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$100,000 to the first person proving Thimerosal (mercury) is safe to inject into children

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posted on Feb, 19 2017 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: grey580

Are your kids vaccinated? If so, why the concern? Vaccines work, right? I am not a big anti-vaxxer, but people with the mentality you just displayed perplex me.
edit on 19-2-2017 by SpeakerofTruth because: Typo

posted on Feb, 19 2017 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: SpeakerofTruth

And I'm perplexed as well.

I did less than a minute of googling and came up with a link showing the preservative is no longer in vaccines.

this thread is pointless.

And as for my mentality. Chalk it up that I don't want my kids exposed even if they are vaccinated.

If other people want to risk it and ignore decades of science. So be it. We live in a world where you don't see kids in crutches because of polio or with misshapen arms. And I'm not inclined to want to go back to that world where we see that if it could of been prevented. I guess I'm that special sort of jerk.

edit on 19-2-2017 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2017 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: SpeakerofTruth

And I'm perplexed as well.

I did less than a minute of googling and came up with a link showing the preservative is no longer in vaccines.

this thread is pointless.

And as for my mentality. Chalk it up that I don't want my kids exposed even if they are vaccinated.

If other people want to risk it and ignore decades of science. So be it. We live in a world where you don't see kids in crutches because of polio or with misshapen arms. And I'm not inclined to want to go back to that world where we see that if it could of been prevented. I guess I'm that special sort of jerk.

Then you need to contact the World Mercury Project web sight and let them know all their test were for naught or they must have tested some very old vaccines. Might as well see if you can collect the 100,000 while you are at it.

From the World Mercury Project website:

Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, is still in 48 million U.S. flu vaccines each year, tetanus toxoid, meningococcal vaccines and, in massive doses, in the pediatric vaccines given to 100 million children across the developing world. A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) review published last month found that the ethylmercury in thimerosal is as profoundly neurotoxic as the heavily regulated methylmercury in fish.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 03:29 AM

A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) review published last month found that the ethylmercury in thimerosal is as profoundly neurotoxic as the heavily regulated methylmercury in fish.

a link to that review would be helpfull

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

here is an interesting site

“Ten Lies” Told About Mercury in Vaccines

After a three-year investigation, a Congressional report released May 2003 by the staff of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Committee on Government Reform, “Mercury in Medicine” Hearings of the United States House of Representatives stated:

“Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies’ failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

the " prize " is a scam - and this is obvious just by reading the " conditions "

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: jaws1975

Sure. If you want to ignore years of science. And obvious visible eradication of childhood diseases from the United States because of vaccination.

Go ahead be my guest.

But keep your kids away from mine.

If they're vaccinated, what are you worried about?

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: jaws1975

uhmm... I think I made the op point irrelevant.

I also invalidated ALL vaxxer arguments.

There is no reason to not vaccinate if there is no Thimerosal in the vaccine.

This assumes that thimerosol is the only 'bad' thing about vaccines. It isn't.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: jaws1975

Should. But there is still a risk. Nothing is 100% effective.

And there are no guarantees in life, etc etc

Diseases like Measles are extremely contagious. 90% of people that come in contact with a contaminated person can get infected.

Ah, so you admit that vaccinations are not effective. Thanks for the admission.

Why take the risk?

Why risk having your kid dying of serious complications from diseases that were wiped out years ago? Just because you don't want to? Even if it's not dangerous.

Because I prefer that much smaller risk, as opposed to the huge unknowns when looking at all of the garbage that you want to inject into little babies.
edit on 20-2-2017 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: SpeakerofTruth

And I'm perplexed as well.

I did less than a minute of googling and came up with a link showing the preservative is no longer in vaccines.

And less than a minute also disproved this false claim by the FDA.

See 'Lie #2' here.

Seriously, you rely on the word of the FDA, the same people who tolds us for so many years how safe it was?

Sorry. 'Fool me once...'

And as for my mentality. Chalk it up that I don't want my kids exposed even if they are vaccinated.

That is your right - but I suggest that you cannot shift the burden of your desire on others - meaning, it then becomes incumbent on you to isolate your children and control their potential exposure, rather than use guns to force other people to inject potentially toxic substances into their bodies and the bodies of their children just to assuage your irrational fears.

If other people want to risk it and ignore decades of science. So be it.

This is a very tired, false claim.

There are no real,legitimate, long term studies proving the safety of vaccines, especially those with mercury and/or aluminum or other adjuvants in them.

Or... were you unaware that every study that pro-vaxxers point to were not true placebo controlled studies? Meaning, either the 'placebo' was an older version of the vaccine', or it was the vaccine minus the 'active ingredient', but still containing the adjuvants and/or other toxic parts.

We live in a world where you don't see kids in crutches because of polio or with misshapen arms. And I'm not inclined to want to go back to that world where we see that if it could of been prevented. I guess I'm that special sort of jerk.

Yeah... NOT.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I don't buy it.

So let's agree to disagree.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: Dr UAE
a reply to: 727Sky

here is an interesting site

“Ten Lies” Told About Mercury in Vaccines

After a three-year investigation, a Congressional report released May 2003 by the staff of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Committee on Government Reform, “Mercury in Medicine” Hearings of the United States House of Representatives stated:

“Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies’ failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”

Thank you for this link. I know of a few people who need to read this.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
And less than a minute also disproved this false claim by the FDA.

See 'Lie #2' here.

Seriously, you rely on the word of the FDA, the same people who tolds us for so many years how safe it was?polio/]NOT[/url].

And you rely on the blog post of Lisa Sykes, who somehow doesn't ever bother to post the sources of her data?

But here you go, it's from Johns Hopkins, not the FDA (jarring chord). Mercury amounts in which vaccines

And there before you, you can see that the ones with thimerosal are all multi-dose vials, which are generally not used in the US anymore, and the TT vaccine, which would NOT be given to your kiddo, who would instead get DTAP or DT for those five shots, and does NOT contain thimerosal.

A lot of the "bu..bu..bu..bu..but they DO they DO still have thimerosal" articles I've seen cited in this thread, where they weren't just regurgitating Sykes, were deftly dancing around the point that their cites were for overseas use in third world countries where they're using multi-dose vials for cost effectiveness. So if you're in Haiti, maybe there's a gripe.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: Subrosabelow
Thank you for this link. I know of a few people who need to read this.

Make sure they read this to go with it, and make sure they understand that a kid's tetanus shot isn't the tetanus toxoid only vaccine that Sykes is bloviating about. They'll get the 0% DTAP and the 0% DT shots for the five shot series. TT is only for booster use for kids over 7, but even then, if they get a cut, I've never seen a doc give TT if the kid's not allergic to TDAP. TDAP, also 0%, is the preferred booster.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: SpeakerofTruth
a reply to: grey580

Are your kids vaccinated? If so, why the concern? Vaccines work, right? I am not a big anti-vaxxer, but people with the mentality you just displayed perplex me.

Ah, a teaching moment. Leaving out the entire spiel on how your active immune system works, like so much of everything in the universe and biosystems in particular, everyone's a little different, and thus things work on a percentage basis.

The point of vaccines is to give your body a heads-up on what a specific biomarker "looks like". That marker, for a vaccine against a disease causing organism, is what your body will 'see' on part of a virus or bacterium if you become infected with that organism. Your body takes the pattern from the vaccine, builds a detection system, a way of marking that pattern with a tag that says "kill this thing" and possibly trains some scouts to directly attack such invaders as a delaying action while your body gears up for defense. Other types of vaccines clue your body in on how to destroy the toxins produced by such an organism, or maybe by a critter that's bitten you, as is the case for spider and snake bite vaccines.

Your body carries a bunch of different "recordings" of such patterns. A really big bunch. And some long lived cells that specialize in remembering this sort of thing can remember them for your entire life, passing the recordings down to their progeny. Some recordings are, apparently, tagged with "this was important for now, but later on, move it to the recycle bin", and for that sort of thing you need regular re-vaccinations or booster shots to refresh your immune system's memory.

But everyone being a bit different, some people's immune system sees the pattern from the vaccine and says "Meh" and ignores it. This is why they add adjuvants. It's a way of yelling "PANIC! PANIC! THIS is here! It's causing damage Right #ing Now!" to the immune system. Or, they might attach an adjuvant that's a pattern from one of those things your immune system remembers forever, in effect saying "Hey! Hey! This pattern here sometimes is associated with THIS one, and boy, you remember THIS one, right? They're related!"

Even then, some immune systems will still go "So what" and fail to seroconvert, meaning, it doesn't bother passing on the message. Or a few 'troops' will pick up on it, but only a few. And if your kiddo ever DOES end up infected with what they've been vaccinated against, they'll react quicker, but maybe not quickly enough, since there's not enough scouts or detectors out there for that particular antigen.

In addition, even if you DO seroconvert, remember, this is a biosystem. The memory is carried on in a number of immune cells that specialize as sort of libraries of these recordings, and inside some combat scouts who reproduce and pass the tales along to their progeny, but as time goes by, the recordings become less precise, or the cells remembering it die, and so as you get older, your immune response is still there, but again, it's not as fast or as precise.

And finally, vaccines aren't a magic shield. They pre-prep your body for dealing with a particular substance or critter. But it's a REACTIVE system. Your body isn't on constant alert. The wanted posters have been passed out, but the cops aren't geared up with rifles. You end up infected with the thing first. Then your body reacts by comparing the invader against things it's been taught. If it finds something similar in the 'library', it immediately churns out defenses tailored for that particular invader.

If it DOESN'T know that particular invader, generic defense systems go into action, the invader is dissected and analyzed, and your body eventually finds a part of the invader that can be used as an identifier, and THEN you develop defense systems against it, and then deploy them. That's how you defend against things you haven't been vaccinated against, or haven't caught before, or that your body WAS vaccinated against but has forgotten in the time since.

