Thanks for the responses!
I was hoping you'd pop in, given your name n such..
I actually LOVE playing funk, at least as well as I'm capable, and the guy on drums during the audio jam is a funk guy also so we have discussed a
funk project..
My taste are shaped by JustinChancellor , les Claypool , and Colin Edwin, mostly. Oh yea John Deacon from queen! Also the obvious like jaco geddy...
also this dude named Mike Todd used to be killer but he's dissapeared ..
Atmospheric , funky , and dark brooding grooves..
I have def been exploring the slap pop sound..never rally got that out of my "Arbor " beginner bass or even the Fender Jazz, tho the jazz belonging to
my friend kept me from really exploring too much..aerodyne rally makes it pop though.
Iv got the hat.. I'm a noob on all instruments... and with a guitar player like the other guy it's hard to stand out.. but that's what we do and I'm
lucky to have a player like that on my team.
It's funny because just a couple years ago I would go over and watch them do their thing and just wish like hell I could be part of it...
Fast forward and in the last month we have done 2 gigs of basically just our normal Saturday improv jams and people have loved it... a true testament
to setting goals and surrounding yourself with people that are better than you , imho ...
Anyway thanks for listening I'll def check or that vid when I'm done working... the strat thread from earlier inspired me to share all this.
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edit on 10-7-2017 by SteamyJeans because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-7-2017 by SteamyJeans because: (no reason
edit on 10-7-2017 by SteamyJeans because: (no reason given)