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Unexpected Bible prophecies explanations.

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posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 04:45 AM
Let me talk for a while about the Morning Star. In the Book of Revelation we find this expression twice:

Revelation 2:28 I will also give that one the morning star.

Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.

How can Christ give himself to the victors of the church of Thyatira?

We know that these victors over FAITH & RIGHTEOUSNESS will be given a POLITICAL POWER.

So, why does Christ calls himself the bright Morning Star?

We know that Venus is said to be the morning star, the 'star' coming at the sunrise in the sky. Venus is the planet of LOVE related to the first church, Ephesus. Christ himself is the King of Love. But as king, he has also a political power, but a power under the auspices of Love.

When Christ gives the morning star to the victors of the 4th church he gives a visible symbol of his political power, a MANDATE as Christ's representatives, for the citizens of the New Jerusalem to recognize them.

You surely have noticed that, except for the two first churches the numerous victors (the vast majority) of which will receive the Life in the New Jerusalem, Christ always gives something specific to identify the responsibles of a given level of authority and capacity:

THYATIRA: morning star. POLITICS.
SARDIS: white clothes. HEALING.

edit on 31-7-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: John4564
THYATIRA: morning star. POLITICS.
SARDIS: white clothes. HEALING.

As you can guess, each one of these churches symbolical objects is part of what Christ has or is himself in one of the verses of the Book of Revelation, including for the two first churches.

I would like here to emphize the chronological order of the 7 churches related to the moment he returns. You probably never saw this analytical approach. See how it could change your perspective.

Each of the 7 churches has a time reference below.

church 1: Rev 2:5...Repent and do the things you did at first...

church 2: Rev will suffer persecution for ten days...

church 3: Rev 2:16...Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you...

church 4: Rev 2:25...except to hold on to what you have until I come...

church 5: Rev 3:2...Wake up!...But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you...

church 6: Rev 3:11...I am coming soon...

church 7: Rev 3:20...Here I am! I stand at the door and knock...

You must keep in mind the 7 fractal durations: 1,000 + 500 + 250 + 125 + 62.5 + 31.25 + 15.625 years. Note how the two first churches are far from Christ's return. The latter doesn't give any hope about his impending Coming. On the contrary, he first speaks about what the 144,000 did FIRST in the first millennium (what confirms his view on reincarnation), then the time they will suffer beyond that first period.

A word about the 10 days of suffering in the second church for which you probably and unfortunately never saw the least relevant interpretation. This would have helped you so much to see the whole picture.

Of course, this is not a duration but a number of lives...ending with the suffering on the day of their death, ten times, in the said church period! Is it relevant with the duration of the said period? YES! 500 years / 10 = 50 years. A very good average time of life between 1034 and 1533! The average life expectancy in the Middle-Age was about 50 years! THAT is what I call a great clue to deduce the doubling law of the 7 fractal periods.

church 1: Rev 2:5...Repent and do the things you did at first...

church 2: Rev will suffer persecution for ten days...

From now, in 1533, time accelerates much more and Christ, unlike for the two first churches, starts to speak about his return (within the next 500 years). Note the word 'otherwise' associated to 'I will SOON come' in the third church, different from the 'I am coming SOON' of the 6th church.

church 3: Rev 2:16...Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you...

church 4: Rev 2:25...except to hold on to what you have until I come...

Now we have reached the year 1908 after the four first churches. Time accelerates far more than the last two periods 375 years long. It remains about 110 years, a little bit more than a century. The finish line is so close. At that time, the oldest child, sister Lucia, is born and Lady of Fatima, the lastest mother of Christ, is about to appear to her to warn the world in 1917 with 'her UFO', 'her Dancing Sun', reminding us the Light of the World. See how Christ will come like a thief...related to an UFO, also reminding us this expression linked to the rapture in many verses!

Both the expressions 'wake up' and 'like a thief' imply the notion of proximity in time. It means that the future tense has now changed its time scale because of this new 'urgency'. This explains that after 'until I come' we have 'I will come'.

Christ starts 'in 1908' with 'wake up!' for the next 63 years, then 'I am coming soon' for the following 32 years. Christ knows that some of the people born in 1908 will still be on earth when he will come.

But in 1972, at the end of the 5th church, his future parents of the endtimes - the Two Witnesses - are born.

church 5: Rev 3:2...Wake up!...But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you...

church 6: Rev 3:11...I am coming soon...

We now are in 2002!

