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Is the White man the most oppressed?

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posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 01:56 PM
everyone suffers why do you have to make it about race seriously are u a bot how can people be so racist wer all human

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Gemwolf
And in addition... What is "oppressed"?
Someone being mean with you and your mates? Calling you names? Or the extreme of physical persecution and/or genocide? Oppression can mean a lot of different things to different people. Someone from Harvard or Eton will define oppression different than someone like a Khoi Khoi or someone from Syria.

There you go. I think this whole thought exercise wasn't really well though out.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Gemwolf

And in addition... What is "oppressed"?

I think persecuted is the word we should be contemplating.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 02:02 PM
That’s a ridiculous idea

He might, though, be the most oppressed in the hereafter-- Hell!

The Camel will pass threw the eye of the needle before a rich mans goes to heaven

Peoples ill gotten gain will one day catch up to them


edit on 23-6-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 02:46 PM
This whole Critical Race Theory bologna is really driving a lot of people up the wall.

When you are focused on brown, black, or white-you fail to realize all these colors are dominated by the $green$. Is civil unrest good for business?; you better believe it. You will continue to be divided along these lines and others will continue to profit off of your discontent unless you wake up and explore life beyond your artificially constructed social boundaries.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 02:59 PM
I'm White and male and have never been oppressed, discriminated against, encountered reverse racism or anything.

It just doesn't happen. Not here in America. I would say it's never happened in the entire history of the USA and Further back to the entire history of Great Britain.

IN the modern world the only white people that face discrimination or oppression are those with "I'm a Victim" attitudes. Take responsibility for your lives, write down some goals and plan out how to achieve them and start taking action steps and you too will stop being a victim.

It really is that simple.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: ADUB77

One word: women, colour doesn't matter.

They keep me up all night long and have me working my ass off during daytime, how am I supposed to ever see the light?

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

And you're both approximately 50% bananas.



posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: ADUB77
Hear me out! Lately, I have been hearing about white privilege and reverse racism. White people becoming the minority and this kind of ideas being floated around. This all feeds directly into the Trump/take the power/country back blah blah blah

It got me thinking, why exactly are there white people. After 14 seconds of thought I deduced that the white human must have spent a vast amount of time in a low sun environment away from the equator.

This leads me to believe that the white man became white through the harsh environmental conditions they faced for long periods of time, I may even speculate this is your Neanderthal that came back to Africa

So in conclusion, the white man has been the most oppressed in the history of the world thus why he's white

Those not born from the seed vault after the historic mass causality event who conceived & still concieve babies naturally are oppressed.

One common story is found in the Old Testament of the bible where one seed vault genealogy is explained. Noah's seed vault/ark.

Just as there are massive seed vaults all over the world today storing eggs/sperm of thousands of plants, animals and what is known to be called people, who's ownership to each of them don't share info with the public or with others like them, well, in history past, there too were likely many in those times. It is likely there are more seed vaults/arks that the public was ever aware of in those times & and in these times which is logical in view of the general public's acceptance of confidential to top secret info.

The minority are those born naturally. In comparison to artificially created "life" which there are more of. So long as people keep the rhetoric going that it is just one naturally concieved group that is the minority, what ever they decide it is, using lables like white, black and what have you, it keeps any inquiry off of the owners of the seed vaults who don't use sex as we know it to concieve and give birth naturally.

Bottom line is every person who is conceived and born naturally who has seen and/or experienced oppression is right and has been right. They are oppressed and being eliminated from the population. If everyone born this way would identify that and see the commonality they have with each other we would be a huge success. This was why Jesus Christ ministered to all the different people. People from the seed vault and those who concieved naturally. Jesus was of both. This is fairly well explained in his birth and his death and resurrection. He specifically explains in John about those born from water and those that can be born from the spirit. The woman at the well was trying to concieve a child but couldn't, she tried many times with many husband's/sperm doners. Read the book again. There were huge time spans where women and men could not produce off spring either naturally or artificially.

Jesus Christ has sheep that hear His voice/know His voice, this means that if you are from Him, His line from long, long ago, that He is your bioligical Father. That's dad. Abba. Jesus Christ also states He has other sheep but doesn't get into too much about who they might be, although it could mean they are a special select sheep/herd that have to and must obey Him. That flock is probably not sick as it pretty clearly states in the New Testament Jesus Christ tends/ goes to the "sick" only. Being sick encompasses mental and/or physical ailments. Jesus Christ helps us heal both mentally and/or physically in our naturally born bodies.
edit on 23-6-2017 by WhiteWingedMonolith because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

But in terms of each of us individually on a personal level, 95% of the time it's actualfly us oppressing ourselves with our beliefs and ideas that we accept into our minds.

i believe this to be a real truth. I am a white man and I have never been oppressed a day in my life. I make around 5k a year. i am dirt poor but still I can go into ANY place of business and get respect from those that work there. When i interact with police officers I can make jokes about having a gun (that I don't really have) or tease them about how they like touching me when i get frisked. All I will get is polite sorry for the bother sir and even a few chuckles. Any white person in the united states that claims to be oppressed is just a whinny little bitch who thinks society owes them something.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: amazing

It just doesn't happen. Not here in America. I would say it's never happened in the entire history of the USA and Further back to the entire history of Great Britain.

well lets be fair . Whits (irish) were oppressed in the states at one time. great britain made slaves out of poor whites to work on sugarcane plantations. It has happened but it is in no way happening in the US now. The white man has it better in the US right now than at anytime in their history. White people basically rule the world but I guess that's just not enough for some.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 05:40 PM
I think the more we talk or write about "race" the more it becomes an issue for people. "They" (SJW's) want us to obsess over it as it serves their purposes.
Smoke and mirrors people. All meant to divide us as people against each other.
Religion was once an easy way to pit the masses against each other but most of the world gave up on that.
So now it's race, gender, socio-economic status that they use to keep us at odds with each other.
edit on 23-6-2017 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 05:49 PM
Yes. I am SO oppressed.

Reelz OVER Feelz people.


posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 06:25 PM
There was a survey taken in 2010 uk says.. 92% white females, already have or like to sleep with large black male. Knows as 'BBC action' in girls circles . And 'snow bunny' in black men circles.

Soon as the survey been published. All the fake media went wirlal about penis sizes . Even main televisions.. saying black men dont have large penis. And stuff like link below..

Oppressed is a understatement..

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 06:31 PM
Hard to be oppressed when you don't gaf.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 06:49 PM
Non-oppressed whiteman video

Due to the adult nature of the video and you have to sign in to see it on U-tube I'll just post the link rather than embed.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Lol i would say if you make 5k a year you are oppressed. I made over 5k last weekend

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: ADUB77
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Lol i would say if you make 5k a year you are oppressed. I made over 5k last weekend

Hope you used condoms.. 🤣

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 07:14 PM
I feel to OPPRESSED!

I'm going to turn on MY tv and watch programming that has MOSTLY white people in! Then go shopping at stores that CATER to white people. OWNED by white people too!

Then I'm gonna WRITE my congressmen and senators (who HAPPEN to be white) about it!

And then order some PIZZA or SUSHI that was "AMERICANIZED" by some white dudes. I hope he doesn't get pulled over by a COP who will LIKELY be white...

SMH you people.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: ADUB77
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Lol i would say if you make 5k a year you are oppressed. I made over 5k last weekend

It's by choice. I don't agree with how my tax dollars are spent so I only work just enough to pay my bills.
The less money I give the government the better about myself I feel.

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