posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 10:54 AM
It always amazes me that so many people are ready to allow government (local or national) to get away with holding secret meetings. Openness and
transparency are the key features of western democracy, and if we start throwing them away we will find it very difficult to get them back again.
Councils do have the power to exclude the press and public. They can pass a motion stating that their discussions are financially sensitive, in which
case the public and press will be gently ushered out.
As for the idea that the council's discussion might prejudice legal proceedings, that is a problem for the council. The assumption has to be that the
council's meetings are public, and individual councillors should conduct themselves accordingly.
It seems to me that in this particular instance, the council is behaving in a very undemocratic way by trying to evade accountability.
Council meetings aren't cheese and wine parties; they are the processes that ultimately affect people's real lives in the towns and cities that the
council serves.
edit on 30-6-2017 by audubon because: typo
edit on 30-6-2017 by audubon because: typo