His future British royal parents have met together. They are adults and are about to marry and have children. His future parents of the endtimes - the Two Witnesses - start to speak each other, and then meet and love each other, and then definitively live together in the last 12 years before he returns. Christ is behind the door!

church 7: Rev 3:20...Here I am! I stand at the door and knock...

Of course, you have noted the progressive changes in the choices of the tense for the word 'come', when used in the 7 churches (I will come, I come, I am coming, I am here): future, then present, then past (when he is here he is not coming anymore).

You also have noted the parallel between the symbolical objects and the announcements of his return in the 7 churches. Only the two first churches don't have neither a symbolical object, nor a warning of his Coming. No coincidence...of course.

Do you see how marvelously strengthened is the 7 fractal calculation of the 7 churches?

edit on 31-7-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 01:29 PM
I have so many things to share with you that I sometimes forget some 'details'. I have another confirmation of the 7 fractal periods to know Christ's return (August 2017).

I showed above that the two first churches don't have any mention of Christ's Coming. This starts with the 3rd church in 1533. From that moment on, Christ evokes, in the churches' exhortations, the time of his Coming in a future progressively shorter, with a change of tense (future, present and past of the word 'come').

What did happen in this 16th century that would make him suddenly choose to talk about his return? Answer:


So, Christ can now speak about his returns because Daniel, 6 centuries before the Book of Revelation, has been provided on purpose with the count of the 'sevens' in 70 'sevens', 62 'sevens' and 7 'sevens' to define major endtimes steps, including his Coming with the Prince of Greece, the famous Anointed One, the ruler!

But one needed the right Gregorian calendar starting date from which these 'sevens' are to be counted (1582 + (62 x 7) = 2016) and beyond the condition of which Christ therefore comes.

Once Christ reaches the third fractal period of the 7 churches, those of the appearance of the Gregorian endtimes calendar, he therefore can speak about his Coming! Clear, isn't it?

As I said, nothing is given for free in the Book of Revelation. All is extremely logical.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 11:47 PM
What is interesting with the prophecies in the Book of Daniel, related to 1) the starting date of the four beasts periods (Dan 7), and 2) the starting date of the 62 'sevens' and the 70 'sevens' (Dan 9), the two most major steps of the whole picture, is that they have the same date:

1) OCTOBER 15 1066: first day after the Battle of Hastings leading William the Conqueror to rule over England, provided that this king was the first of the 18 kings of the House of Plantagenet (first beast in Dan 7).

2) OCTOBER 15 1582: first day starting the Gregorian calendar from which are calculated the 62 and 70 'sevens' beyond which respectively come 1) the Anointed One, the Ruler (new William in Dan 9), being the Prince of Greece coming with George Christ (Dan 10), and 2) the New Jerusalem, the Most Holy Place (Dan 9), being defined as such in Hebrews 9 with Jesus Christ entering it thanks to his own blood sacrifice.

So, when one thinks about the OCTOBER 13 1917 Lady of Fatima UFO show (being OCTOBER 14 in New Zealand), at the very beginning of the 5th church, and 100 years from the return of Christ, we can say that OCTOBER 15 1917 was the first day since the warning of the coming endtimes with the UFO.

As you already know, I stated that August 21 2017 is the last day of the Christian era calculated with the 7 churches / 7 fractal periods since April 7 33 A.D. (Christ's resurrection). It is also the virtual date of the return of Christ ('virtual' as long as the UK UFO event of the return of the four human living creatures has not taken place yet) from which we can count the 7 (+ 1) seals fractal periods made of multiples of 84 days (12 x 7 days).

There are 55 days between AUGUST 21 and OCTOBER 15 2017. We are therefore still in the White Horseman period (Christ's return) of 84 days. What kind of event could we expect on OCTOBER 15 2017? None!

The reason is that we are beyond the end date of the Christian era and the return of Christ. BUT, when you add 84 days beyond AUGUST 21 2017 you get NOVEMBER 14.

This means that NOVEMBER 15 2017 is the beginning of the RED HORSEMAN period, those of the War in Heaven!

And what could be the first event of that period?


edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 11:56 PM
By the way, we are AUGUST 1st 2017!

Welcome in the most important month since 2,000 years with the return of Christ. How many people since then have talked about this event? How many have prayed for it?

What will you say in your prayers in September with Christ then on earth?

If I am right with the date of August 5th 2017 as the rapture date of the future Two Witnesses at Orleans, France, you should stay tuned to the news in the days beyond that date.

