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I seriously dislike my generation.

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posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope

I think every generation has its good ones. I will always have a fondness for the greatest generation. I am disappointed with the selfishness of the baby boomers. I do feel like generation x has potential, but so much of this country's future is going to rely on the millenials.

It will depend on how history defines your generation... will the ones you describe define your generation? Or will the great ones come to the forefront when we need them?

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope


I'm currently unemployed.

I can build a wall, dig a well and construct sanitation systems properly.

I am a gardener, I understand disease and I know how to get a chicken to lay eggs often. Even have a bit experience in animal husbandry.

Woodworking is a piece of piss, for instance I'm confident enough to build a cobbler (boat) I can decorate, plaster walls... Pretty much do any DIY basically.

Mist of the people I know my age can do these things too because they can read, write and do basic maths.

Most people choose an easier life, heck stacking crap in a factory is reasonable money so why not... Did I mention I know how to lift without breaking my back? It's called education...

You can't blame those of your generation for taking an easier route and quite frankly you'd be an idiot to chase menial labour jobs that pay crap for putting your back out.

Machines will be doing all that soon enough anyways, I'll still love the story of John Henry's hammer but I'm not keen on trying to beat a machine. Why would I?

I'll always try to learn how to do a job a peasant could do, I'm more than a peasant, I'm a educated human being.

Try looking again, many of us millennials can do simple things. If god forbid society collapses I dare say many of us will survive... You know, if we have enough ammunition.

If you can read, learn and put into practice knowledge their is little a human being cannot do.

I don't mean to be rude, nor can I confound your post... It's either depressing, hilarious, ill-informed or maybe all three.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:30 AM
I socially woke up in the late 70's and the war of rock versus disco kept my generation divided, but both sides were against corruption and the way to protest was mostly the same, big parties every weekend.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:32 AM
I wasn't trying to argue against you. Your post just seemed more like my kind of response and less like yours. I recognize a sprinkle of vitriol when I see it. I know myself.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:33 AM
Don't worry every generation grows up to be what it once despised,

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: TarzanBeta
I recognize a sprinkle of vitriol when I see it.

If I were being vitriolic, believe me, you would know it.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

So working at McDonalds, while getting a degree that most likely won't get you a job - But if it does, it will likely pay 30,000 a year. While a plumber around here makes 60 bucks an hour....An electrician makes that or more. Someone skilled with a tractor that can excavate, or what not.. Makes that much.

I don't understand where you get your numbers.

IT is a field to go into, but so many people are going into IT that there's really not room for everyone.

Gardening and such are just more independence. Not always a way to make a living, but to make a life.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope

Well just pick what you'd rather be doing fishing,skiiing,hunting whatever then head for a place where this occurs and start there who says you have to sit in a cubicle.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope

Every generation is "worse" than the ones before it.

I think you're buying into the memes about MilGens a bit too much, to be honest. Yea, the generation has it's share of people that contribute very little and have no life-skills. Just like every other generation before it has had.

The difference is this generation has the ability to put it's most shining examples of ineptitude out there for global consumption like no generation before it has had.

The generation has it's problems, but so has every other generation. Hell, your entire OP is buying right into another meme about MilGens - "poor me, my generation sucks, please agree with me and listen to me tell you why I'm better than the rest of them." That in and of itself is the self-loathing/pity and need for back-patting that other people decry about MilGens.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope

reminded me of this;

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: deadlyhope
a reply to: RAY1990

So working at McDonalds, while getting a degree that most likely won't get you a job - But if it does, it will likely pay 30,000 a year. While a plumber around here makes 60 bucks an hour....An electrician makes that or more. Someone skilled with a tractor that can excavate, or what not.. Makes that much.

I don't understand where you get your numbers.

IT is a field to go into, but so many people are going into IT that there's really not room for everyone.

Gardening and such are just more independence. Not always a way to make a living, but to make a life.

I got sick of taking orders and being manipulated. I started my own cleaning business - very impulsively. No thought. I was lied to by the last boss that would ever lie to me.

Now if my work gets cut down to only 10 hours a week, I still make $700 in that week.

I think some people are afraid of not having a social club at work.

I prefer to be independent because I don't care about your girlfriend. And I don't care how much it costs me. I'm not letting idiots tell me what to do anymore. That's why I dropped out of University. I was tired of paying for Kindergarten common sense and lies.

There is just a lot of garbage out there. Society is a long work of fiction.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Awesome, I hope to do something similar myself one day. Start my own business, work for myself.

I think the thing that's stopping me is... Hmm, my life circumstances are not bad enough that I need it. I work for my cousin, and make enough money to get by ( more than scrape by, usually ) and I feel like I'm doing fine.

On the other hand, I really feel like I could aspire to be more if I could just find something I wanted to do, a service I could provide. I'm okay at a lot of things, but not great at many things at all. I just don't know where to start.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Fair enough. Not going to dispute what you're saying, actually.

Let me rephrase.

My generation sucks, and so do I.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope

I mentioned no numbers.

Bar work or working in a restaurant/food chain has always been seen as a means to an end, for some unfortunate ones (I've seen plenty as I worked those jobs) cannot get the education and end up in that field of work for too long.

It helps askew the job market.

