posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to:
I've always said that if you had two poeple, one with $40 dollars and one with none, and someone said everyone had to have $20. The socialist would
quickly answer that obvious solution to everything is to take $20 from the person who has $40 and give it to the man who has none, so they both have
$20. Of course, the next time around when the man who had $40 only makes enough to only have $30 or even just $20 for himself and the person with none
still has none ... they have an issue.
Instead, the answer should be to figure out why the man who has none ... has none and try to figure out how he can be brought up to producing his own
$20, so that no one need have anything taken from them. If the answer is that he truly cannot produce his own $20, then we talk about a safety net out
of compassion. But ... if he is capable or could be, and the opportunities are there for him to do it on his own and he chooses not to, then he has