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 03:18 AM
Allow me to give you an advice which could seem to be 'ridiculous' today, but which could change your fate: pray our Father, the prayer for the End Times.

Our Father is the prayer recited for two thousand years, by all the Christians, that is to say billions of people since the beginning of the Christian era, whatever community they belong to (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc.). But what people do not know is that it describes the End Times.

The Lord's Prayer, also called the Our Father and the Pater Noster is a venerated Christian prayer that, according to the New Testament, was taught by Jesus to his disciples. This is the most widespread prayer among Christians, regardless of the denomination to which they belong, because it was taught by Jesus Christ himself to his apostles.

Two forms of it are recorded in the New Testament: a longer form in the Gospel of Matthew [6:5–13] as part of the Sermon on the Mount, and a shorter form in the Gospel of Luke [11:1–4] as a response by Jesus to a request by "one of his disciples" to teach them "to pray as John taught his disciples".

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts (or sins),
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. (or devil).
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

The structure of the "Our Father" consists of two main parts. [...] The first three requests: their eschatological character is generally accepted.

Undoubtedly, the Apocalypse of John is related to that prayer by its eschatological character. The end of the book talks about the New Jerusalem in which God must reign. This New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven physically on Earth. It has very precise dimensions.

Besides this prayer specifically asks to be nurtured and protected, as the Apocalypse reveals that God will nourish and protect the Great Multitude in the New Jerusalem, it asks God to forgive us as we forgive others, 'AS' meaning 'BY MEASURING OUR PARDON TO OTHERS'! This mirror effect is essential to understanding the selection of individuals.

Finally, the request not to be led to temptation and to be delivered from evil (Devil) is in a direct relationship with the presence of Satan on Earth (or around the Earth in a malicious ET spaceship) that influenced our decisions during the first 6,000 years of 'creation' of the Earth.

Our delivery from the evil (or devil) is directly linked to the imprisonment of Satan for 1,000 years, that is to say the 7th Day of God during which He will rest after the End Times SINCE God will not have to answer the prayers of:

1) protection against evil, the devil being then in jail,

2) feeding since it will already be the case.

These 1,000 years will then be used to assess our true selves without the influence of the Devil before the Last Judgment.

So, from the point of view of God and of Christ, those who have recited this prayer, joining sincere thoughts to actions, will be those who will be in the New Jerusalem.


Maybe you think that just deserving to be taken, according to YOUR criteria, suffices to be taken? What about what Christ said himself:

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

If you don't ask to be in the New Jerusalem through this Lord's prayer you won't be in the New Jerusalem, provided that you will be regarded to be without faith, the very first of all the virtues mentioned in the 7 churches' letters. What could you do in a world you don't belong to? What do you make of HUMILITY?

Everything is of an extreme logic and rigor from God's and Christ's viewpoint.

Regarding the opportunity that remains to be saved and to be with the Great Multitude, DESPITE THE TRIBULATIONS TO COME WHICH WILL TEST US TO THE EXTREME, we could say that praying the Father sincerely and acting according to love, compassion, faith, open mind and forgiveness, will be the best option that will remain to us.

We are talking about A PERSONAL PRAYER!

Saying THAT Thy kingdom come, or THAT Thy will be done, or THAT hallowed be thy name, this is not the skills and decisions of God that are questioned. It is the WILL of the one praying to be part of this reign and to belong to the group of those who will see the Father as requested!

Implicitly, by asking, the one begging requests to be part of God's people. It is a way to PERSONALLY express one's PERSONAL wishes, not a simple wish that a vague spiritual change happens on earth in the general sense.

It is a PERSONAL plea for God to accept YOU, PERSONALLY, in return to YOUR PERSONAL DEMAND. It is like saying:

MAY I be among those who will see the name of the holy Father, His kingdom on earth and His will respected, since this is MY desire to see them. MY desire to join the Plan of the Father!

To the extent that God is omniscient and omnipotent, one asks this omniscience and omnipotence to come to Earth and for YOU to, PERSONALLY, witness them. It is said that desires are the creative forces of our lives.

Desires create reality...create experiences for ourselves! HERE IS YOUR SO SACRED FREE WILL THAT GOD GAVE TO YOU! Make it something useful and efficient...

The Our Father is the expression of this personal desire to be with the Father when He comes to reign on Earth.

