posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:49 PM
(this is not my cat)
My cat got his paw ripped off by a trap!
I can't even believe it! I really can't. I let my cat out this morning and he comes back to the house with a sizable portion of his right paw missing.
30 minutes...that's it. The same amount of time he is always let out for. The vet says it was probably a trap. The wound looks like a reverse "V" from
the middle of his paw out to his claws. The vet is trying to save at least 3 of his claws...but is not sure that will happen.
And, well, now he is in the vets getting surgery done. An overnight stay...because someone decided to lay traps down on posted property. Worst yet,
they set the traps, and seeing as how the majority of trapping season is over (most ends by the end of March) they just left them there. Not caring
that removing them would eliminate some of the chances of domestic or other animals dying accidentally.
So, I looked up some statistics on trapping and really, it is a horrible way to die. But also, it is quite alarming that it isn't properly monitored.
For every 1 targeted animal caught in a trap..2 unwanted animals are captured. Non-target animals comprised 76% of all animals captured in leg hold
traps in a 1981 study. (there are not many statistics available, as trappers usually just leave unwanted carcasses in the woods to die.)
I was going to write up a huge thread with pictures and stories and how bad trapping is. But I decided not to. I do understand that no matter what I
say or how I say it...trapping is going to continue. It is one of the oldest ways to hunt prey known to man. I get it.
But I do wonder if there is a way to make it more humane and also, maybe more safe for everyone. Is there a way to make sure that the traps set get
picked back up at the end of the season? All of them? And is there any way that trappers can mark the location they put the trap in or anyway to let
other people know what area one is set in?
Am I upset about it? Yes. I didn't expect that this would happen to my cat. Knowing that it is private property and we don't trap...I would've never
even given this a thought. But now that I do know about it, how can I locate any other traps that have been set on my land and get rid of them? Is
there a way to do this safely?
Just...just really upsetting...and I am thankful for any info/help anyone can give.
edit on 2-5-2017 by blend57 because: Always an edit! : /