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UFOS and memory loss, has anyone experienced this?

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posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Being honest and realistic about it seeing a UFO is not the sort of thing you forget in a hurry. Surely if a person has no memory of seeing a UFO then it means they didn't see one

Hi Ufoorbhunter, thanks for popping along.

I believe that each and every one of us has a different way of mentally managing this type of phonomen?

I think somewhere up the line I also said that my son and I witnessed something that we both remember very well, however we both do not have the same way of coping as my wife did/does.

Did you read the other posters responses too?



posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 08:24 AM
I was only joking
For sure everyone has a different way of dealing with the encounter they have, some will block it and others could well have had their experiences erased by something else. I haven't read the other responses, I shall do this.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Just don't take the bait friend.
I know you, and I know you don't lie or make up hoax threads here.

If people don't believe you, don't respond to them (if they're trying to argue).
A lot of us have had bizarre experiences, myself included.
I enjoy reading threads like this and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
I was only joking
For sure everyone has a different way of dealing with the encounter they have, some will block it and others could well have had their experiences erased by something else. I haven't read the other responses, I shall do this.

No worries.

Funnily enough I came across this pearl here on ATS which is worth a good look at and brings up a similar subject :



posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: jacygirl
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Just don't take the bait friend.
I know you, and I know you don't lie or make up hoax threads here.

If people don't believe you, don't respond to them (if they're trying to argue).
A lot of us have had bizarre experiences, myself included.
I enjoy reading threads like this and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Thank you Jacy.

I guess I am too sensitive and just hate it when I know I am speaking the truth and someone comes along and insists and insists...

But yes, you are right, ignore I shall



posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 09:09 AM

UFOS and memory loss, has anyone experienced this?

That's the topic.
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edit on Fri Feb 17 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Hiya Lag,

I had a sighting (with friends) years ago and my mind has never quite come to terms with it. It didn't make sense at the time and hasn't ever since. In a lot of ways, the brain is trying to reinvent what happened and make it fit into all the contexts it knows as reality. Some people seem to think 'couldn't happen' means 'didn't happen' and allow their senses to forget about it or change it something else.

I know what I saw, but don't know if I saw what I think I saw lol.

Sorry for being so rude Kandisky but I didn't ask you what you saw...

Are you able to describe your sighting?



posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Some researchers have taken the view that sightings are mostly psychological. That is to say they occur on some internal mental landscape that's broadly similar to how dreams appear.

This is what I'm leaning towards too as it explains why we see what we expect to see, given the cultural norms of the times, but...if this is the case, what triggers the synapses in such a way as to recreate the same (within a framework) experiences in so many people? Particularly in cases where there was more than one witness? It does suggest an external stimulus of some kind and so...back to square one.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: beansidhe
a reply to: Kandinsky

Some researchers have taken the view that sightings are mostly psychological. That is to say they occur on some internal mental landscape that's broadly similar to how dreams appear.

This is what I'm leaning towards too as it explains why we see what we expect to see, given the cultural norms of the times, but...if this is the case, what triggers the synapses in such a way as to recreate the same (within a framework) experiences in so many people? Particularly in cases where there was more than one witness? It does suggest an external stimulus of some kind and so...back to square one.

All fancy theories aside, I've been pondering for some years now, that perhaps most successful advanced civilizations tend to evolve towards some sort of group mind.

These tortured fantasies we share with each other (religious iconography and UFO iconography) could be evidence that we are crossing the quantum wastelands, with feelers towards each other and "sharing our dreams and fantasies" with each other.

It would be a newish ability, and not be reliable. Thus "telepathy" really doesn't work.. we aren't that far along.

There does seem to be a medium that some of us call "the Phenomenon" which acts as a mostly passive enabler.

Of course we humans love to blame all sorts of things for our actions rather than take responsibility for ourselves.


posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Well if it isn't my Sherman, lol!! And beansidhe too!

Definitely happy that I decided to participate in this thread...lovely to see you both here!

My own 'woo-woo' experiences do not include any ufo sightings (I don't think) so I'm always curious to hear of others' encounters.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: jacygirl

It's lovely to see you here, too! My compliments to the host for such a fabulous thread.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hey Mr Bear, great to see you too!

All fancy theories aside, I've been pondering for some years now, that perhaps most successful advanced civilizations tend to evolve towards some sort of group mind. These tortured fantasies we share with each other (religious iconography and UFO iconography) could be evidence that we are crossing the quantum wastelands, with feelers towards each other and "sharing our dreams and fantasies" with each other.

It would be a newish ability, and not be reliable. Thus "telepathy" really doesn't work.. we aren't that far along.