You now understand what I meant when I recently told you that only your personal strong relationship with God matters. Now, you know what to do...don't you?

So, while Christ will be on earth with his new parents, the Two Witnesses, you'd better turn your heart to God with this essential and vital prayer, for Christ won't hear you in his Male Child body.

Will you just forget that prayer when you will most need it?

edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 04:47 AM
Remember the keys and the doors?

Rev 1:18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

Rev 3:7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.

Remember this in page 7:

originally posted by: John4564
Could there be a clearer link between the British royals (proved modern lineage to king David through the mothers' line) and Christ but through the KEYS of DEATH / HADES and DAVID at the very beginning of the Book of Revelation?

As a matter of fact, this 6th church, tying Christ to William and Kate through the keys of David/Death/Hades, echoes the 6th trumpet / 6th bowl with the very same people (with Charlotte), the four angels identified by their common British royal coat of Arms in Rev 9, leading the War of Armageddon.

See how the TRUE WITNESS - George Christ - is in the 7th the end of which come the TWO WITNESSES! - William and Kate! Both being RULERS at one point in time!

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

So, Christ holding the keys of Death and Hades and David means that Christ will come to take the future Two Witnesses / new William & Kate very soon, the same way he will return with them at the same time. Holding the keys means using these keys to open the door that none can shut, that is say to trigger the endtimes with the coming of the Holy Family!

When Christ shuts the door, the endtimes are over. And none will be able to open that door anymore but him.

Since the very beginning of the Book of Revelation Christ speaks about keys and doors, implicitely. The parallel between the keys of Death and Hades (Rev 1) and the key of David (Rev 3), only exception to the perfect similarities of the descriptions of Christ between Rev 1 and Rev 2 & 3, emphizes the connection of three people (William, Kate and George) with the British monarchy, itself from the Hebrew royalty lineage (king David).

First, this is what comes at the beginning of the endtimes since evoked at the beginning of the Book of Revelation.

Second, the keys of Death / Hades / David are related to the 6th church, those of the period between 1971 and 2002. At that time, the future parents of Christ were born and were contacted by the heaven to warn them about their future full involvement with the benevolent ETs through specific visions of the future!

Premonitary visions multiplied since then at an accelerated rate, with many of them having come true. Those still to come are logically for the impending future.

Among these visions were places with doors!

Most of them had to be opened by the future Two Witnesses. But very few had to be opened by the heaven. Some were opened, indeed, with specific results. Forgive me to undisclose the circumstances showed in the said visions.

But the one we are waiting for intently, before other doors still to be opened once the departure door has been crossed, has some time references attached to it. For example:

DOOR H and DOOR 2012.

The first one corresponds to Hawaii where I traveled to, in the vision, alone in a plane waiting for the door to be opened, while the second corresponds to the year 12, the year 2012 being given to speak about the time unit of that number (= years) since the circumstances of that door 2012 still to be crossed in the vision, now came true, were far beyond 2012. It just remains that door to be crossed.

It happens that I went to Hawaii by plane alone (without the other Witness) in August 2005, 12 years ago!

When I went to the airport on August 6th 2005 to take the plane, I started my new life with the other Witness, after having spent time with her two years before, that I definitively lived with on...August 21st 2005, after my trip to Hawaii!

So, these 12 years end on August 5th, giving to another heavenly intel a deep meaning:

'we will come to take you on December 31st'.

This symbolical December 31st, the context of which fits with the actual one, is August 5th, of course, day before our reunion in 2005.

So, when I heard last October 31st 2016:

'Christ comes the 5th',

I suspected that it would be AUGUST 5th 2017, 12th anniversary of that capital moment, especially because Christ has the KEYS of Death and Hades to open their doors, along with his own return!

My point is to say that the doors these keys are supposed to open were showed to us in visions!

PS: note that Rev 6:8 says ...Death, and Hades was following close behind him. HIM! This proves that Death is a MAN, not a state of 'lack of life'. Otherwise John would have said 'IT'.
edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 08:02 AM
So, while I speak about the start of the 1,260 days of the ministry of the Two Witnesses when addressing August 21th 2017 (end of the Christian era and Great American Solar Eclipse), I could also speak about their end.

Remember that I talked about the Three Days of Darkness as a possible event ending the Two Witnesses' ministry. But in my assumption, I also assumed that these 3 days would come ONCE these Two Witnesses have been killed by Satan, that is to say BEYOND the 1,260 days!

