posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:14 PM
*slams Shed door and kicks snow covered boots off*
"Dang pixie dust...*sniff*...smells like the potent "Welcome Home" concoction. We must have a new family member in here somewhere?"
*runs down hall towards library, stops to give Marty a squishy hug and pulls her pig-tail*
*sees zosimov curled up in a huge green velvet armchair*
*puts hand out* "Hi zosimov! So nice to see you here! I've seen you on the boards before."*
*turns around and bumps into Chirp* "Hey Thelma! You are looking good today! Love that cool wave-y thing you're doing with your wing/fingers,
ETA: *apologizes profusely to knowledgehunter, for not saying "hello" as I ran past!* "So sorry I didn't see you there!"
In the hallway, *kaelci and jacy do the *shifty eyes* at each other before giggling and hugging*
*turns to the doorway and falls over crappiekat* "I'm so sorry, what a klutz...come sit by the fire and get warm!"
Hi everyone!
I just got home from driving in snowstorms. I only said "hi" to everyone on this page, so I'm going back to catch up now!
Hope everyone is having a good day,
edit on 13-3-2017 by jacygirl because: spelling, blatant error...oh the shame..
edit on 13-3-2017 by jacygirl because: I
missed someone. So I apologized.
edit on 13-3-2017 by jacygirl because: another spelling mistake. blaming the pixie dust.