posted on Jul, 14 2017 @ 10:55 AM
Yep what a great April fools joke on March 31st
on a map very very few people use. Well at least they took
it down April 2nd..Oh wait they didn't? They kept it on their
official maps ? Man they are funny..
When google does something it's usually big and obvious
like loons or objects that resemble letters in their giant
logo. You can walk around the GCP too.
Don't see the truck in the parking lot though.,137.390541,3a,75y,200h,84.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2PdpogJoh9cAAAQ3uBGOBQ!2e0!7i5376!8i2688
edit on 14-7-2017 by UnderKingsPeak because: no truck
So I don't think google has a base on Mars but I do think
information on how quickly people can spot things is of interest
to them. And 2 months is the answer.
edit on 14-7-2017 by UnderKingsPeak because: google is so funny !