But there is another possibility which could better explain the situation: these Three Days of Darkness would be the THREE LAST DAYS of their ministry, like the Great American Solar Eclipse marks the last day of the Christian era on August 21st 2017.

Let us see what would be these days: August 21st 2017 + 1,260 days = February 2nd 2021.

So, the three last days of the Two Witnesses, before being killed by the antichrist, would be January 31st, February 1st and February 2nd 2021.

Remember one of the seers:

Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), known as the "Breton Stigmatist", embellished the story of the Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of 100% pure wax.

Guess what?

JAN 31 2021 is a Sunday - FEB 1 2021 is a Monday - FEB 2 2021 is a Tuesday!

Weird, isn't it?

But there is more. I said that these Three Days of Darkness would be triggered by the benevolent ETs, aka the angels of God, to finish the job of the War in Heaven.

In other words, with a massive appearance to defeat the last malevolent ET ships, the by-products of which would be darkness through thick clouds and black out, pestilence and hideous demons seen in altered state, the angels of God would be seen as evil for a long time, hence the sudden overreaction of the USA against the ETs, and the American alliance with Satan (new King of the North), against the UN (King of the South).

And that would explain a number of statements in Revelation 11:

1) Rev 11:7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.

Satan anticipates his defeat in heaven and comes three days before the end of the 1,260 days, from the Abyss where he hid himself and where he will be jailed back for 1,000 years, to attack and kill the Two Witnesses. As a retaliation, the benevolent ETs massively respond for three days and three nights to definitively knock out Satan's fleet once and for all. We see in this verse above that there are three steps: attack, overpower and kill them. Three steps, three days.

2) Rev 11:8-9 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial.

In this scenario, we better understand why people, from everywhere in the world, will gaze on the Two Witnesses' bodies, through their screens (TV & Internet), and, for those inhabiting Jerusalem, will refuse to go outside, after this traumatic three days event, to bury them. They will be afraid for these ET ships to come back. They will avoid to go outside for a while...until further notice.

3) Rev 11:10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

After such a dramatic and fearful three days event, provided that the Two Witnesses will have, at that time, 'displayed' so many UFO in the last three years and half, particularly in the first part of WWIII, people will celebrate the supposed human victory over William's allies thanks to Harry's / Satan's false claims. People will gloat over the Two Witnesses, allowing Harry to better take the power with the USA's help.

So, the word 'tormented' above could include these Three Days of Darkness. As you see, people send each other gifts. What is only possible in our modern days from one's home (Internet). But this celebration will be stopped by another event:

4) Rev 11:11-12 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

If the benevolent ET / angels of God would have taken the Two Witnesses' bodies as soon as their massive attack was over, the people of the world wouldn't have seen their resurrection and their rapture after 3.5 days, clearly showing their godly nature. The people of the world have to see this miracle...and to hear about:

5) Rev 11:13 At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

At that moment on, very few will continue to celebrate for it will remind people what happened to Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem:

Matthew 27:50-51 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split

So, beyond the coherent reaction of the angels of God (Three Days of Darkness) to Satan's attack on the Two Witnesses, the logical aftermath of these Three Days of Darkness seems to match the descriptions of the outcomes of the Two Witnesses' death in Revelation 11.

edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: John4564

Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), known as the "Breton Stigmatist", embellished the story of the Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of 100% pure wax."

The three days of darkness as prophetized by Marie Julie Jahenny are a Thursday, a Friday and a Saturday. And your quote is almost identical to the wikipedia article apart from the three days. So, where did you get your quote? From a different timeline?

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Paul1214

Hello Paul1214,

Thank you to point this out. That is very strange for I got this quote from the very same wikipedia source about two years ago for myself in a private article. I didn't check that one recently as you did. But be sure that it comes from the same source. As you say, everything is almost similar except these three days.

A conspiracy to cover the truth? This should be investigated.

The present quote is indeed:

Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), known as the "Breton Stigmatist", expanded upon the story of the Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of 100% pure wax.[3]

The old wikipedia article says 'embellished (the story)' while the recent article say 'expanded upon (the story)'. This proves that someone changed the original days of the week. BUT WHY?

