posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 10:19 PM
What it do ATS???
Grizz here, aka Raw Intel, hailing from the capital of the box state (the one that constitutes the northeast 1/4 of the 4 corners...home of the San
Luis Valley, DIA, know the spot), USA. I've lurked like a jerk for years. I have a lot of respect for this place; when I used to spend
hours researching various conspiracy theories, it seemed as though all roads led here, and the most insightful commentary seemed to come from members
of this board. Seeing the way that the board has been trending as of 2016 or so, seems that the best way to get it back on track is to CONTRIBUTE!
I'm in my early 30's, married w/2 kids (my daughter is only 3 days old as I write this!), big hip hop head, big into poli sci & international
intrigue, big dude (6'5"), big heart...I try to be as unbiased as I can, and avoid slinging my opinions around, but I would have to say that my
inclinations are more left-leaning than right if I'm being honest.
It was the UFO's (those damned things) that brought me here originally, then Bill Cooper and the Illuminati...then, I really just started to enjoy
the intelligence, clarity and passion of the posters, and since the topics intrigued me, I came back. I haven't been an active member of any internet
forum in almost 10 years, so it may take me a little while to get my chops back - but I don't expect anyone to go easy on me
Proud to (finally) be a member! No VPN, no mask...I'm riding this b***h till the revolution!!