroaching breaches of our privacy rights, that predators can groom our young people and teenagers to drive a car across a pavement in their local town centre without detection and with impunity?

The authorities know but are told to stand down .

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:12 PM
Its really easy.

The common theme of humanity right now is diminished personal responsibility and a lack of personal pride.

When people grow up they are seeing the celebrity and business culture and thinking "I wanna have that", however there is a complete disconnect between what has to be done to obtain what they want and their feelings of right to have it happen. Years ago people worked jobs and either settled for the life they had or tried to work their way up and better themselves, it was because you were taught to look after yourself.

You may think I've gone off track here, however think of the mix of religions telling people certain ways of life are immoral and need to be wiped out / taken over and a kid growing up with the feelings of the world owes them everything and they were never allowed to reach to potential they had because of . In addition to this you have people migrating to other parts of the world en masse, they create communities which speak of how good the country they left/fled and it was only that made them leave. Wouldn't it be a good idea to use their new country / location to try and replicate the old country, but now they are away from the issues they weren't responsible for it'll be great. If that problem is people you dehumanise them, tell them they are different and that they consider you different. If is laws you tell them they are unjust laws made to keep you down etc etc.

One problem, now in the way of them being able to create what they want you have silly things such as laws, people etc etc. You've had the bait, now the switch. You have people put into an echo chamber of "Its not your fault", "The x group did this", "We want to build a better future", "All we need to do is..."

Depending on how bad the "all we need to do is" and the person being put into control of the echo chamber defines the scope of the problem for society and what the group will be willing to do. You build siege mentality and what happens, happens.

With it being an echo chamber you get a fight club situation. You do not talk about it, apart from people you know are believers or you know are trustworthy. The news will put out that "family x had no idea their child was radicalised", generally its a lie. Families know (especially if they live with them) and are sympathetic to the cause.
edit on 19-7-2017 by latic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: christina-66

Deliberate moves by Government to secularize Society which has meant deliberately attacking christian tradition's, commercializing Sundays and other Christian day's and festival's, reduced importance of Christianity in schools along with growing atheist influence in Academia and politics have left a severe void for these kid's, by nature human being's are spiritual it is not just a religious belief it is a biological and emotional need and hunger for divinity and they have been starved of there traditional and cultural value's, they fear being seen as believers in a society were peer pressure and society itself frown on there TRADITIONAL christian belief's so they are led astray and end up falling prey to Islam and other cult's.

The cost of letting secularists win in the west has been the destruction and demolition of our traditional christian value's and the degradation of our society and moral and ethical value's and this created a VOID into which these cult's have come to feed on the confused and spiritually hungry young.

The secularists sowed the ground that Islam is now reaping that is there outcome, they have Islamified the west and with that come's radicalization and extremism of the most dangerous kind's.

But still even though they know what they have done it is easier and for them more acceptable to attack Christian's and there faith.

edit on 19-7-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I'd say this goes far deeper than Christian bashing, its the moral fabric of the established world view point which is being eroded. Its the reason why so many -ists -isms etc. exist now. This isn't just the West, but everywhere.

Think about Egypt, Iran and how they have changed over the past 75 years.

Christians have done some really bad things and then started some what settling down, religion started becoming a part of peoples identity, not the be all end all. This has happened massively with Sikhs within the past 30 years.

One thing you'll see is radicalised people will have their whole identity being defined by one thing (Religion, Feminism, anti-capitalist, transgender). Without their radicalised topic they feel irrelevant and therefore fight to preserve it.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: christina-66
I'm baffled, perplexed? How can it be that radical ideologists can influence our teenagers across the globe without detection? How can outfits like Anonymous pull stunts like list thousands of radicals' twitter accounts and our authorities can't? How is it, in an age of ever encroaching breaches of our privacy rights, that predators can groom our young people and teenagers to drive a car across a pavement in their local town centre without detection and with impunity?

Because they have an agenda that involves recruiting.

Our authorities don't.

When you get into the issue of predators, you quickly run afoul of the "Big Brother" syndrome, and nobody likes living in a police state. You are probably not old enough to remember WWII but the US (and Britain and other countries) were vast propaganda machines and the outcome was a lot of self-righteousness and jingoism that hampered our ability to work with each other.

It was more extreme in other countries - the propaganda coming out of Russia, for instance, was similar to North Korea today or other totalitarian governments.

But once people have had a taste of freedom, it's difficult to get them to accept that kind of Big Brotherhood. You can do it with fear to some extent (hence the TSA) but there's always a pushback against it.

The predators you mention are active only against a relatively small segment of the population (Islamists, for instance, are unsuccessful in recruiting evangelical Christians.) They can target the vulnerable there and use secrecy to mask what they're doing.

On the positive side, the State Department has a program that I was just reading about to involve Islamic college students who want to counter these extremist recruiters. Here you've got the target (prey) population being taught to actively push back against the predators and I think that's the right thing to do.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: christina-66

That's easy. It's called easy information access without any filter for perspective. In other words, access to the internet and the information you can find there without also taking time to either filter the information your getting or trying to put it in perspective to balance it out.

It's only partially an active thing too. Meaning it's less deliberate or individualized that you're thinking. It's more passive in how it works. Basically people Radicalize themselves, but do so by the propaganda which has been put out for them to find. But in a real non personal way.

We are awash in completely deceptive and horrible information now along with the correct and valuable information. Most likely much more of the bad stuff than the good too. So all it takes is for that propaganda to be shoved out there like bait. Then you just have to nudge people in a direction, be it some political bias, or whatever and from there they start looking for more information and come across some of that bait which keeps the ball rolling.

Without taking the time or care to really assess what it is you're taking in, before you know it your in a self reinforced propaganda bubble. An echo chamber which is all nicely sealed up where you become isolated from any other rational thinking. You keep going down that road long enough and there ya go. One radicalized person created all by themselves because they went looking for "something" and the bait led them deeper and deeper.

That's why nobody gets caught doing anything. Because nobody but the one being radicalized is doing anything basically. The bad info is all just sitting out there waiting for someone to pick it up and decide to go along with what it says.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

I was going to post the same, but certainly not as well put, but as an example, if you use YT and look for instances of American/Russian/Western firepower in the middle east and that was your hometown, it must surely agitate certain minds into thinking of what to do back.

Then its just like mOjOm stated in my opinion

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: christina-66


Media. Feelings of rebellion with no place to 'prove' them out.

I've thought for a long while how much more civilized the uncivilized were. When boys were tested physically, as well as mentally and emotionally - before allowed into the society of men. And sometimes at horrific cost - but the boy's learned to be men, or were not accepted as such.

Now? With so many fatherless boys out there, no church, no leaders, no obligatory military service? The young men have no 'trails by might or right' to prove they've 'become'...

How lost so many must feel.

So it's simple for these boys (and women) to turn to gangs, radicalization, etc.

It's a sad state of affairs.


edit on 1509Wednesday201713 by silo13 because: spelling again

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

YT makes for a good example. As does facebook and other such sources. Because what also happens in those places when you search for something??? It starts learning what you like to see for the next search. So on and so on. This happens everywhere now. From Music to the stuff you buy to whatever you watch on netflix, etc.

It's a self reinforcing perspective. Everything you're using to search or communicate with is actively finding "more of the same" or "more of the stuff you want to see". So you look up something fringe or something that might make you angry and it finds more of that stuff for you automatically now.

If you're someone who's trying to figure out whats going on and stumble upon some bad info, you don't know if it's wrong or right. You're just checking it out. But now you have your search tools trying to find similar info for you without you even thinking about it. Pretty soon you're going to believe it. After all, all that similar info must be true since there is so much of it.

And that's just one quick example.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: silo13

You touch on another even deeper reason here. Mass information is more of the "How", while what you're talking about is more of the "Why" behind Radicalization. Taken together it becomes much more clear.