Sometimes job markets are flooded because adults asked kids what they want to be and corralled them into certain fields... Sad but true.

Anyways who is anyone to tell someone they cannot study for their dream job, humans have ambitions, in a way I wish I had a clue on what I wanted to do, still I can save then buy my education. Push myself into a chosen field.

I know a few people my age with multiple arrows in their quiver, they get bored of bricklaying and become a roofer, take on a bar job for the craic. Educated people can do that.

Tbh their is a lot of wiggle room in IT, it's ever growing... Actually I'd say enough room exist for an echo, I know a guy who is a freelance reporter, uses his language skills to do lectures in India. He is crying out for others, I don't speak Punjab though.

Another friend, a Muslim owns websites that support people on their Hajj, he does ok too. The point I'm making is that it's not exactly difficult to make money online, you just need to put the work in. It looks easy but it isn't, a love for what you do helps immensely though.

I have a lot of respect for people working in IT, the good ones have that swan like grace, nobody see's the graft and hours put into a finished product.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: deadlyhope
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Awesome, I hope to do something similar myself one day. Start my own business, work for myself.

I think the thing that's stopping me is... Hmm, my life circumstances are not bad enough that I need it. I work for my cousin, and make enough money to get by ( more than scrape by, usually ) and I feel like I'm doing fine.

On the other hand, I really feel like I could aspire to be more if I could just find something I wanted to do, a service I could provide. I'm okay at a lot of things, but not great at many things at all. I just don't know where to start.

Start by not thinking. If you think, you'll find reasons not to. Then once you have committed to a contract or two, then you start to realize you can't bail on those people. It's your word and their inconvenience at stake.

I hate cleaning. I just have an excellent system, an eye for detail, and lots of agility. And it was the cheapest business to start.

I've tried other businesses since, but people don't know good photography from bad and think a Canon 5DmkIII is a sign that you're good. I've started blogs only to find I'm not a liar or salesman and people don't want to buy my opinion, yet. In the summer, I make 60 to 200 bucks for 2 hours of busking a night - singing only my own songs. Why play in a bar and make less and fight with venue owners and promoters who are, for the most part, stingy liars with no business sense?

I've produced music videos for $200 a pop. Real Estate photography. I've built two level decks in two weeks. Roofing, architectural, three tab, tin, slate - I've rewired and plumbed - now that I think about it, the only industry I haven't been in is the porn industry. I've even written programs I intended to sell, but anything that requires too much focus for too long out of me is not worth it, unless I enjoy it. In which case you couldn't rip me away.

Anyway, I'm not even a salesman. I just tell people I can do it better, then I prove it.

But the one thing nobody wants to do is clean. So that's where the money comes in the cold season.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: deadlyhope

Go back to school, all you want is that stupid piece of paper. If it's a month long course you can get it done in two weeks.

Just know what you want out of it.

It sounds like you like manual labour, semi and skilled jobs. Volunteer.

It's a dying shame (literally) how many trades will be all but forgotten in 50 years. It's why a genuine push is being made for passing of knowledge for things like stone masonry, boat building and metal working.

I'll guarantee you if and when a millennial shows up in a boat workshop and willing to learn from the old farts, those old farts will be filled with glee.

Many of them know they are the last of their breed.

Chase it dude because it won't chase you, whatever you choose to do...
edit on 18-2-2017 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 11:10 AM
You are so right...

It really sucks having an aptitude for computers and electronics..It's the worst having a career that allows me to make well into the 6 figures vs being able to drive a tractor or build cabinets.

Or not.

This idea that using yours hands to be a tradesman is some how a better approach is ridiculous.
edit on 18-2-2017 by opethPA because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: opethPA


Materialism vs practicality.

If the power grid fails for a few months, we all have to learn just how worthless our stupid IT abilities really are.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: opethPA
You are so right...

It really sucks having an aptitude for computers and electronics..It's the worst having a career that allows me to make well into the 6 figures vs being able to drive a tractor or build cabinets.

Or not.

If that's all you got out of the OP's rant, then you just proved the point.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: deadlyhope

Go back to school, all you want is that stupid piece of paper. If it's a month long course you can get it done in two weeks.

Just know what you want out of it.

It sounds like you like manual labour, semi and skilled jobs. Volunteer.

It's a dying shame (literally) how many trades will be all but forgotten in 50 years. It's why a genuine push is being made for passing of knowledge for things like stone masonry, boat building and metal working.

I'll guarantee you if and when a millennial shows up in a boat workshop and willing to learn from the old farts, those old farts will be filled with glee.

Many of them know they are the last of their breed.

Chase it dude because it won't chase you, whatever you choose to do...

A few things:

Going back to school does not help you start a business. It hinders it. It helps with employment only.

Secondly, yes, sometimes the opportunities do chase you, you have to pay attention.

Thirdly, are you making money from your own business? Because your advice is to put someone under the whip with others under the whip.

Hey, we need boats. But if someone who owns a boat supply business needs boats, they will pay. No need to go fill a void that isn't there yet to attempt to save an industry which isn't dying yet.

Emotions in the workplace do not match the books of the business owner. You only need to be an employee with an eye and ear for detail to know that.

There are two kinds of people in civilian life, like in military life. There are officers and there are enlisted.

Which one lies to keep you out and which one lies to get you in?

Consider it.

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