Goatanic conspiracies...
Well... That for me is the first.
Here's my take.
Hiram Abif is likened to a goat because they scale mountains. On their own whims. Higher and higher.
Hiram was a high honor. And still higher he scaled as he died for his order. No higher than that can one go.
We are but the remnants of such olden crafts. Wherein... Found is a lodge with reenactment. Or out in the midst where trials are conducted to see if
this blind and ignorant fool has the makings of a man.
Those who crave deeper secrets are only responded to with horrid trials. If they seek... Find they shall. Death is often the calamity one is asked to
pay for the truth of the world. But there are many trials.
In elect of nine... There are the nine.
Bully, Coward, Liar, Theif, Joker, Proud, Beggar, Drunkard (Junkie), and whore. Then comes the grand elect Mason aka traitor. Then comes abbadon. Or
simply "A-Bad-Don". These 11 marks are branded into the soul and the flesh. Pass these trials and you can bare your soul before such holiness as is
the woman. Wholey, Holey, Holy... Etc...
No man who inquires of masons anything is innocent of the guilt and shame and calamity that is his soul. You are... Unwittingly asking of his
Be silent. Observe. Be silent. Contemplate. Be silent. Learn. Be silent and rise. Do or do not.
There are tests because we all as men have to earn respect, trust, honor, and spirit. Our enemies train. Whilst us as atsians linger in Blasphemies
and Sacrilege and Desecration. The nine and the one and one is 911. A call to the mighty. Are you one who can rise above the whole order. In purity
and Piety?????
edit on 30-4-2017 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-4-2017 by Pinocchio because: (no reason