posted on Feb, 9 2017 @ 03:01 AM
I still don't see why there is not an official ATS IRC channel on one of the already well established IRC servers, that could have a chosen set of
moderators to control input if needed, run by the community itself.
it would replace chat, but be relatively separate so members who do go off the rails do not affect the actual forums. Sort of officially unofficial,
and I don't mean random member bob starting one, and claiming it is such... but a considered medium for members to talk in real time.
It would be no burden to anyone but those willing to be involved.
I've seen many other communities have such things, and sure, with a large enough number of people, it can be cumbersome to control, but a simple +m to
quell any rampant nonsense till such participants were dealt with, would be a means to an end, and rare from my experience with IRC.
There are plenty of IRC servers that maintain privacy, and if trusted selected members were moderators, I don't see the harm. and if you're the sort
of person who thinks that everyone is out to get you, you're not likely going to be the sort of person who'd engage in open chat anyway, so.. for the
rest of us, where there is a will, there is a way.
Hell there are FB groups for ATS that many older members are involved with. some closed, some private.
Just a thought... and one idea may lead to another, with the right incentives...