Reverbs and I were talking about superpowers and this is our attempt to prove everybody has them you just need to find your "strong foot".
(He will probably totally deny he ever said that, but he's just shy.)
We came up with a few games and hope you play as many of them as often as you can with us, during this weekend.
No real time when it will be over. Just at some point during this weekend Reverbs and/or I will say that's it: Carnival's closed!
After that my muse, the genius producer of this idea and lovely assistant will see what he can do with the collected data.
Sounds fun, right? Telepathic games!
Before I explain them individually, here is
How The Telepathic Carnival Works
Your tickets:
Each game will be listed with a number. The guy at the entrance wants that, so what do you do? Exactly make it the first thing in your post.
Start of the game is if Reverbs, or I told you: Go.
Try to be in a state of "relaxed focus", but don't expect me to tell you what to do, play around try stuff, breathing exercises, a bit stretching,
whatever you feel helps you.
We'll be here most of the time, at least one of us, so if there are any questions: ask.
The Games
1. The 3 Parted Drawing
I drew a picture on my tablet, it has a black background and three different things in three different colours on it.
Guess as much right as possible.
I'll reveal it, if Reverbs has a 3 parted drawing he wants the world to see and the internet to preserve for eternity, or the carnival is closed.
2. The Future Dice Guess
After extensive research(none) I chose the mighty
Yog-Sothoth dice-roller as our tool.
You tell us you want to play, usually we start with a d3 if it's your first time, but you can say it, if you want to play big we can go up to
Then you'll make your guess of what the next five rolls will be.
Reverbs and I will check and you get your participation trophy and your name will be part of this carnival forever!
Isn't that awesome?
3. The Past Dice Guess
Works almost like the Future version, but here you tell us you want to play, we roll, tell you to start making your mojo work and...
see above, yippieh trophy!
4. The Telepathic Mastermind Symbols
No it can't be, right? No this can't be as freaking great as it sounds? Yes, yes it is.
You say you want to play and I'll asign these
five symbols in a specific order only for you. You have to guess the right order of them.
I'll tell you how many are in the right place, then you try again and we'll see how long it takes.
My personal advice would be to play this
5. Deny Randomness
Do you believe in coincidence? And Santa Claus? Ha! Everything has to surrender to the will of a mind! A cord in the fabric of the universe is no
So mighty mind-warrior step forth and weild thy weapon.
You tell me what number between 1-9, you want the monster of
random.orc to caugh out of his decaying cave of a
gorge and Reverbs and I will use ancient magic and mirrors to check if you did it and
thy shall be known as Defeater of Randomness!
So that's five things for the (as I very optimistically named it) I. of our Carnivals of Telepathic Fun & Folly!
Let's play! Let's hope someone wants to!
Come in! Have Fun!