You're talking about the breakdown of ones purpose or placement within the Tribe. People are made and have evolved to exist within a Tribe of some sort. Family Tribe being a standard example. But it also includes other tribes as well, as long as they don't get too big.

In a tribe everyone serves a purpose. Everyone is important and they know it. You have a place within a tribe. You know your tribe and your tribe knows you. You have responsibilities you have to live up to as well. Nobody in a tribe is insignificant.

However, in today's world we can be surrounded by people. Have a job. etc. But feel completely alone and isolated. Depressed and searching for answers and without any meaningful purpose or guidance. Others wouldn't even notice it even though they're all around you. You're in a crowd yet still unnoticed. That could never happen in a Tribe. If you feel upset or different or act strange you think your Tribe wouldn't notice something??? No chance. They know you too well.

Breakdown of family or a tribal sense of belonging to something more than yourself and people start looking for purpose and can find all sorts of things that give them purpose.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: christina-66


Media. Feelings of rebellion with no place to 'prove' them out.

I've thought for a long while how much more civilized the uncivilized were. When boys were tested physically, as well as mentally and emotionally - before allowed into the society of men. And sometimes at horrific cost - but the boy's learned to be men, or were not accepted as such.

Now? With so many fatherless boys out there, no church, no leaders, no obligatory military service? The young men have no 'trails by might or right' to prove they've 'become'...

How lost so many must feel.

So it's simple for these boys (and women) to turn to gangs, radicalization, etc.

It's a sad state of affairs.


Unfortunately, for a lot of these teenagers, they get turfed out of their homes by their parents all evening and just roam the streets or use buses as mobile nightclubs (since they are heated, lit and are on circular routes). Then they just lead each other on.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 07:56 PM
Multiculturalism is a failed theory.

Integration is optional.

Until employability is factored in.

Discrimination may be forbidden but only in theory.

Wrong name, wrong address and the applications hit the recycling system.

The devil makes work for idle hands....

Wishful thinking has given us a generation that have grown up with no real stake in our society.

They still search for purpose and meaning.

We have denied them.

The Radicals offer their poison....

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Succinctly put! In fact why these ‘children’ are so ready to be led, to prove themselves, to want to be a part of a tribe. Yes!

Thank you.


posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 08:53 PM
Actual explanation:
Most 'western' teenagers that go to ISIS have a muslim background.
So they're not western, they're backward retards.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Pixman

Not all Radicals are Muslim or have to do with ISIS.

I think some of us were thinking of the term in a much less isolated understanding. There are actually far fewer cases of Muslim Radicalization happening in the west than other forms. Those just seem to get more attention as of late because that form suits certain political agendas. There are many others which pose a far greater threat that are happening all around us but don't get much attention.
edit on 19-7-2017 by mOjOm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: Pixman
Actual explanation:
Most 'western' teenagers that go to ISIS have a muslim background.
So they're not western, they're backward retards.

Not quite that simplistic no? Many teens are not Muslim nor have an Islamic background hence the problem

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Your opinion is so full of holes I have to eat a second bowl of Cheerios in order to digest it.

I'll answer - but after I've disgorged this tripe.

No insult intended - just practicing my freedom of...


posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 02:18 AM
Just because you live in a rich, liberal and secular country does not mean you cannot be radicalised.

The problems are a combination of:

1. The person radicalised - gullible, easily led, easily manipulated, probably failed in some way.
2. The people radicalising - manipulative from a position of authority. If your local Imam, or parents tells you that the people around your are immoral, then you will end up believing that. Social media forming a distorted world view.
3. Multiculturalism - the failed experiment in the West that has allowed "ghettos of difference" to be supported. This is why in some parts of the UK you have places that look and feel like Pakistan, or Bangladesh. Places where normal mainstream UK societal norms are irrelevant. Kids living in these areas are unable to break free and do not recognise the wider society they live in. It's a great place for the gullible to be manipulated and for a false world view to be pressed on an impressionable mind.

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: christina-66

Its white nationalists doing the radilcalising.

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