Or as Albert Ellis put it, 'we disturb ourselves'. I guess it's possible and telepathy is unreliable and currently pretty much untestable.

There does seem to be a medium that some of us call "the Phenomenon" which acts as a mostly passive enabler.

That is where these discussions end up, inner or outer world? If it's an internal experience, which can be shared telepathically, what is the purpose? We know that evolutionary leaps tend to be borne out of necessity and so why would we be developing this ESP, but not yet fully understand it? OR..if it is external such as 'the Phenomenon' then what is it up to and why is it affecting people in such a narrow scope?
I don't expect you to have the answers here, just thinking out loud.
edit on 17-2-2017 by beansidhe because: missed a word

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: beansidhe

It could be a lonely artificial intelligence seeking to interface with our systems (brains).

But contrary to Jeff Goldbloom and his Mac laptop, its not easy to interface foreign systems.

Internal/external.. Almost pointless..boundaries are pretty porous.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: jacygirl

Well well...

Flaming ferrett wench?

What hole have you been hiding in?


posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

My own BTUFO "summoning" had elements of the state of mind of a night terror. I've mentioned this numerous times.

These sort of occurrences seem to be started by one human mind, which snowballs to multiple human minds, and which may snowball into something quasi physical.

I believe that there will always be a "patient zero" but can't prove that.

Now does the Phenomenon also act independently as well?

That's impossible to say. Our own tortured minds provide so much fodder...


posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

What part of new Mexico?

posted on Feb, 19 2017 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe My older brother and I have always looked at the sky and discussed UFO's, plus we have had many experiences seeing things that do not seem explainable. For this story, bear in mind that my brother is a photographer and has always, even to this day, carried a camera with him everywhere he goes, photographs everything, and has a photographic memory. Also he never forgets anything...he even remembers doing stuff when he was 1 and 2 years old!!

One particular early evening when we were back in high school, there was an occurance of us seeing something while we were in our back yard playing frisbee. He was facing the house and I was facing the back yard, west, and could see the tree line about 300 feet back. All of a sudden, a light appeared in the sky that was bright and looked the size of Venus. However, as soon as it appeared it got larger and stayed in the exact same position but moved closer to us until it seemed to be right over the trees in the back treeline. The light remained in one spot for a few seconds and then began moving slowly to the left and seemed to be going right over the treeline of the neighbors in the back. My brother ran in, got his camera, and photographed it. Still have the pictures to this day but it just looks like a bright light. The next night we decided to go out about the same time just to see if it would come back. It did! And at about the exact same time too.

My brother and his friend said "we are going to drive out on the nearest country road and see if we can follow it, so they ran and jumped in the car and took off after the light. A little while later, approximately 40 minutes later, when they came back we all asked them if they saw it and/or what happened. They said they just went about a mile down this road and didn't see anything, so they came right back (this scenario would have been about a 10 minute drive then!). And they never mentioned it again.

Fast forward a few years brother was at my house visiting and we were discussing the several "ufo" sightings we have had in our lives. I happened to mention the time that light came towards us and said "wow, this one was really something! I sure wish you guys would have been able to see it once you got to the country!" His reply made me freeze in my tracks: "I never went to the country, we did? I don't remember that". I literally had to tell him about it again because he had no memory of going out to try and follow it! It shook me up because he has never forgotten anything before! And even still he enters trivia contests and wins, and can still remember things like "I took this picture on wed. nov 3rd 1987 at the simpsons house". He can even still remember what camera he used and what the settings were on the camera for the shot.

A weird side note is that, my brother took my copy of the photos home with him to scan in to his computer. I thought maybe then we could make out a shape or something other than just a bright light now that we had computers and photo software. After he scanned it in we looked at it zoomed in - and you can clearly tell the light was not in the sky ABOVE the tree it moved one of the photographs of it, it is clearly in front of the tree leaves! so that means it was not too high off the ground and a lot closer to us than we had realized.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 01:01 AM

A weird side note is that, my brother took my copy of the photos home with him to scan in to his computer. I thought maybe then we could make out a shape or something other than just a bright light now that we had computers and photo software. After he scanned it in we looked at it zoomed in - and you can clearly tell the light was not in the sky ABOVE the tree it moved one of the photographs of it, it is clearly in front of the tree leaves! so that means it was not too high off the ground and a lot closer to us than we had realized.

Great story

Would there be any chance of you being able to share those photos here Truth?



posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: beansidhe

Hey Beany, Kelly and Invaderz, great to see you all here, thanks for your input



posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe Hi Lagomorph. I would be happy to share them on here. Since that time I referred to in the posting - I have gone through an almost F4 tornado and lost all my pictures, but I am sure my brother has the originals. I will get them asap and post them on here!

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