+8 more
posted on Apr, 5 2017 @ 06:20 PM
Eloquent, elegant, element, elephant.
As you can see, if eloquence was a measure of anything, I'd be worth about a dollar and some change. Luckily for me, this is the internet, where my
insecurities are well gaurded and my overly pretentious mouth can roam free. Works for me I guess.
Anyways, that's neither here nor there, which brings me to the point of this thread. The point of this thread? I'm not even sure, but if you've
been paying attention to some of my recent threads, there has been a reoccurring theme, and my only fear is that the intentions may have gotten lost
within the obscurity, or the intended were just unable to read between the lines. So I guess this is my chance to be as clear and cogent as possible,
sorry if I offend you along the way.
Let me start off by saying that even though I'm a Trump supporter (if you can even call it that), I am actually (wait for it...) a Liberal. I live
in the most multicultural and diverse city in the world (Toronto), in one of the most socially progressive and liberal places on earth (Canada). So
having been born and raised here, it's hard not to be a liberal at heart, having lived and seen both the product and potential. I think it's safe to
say we are all liberals at heart. (Save the extremes)
Having said all that, I will NOT support the anti-Trump movement, because quite frankly, it is based on nothing but fallacies, and feeds on your
emotions and fears. I'd be a liar if I said I knew Trumps true intentions (Can you say the same?), but I can confidently say that I believe he wants
what's best for America and is actually trying his best to do so, we have to remember he was never a politician before. As for the anti-Trump
movement? Their intentions are crystal clear, and it's not what's best for me, you, him, her, America or the world. So this leaves us with 2
possibilities; Either they are all in on it (which we are screwed either way), or that Trump is actually who he says he is. So how can you not support
his movement? (Don't answer, rhetorical)
I'm not saying we should all praise Donald Trump, but what's the alternative? Get him impeached and let the same people that have been destroying
your lives for decades back into power? I think I'll pass. I mean does Donald Trump not deserve a chance? What has he been doing other then tweeting,
triggering people and following up on his promises? Where is this demon out to destroy our lives and end the world? Let me remind you that despite all
the fears and projection, nothing has happened yet. Take a look into the mirror and I bet you'll start to see the same things you claim to hate. Do
you not see the anti-Trump "movement" becoming the exact thing they claim to be against? (For the really ignorant, it's dictatorship and facism).
So many of you have been brainwashed, and are stuck in such deep denial that you've either completely lost yourselves, or just don't care anymore.
(See previous threads)
Just take a look right here on ATS. It's the same # different day, every day. People are not even arguing policies or ideologies anymore, it's not
even liberals vs republicans, it's become Trump vs anti-Trump, ego vs ego, stubborn vs stubborn, oh yea? Look at this vs oh yea? Well look at this.
Just like how we all have a bit of Trump in us, we also all have liberalism in us. So what does that mean? We are all just a reflection of each other,
which only puts us at war with ourselves. What are you really fighting for? Or are you just fighting for the # of it?
Anyways I think I've been blabbering on long enough and I'm probably running out of space too. The point of this thread? I still don't know, and
let's be honest, who even cares? I'm overly opinionated and overly pretentious and I think my words have some type of value. If you've made it this
far, thanks for reading. Is this even a rant? Meh..
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah........