a reply to:
Of course it's a religion. A fundamentally violent and oppressive religion. It is written into the very DNA of Islam. How can you possibly deny
Recognising that is hardly fascist. Not recognising that is very naive. Someone must have heard the phrase 'Islam is a religion of peace' one too many
times. Guess it must have stuck despite the ridiculousness of the assertion.
Now, judging an individual on their own merit is another question entirely, even though it would be rational to be informed by stereotypes pending
further investigation. That's how you avoid being killed in a Muslim no-go zone, or avoid being eaten by lions.
(Turns out it's rather rational to stereotype lions and hateful zealots
You're welcome.)
As far as individuals goes, I don't give a damn about individuals. I'll assess a group and the kind of influence it has collectively. And it turns out
that collectively Muslims are a very dangerous, destructive and hostile group of people. And that's the facts ma'am.
A persons behaviour AS AN INDIVIDUAL, is what dictates whether or not they pose a threat, not the faith they claim to adhere to, nor the politics they
claim to stand for.
Yes, sure. But every individual is informed and influenced by any number of factors in their life. And, *gasp* it turns out that religions are hugely
influential in religious people's lives. Or would you deny that readily apparent FACT?
Trying to separate religious fanatics and terrorists from their religion - the very catalyst from which their extreme behaviour arises - is one of the
most ignorant of liberal notions out there. Did you get that gem from Obama?
And who's talking about giving up liberties? I merely want to send every Muslim in Europe back to where they came from. That is how to avoid a future
police state, that is how to avoid war on the streets and that is how to protect our ethnic sovereignty. Not doing that is how you end up with a
several-fold increase in violent crime and rape, no-go zones and a completely politically divided country on a trajectory of mayhem and collapse. So
if you want to avoid giving up liberties for safety in the future I suggest you support the repatriation of all British Muslims.
So with all of that on stake I don't really care about all those moderates, after all most of them will simply silently cheer for their more extremist
brethren. They belong with their own kind, people feel better amongst their own kind and this too has been psychologically proven. It's a win win
situation really, what do you have to complain about? And don't use exotic food as some silly kind of kindergarten argument, its quite condescending
and racism towards both sides.
I'm tweeting the # out of that..