I don't even know where to begin this one, but it's a good (positive) story. I guess I'll try the short version first...
Calving season for us is usually the end of March through mid-April. By mid-April all the calves were on the ground except one. One of our older
cows failed to calve. (For the cattlemen/women...no, we hadn't palped this one cuz she's a little 'lively' to deal with in the chute). Prior to
April we'd noticed she'd come up lame, some kind of an injury. Long story short, this cow has fooled us before when it came to calving. She doesn't
show, but this time she clearly wasn't going to calve.
We gave her some time, but it just wasn't going to happen. You could tell too, she'd even resigned herself to not having a calf like the rest of the
momma's. We turned her out to pasture and figured that was it for her. Called the brand inspector and had her come out for inspection. Got her
transfer papers...the end was near for her. Scheduled the slot at the processing plant, down to the day and time. I was going to load her up on
Friday evening. Then something came up, so I had to reschedule, one week later (a Friday at 4pm). This was a few weeks ago.
About a week and a half before loading her up we decided to pen her up and feed her out on grain (last meal of sorts). She'd been a good cow and
great momma. It would be sad to see her go.
I didn't get home as early as I wanted to the night I was going to cut her out from the rest of the herd and put her in the pen, it was nearly dark
before I got started. I got her cut out and was moving her towards the corrals, slowly. She was having real difficulty walking at this point, poor
girl. In the twilight she turned a certain way and I looked at her in a puzzled way. If I didn't know better, I'd think that dang cow was pregnant!
But it was impossible (or barely possible). We'd pulled our bull out nearly 12 months before this, how could it be??? (cows have 9 month pregnancies
just like humans).
I put her in the pen and talked it over with the wife. We decided we'd keep an eye on her for a couple weeks. If nothing else, it would give her
some time to heal so it would be easier loading her. She seemed to respond after a few days.
Fast forward to 3:30am this morning...
Well, that old girl just calved a perfectly marked calf with outstanding build! We have no idea how this happened. There was only one single day,
back 9 months ago, where we'd had to cross the animals in the pasture and they were separated the whole time. How our bull managed to get to her
during that one day is anyone's guess. Calf is up and good, nursing already...just a little over 3 hours old.
And now that she's calved, she's even walking better too, much better. I don't think I've ever witnessed such a 180 degree turnaround like this in my
life!! And just when you think you've got Mother Nature figured out, you get a curve ball out of deep left field like this one.
I'm sitting here typing this in total amazement! Unbelievable!!
edit on 7/12/2017 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)