Vaccines don't prevent you from infection. They allow you to skip the time involved in detecting, dissecting, analysis, defense system design, and the first steps of deployment. That time is important, because it's why you die from infections or the sorts of poisons you remove by immune system response. Your body takes time to do these steps. So much time that the smallpox or meningitis or whatever has the time to totally overwhelm you, and you die, or suffer irreparable damage.

But you still have to catch the thing first, vaccinated or no. Vaccines work well enough in healthy people that you catch the thing but kill it off so fast you never know you were sick. Your body does really well in detecting and mounting a response that it already knows. It's not so swift for things it has to design a defense against on the fly whilst it's being overwhelmed.

In some people, they aren't well enough, or their immune systems don't function well enough that even though their immune systems know the invader through vaccination, they never mounted much of a response in the first place. So a few 'cops' in the body remember that mumps virus, but it takes them time to spread the word, because their numbers are low. Or the cops are so old they've got Alzheimer's, and it takes them a bit to remember. Or they remember the defense wrong. So it takes a bit for the body to figure THAT out. So the response is slow and weak at first. It's better than nothing, but not perfect. So these people will become ill, and still may die if the infection is bad enough, because although they've been vaccinated, they didn't file the thing away in the library, or the library burned, or the books are old and yellow.

Some people, in other circumstances, would fight off the measles they were vaccinated against easily. But they're sick, and all the cops are out combating the influenza they weren't vaccinated against. Or maybe they're your elderly mom, and most of the cops are dead or retired. Or maybe your cousin with the HIV where the Virus Lives Matter crowd have killed off all the detectives. Or in small babies where the cops are all newbies. They're enthusiastic, but not well trained yet. These might have been vaccinated, but the immune system is just too overwhelmed, incompetent, or immature to defend against a Zergling Rush.

So, yes, there are occasions that vaccination will fail to protect against infection from what you were vaccinated against. And those occasions make sense if you think about how your immune system actually functions. If you take it to the window licker level that most anti-vax sites go (Duh-ur if you were vaccinated how do you catch it durr) then it seems like it's useless. But at the level where you have some concept of what's going on, then you will understand that vaccines don't 'prevent you catching it', it's a way of letting your body have time to learn how to detect and defend against a thing while not being overwhelmed by it. It's a teaching tool. And like any learner, your body can ignore the instruction, forget the instruction, mis-remember the instruction, badly prioritize implementing the instruction, or be unable to implement the instruction.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 12:37 AM
This is where "herd immunity" comes in. For things that are contagious, the more percentage of the group that have been vaccinated against that contagion, the more protected the 'weak responders' are. Because the vast majority of the group will react to destroy their infection before they become contagious. That means the probability that the weak responders, or the ones never exposed to the antigen (unvaccinated) will BE exposed to the contagion are relatively low. So the immunity of the group helps prevent the infection of the people with crappy or untrained immune systems.

However, if a lot of the group have not been exposed to the antigen, then they will catch it at whatever rate the contagion infects, will become contagious in turn, and pass it around. If some of the group are vaccinated but most are not, you will find out who didn't seroconvert or who have compromised or slow reacting immune systems, because they too will catch the disease to some extent, vaccinated or no.

So when you don't vaccinate your kid against mumps, you are actually upping the chance of also killing your friends' kids with mumps encephalitis, even if they are vaccinated, because maybe little Joey next door didn't seroconvert.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 05:34 AM
There was a story a few months ago about glyphosate being in mothers milk and people's blood.. It is also according to lab test prevalent in small quantities in vaccines that either use eggs or gels to grown the vaccine.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: Dr UAE
a reply to: 727Sky

here is an interesting site

“Ten Lies” Told About Mercury in Vaccines

sorry, but that is a list of bullcrap

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: whismermill

A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) review published last month found that the ethylmercury in thimerosal is as profoundly neurotoxic as the heavily regulated methylmercury in fish.

a link to that review would be helpfull

i found it myself. From the study:

The difference in toxicity between MeHg and EtHg is likely the result of the more rapid metabolism and elimination of EtHg than MeHg and the amount of the mercurial form to which significant exposure is most likely to occur (i.e., MeHg exposure from frequent fish consumption vs. very small and widely spaced exposure to EtHg through thimerosal in multi-dose vials of vaccine).

so that website is making up something to scare its readers.

additional intersting snippid from the review:

the amount of mercury in a single syringe of vaccine from a multi-dose vial containing thimerosal as a preservative is ~0.25 μg/injection. If this is divided by the weight of a female human (assumed to weigh 60 kg), the dose to a pregnant woman would be ~0.43 μg/kg bw

edit on 21-2-2017 by whismermill because: added link to the study

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: JDeLattre89

Because, that was shortly before she started showing any signs.

So you made the connection then , not anybody like ,lets say .... umm ..a doctor .

You mean the doctor whom is paid by the pharmaceutical company to push their drugs on all patients no matter what in order so the doctor can get a bonus? That doctor?

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