PS: as a matter of fact, the reference wikipedia gives is not publicly available. Impossible to check these days!
edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 10:28 AM
Here is a proof that wikipedia changed their text about Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I found this French website quoting wikipedia in English in November 2014 (see at the end of the article):

Voici encore ce que nous pouvons trouver sur Wikipédia en anglais concernant les trois jours de Ténèbres (selon les "prophéties" catholiques):

Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), known as the "Breton Stigmatist", embellished the story of the Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of 100% pure wax

Marie-Julie Jahenny, connue sous le nom de la Bretonne aux stigmates, a nourrit le mythe des trois jours de ténèbres, en disant que ceux-ci se produiront un dimanche, un lundi et un mardi quand l'enfer sera libéré pour attaquer ceux qui s'aventureront hors de leur domicile et ceux qui n'ont pas allumé chez eux un cierge composée de cire 100% pure.

Given the tone of this article, you will quickly understand that I am not the author.

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 10:43 AM
I have found a French website fully dedicated to Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies. I don't see any days of the week in the part dedicated to the Three Days of Darkness. Maybe it's elsewhere. But something interesting lies in the middle of the text of the prophecy:

Des éclairs sinistres sillonneront les nues dans une saison ou ils ne se produisent jamais.

Meaning: Grim lightnings will furrow the skies in a season when they never occur.

Start of February is indeed a season when lightnings don't take place.

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 11:20 AM
I found another website where the initial quote from wikipedia is displayed Here:

Michael Sands 2y Feb 10th 2015, 2:53 AM

Is this the “3 days of Darkness”

“Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769–1837) is the most known seer of the Three Days of Darkness and describes the event in this way:

There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.[2]

Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), known as the “Breton Stigmatist”, embellished the story of the Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of 100% pure wax.”

That should scare the pants of you…

Even 2012newstart has quoted wikipedia in March 2015 on ATS!


Many Catholic seers and mystics such as Saints Hildegard of Bingen, Gaspar del Bufalo, Padre Pio, Anna Maria Taigi, Elisabeth Canori Mora, Elena Aiello, Mariam Baouardi (Mary of Jesus Crucified), Rosa-Colomba Asdente, Palma d'Oria, Pere Lamy, Marie Martel, and Marie Julie Jahenny, have prophesied the Three Days of Darkness.[citation needed] However it is not endorsed by the Holy See.[citation needed] Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769–1837) is the most known seer of the Three Days of Darkness and describes the event in this way:

There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.[2]

Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), known as the "Breton Stigmatist", embellished the story of the Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of 100% pure wax.[3]

edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: John4564

Well, probably it's just because of the Internet

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 12:09 PM
For the sake of the truth, I have made a research in French for the very root of this prophecy of the French seer. I found a book on scribd. On page 46, the Marquis de la Franquerie, who knew Marie-Julie Jahenny very well, quoting her, writes:

Les trois jours de ténèbres « SERONT LE JEUDI, LE VENDREDI ET LE SAMEDI, jours du Très Saint-Sacrement, de la Croix et de la Sainte Vierge... » Trois jours moins une nuit.

'The three days of Darkness '"will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, days of the Very Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and of the Holy Virgin", three days minus one night'.

How Sunday, Monday and Tuesday have been quoted is a mystery.

For the topic, this change is not necessarily a problem since we don't know yet what will be the real return date. As you know, I addressed several dates, including AUGUST 25th 2017 which would perfectly match these days, 1,260 days later!

originally posted by: John4564

Now, the duration of the 'occultation' in the benevolent ET multidimensional ship of the future Two Witnesses, could be 13, 21 or 25 days.

That makes a return around:

- August 17th = matching 'you have the right to stay until X/24/77' for the Hebrew date 25 AV 5777.

- August 25th = matching 'you have the right to stay until X/24/77' for 25 AUG 2017 (7 years + 7 years of common life of the future Two Witnesses).

- August 29th = 76th month since the wedding of William & Kate.

Unless, of course, these numbers directly give the possible return dates:

- August 13th = Lady of Fatima unable to be close to the emprisoned Three Children on August 13th 1917.

- August 21st = end of the Christian era + solar eclipse over USA.

- August 25th = matching 'you have the right to stay until X/24/77' for 25 AUG 2017 (7 years + 7 years of common life of the future Two Witnesses).

Note that Aug 4th + 21 days = August 25th.
edit on 1-8-2017 by John4564 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Paul1214

Certainly! But I investigated as you see above.

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: John4564

Thanks, it's very appreciated.

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Paul1214

You're welcome.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 02:47 AM
Click on THE NEW JEUSALEM to see a drawing of it that I just made.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 08:26 AM
Click on THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES to better understand the differences between Revelation 4 and Ezekiel 1.

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