a reply to:
Hi Steve
Well, having read the thread over my observation is that it was the Lukas communications that were important, and the 2109 persona, as well as saying
nothing substantial that didn't sound like some sort of Aviary type psy-op, was an unwelcome intrusion.
I note that 2109 gave clues that they were contemporary with 1985 -
They referred to the USSR
They had the telephone number of the world's greatest Ufologist - who doesn't seem in the meantime to have justified his star status in the 22nd
They use pseudo-cryptic code-speak to communicate with other operatives which happily finds its way onto the screens of both Lukas and the 1985 guys -
the contrived format of which wouldn't have looked out of place in a Bennewitz style MJ12 forgery.
And they were asked to prove that they were from the future by predicting the next supernovae - and they answered by saying that such and such *could*
be the next one at some date or other.
Well, they can see the past - it will be or it won't be, which is it?
And one more note - there was an attempt to introduce pseudo-Egyptian occult symbolism into the narrative - see Picknett & Prince "The Stargate
Conspiracy" for why this is insidious and somewhat sinister - entirely in terms of 21st century social engineering, that is.
The bizarre thing is the communications between Lukas and 1985 read entirely legit, and the sincerity of the main participants cannot be doubted - and
it is the emotional and psychological impact on Ken/Deb etc that is what of real importance.
Interesting how the 2109 thing deflected attention so effectively from this.
What the other crowd were about, and how might intelligence operatives, or some such, have hacked a modemless primitive computer, I wouldn't like to
All above, IMHO of course.
But if you feel inclined to take 2109 seriously, then you could do no worse than to take the pussy cat quote as clue to the location of Lukas's book -
you are looking for a grave in a churchyard in London - the faith quote will be an inscription in the church itself.
Good luck!